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neiv2 04-04-2009 12:00 PM

Now, of course, I have a new issue.

I am able to get into the world, but I am unable to zone to any other zone. Each time I try it, I am pushed back and told, "This zone is not ready to receive visitors yet. Please try again in a few moments."

neiv2 04-04-2009 12:08 PM

P.S. I am able to zone if I double click zone.exe a few times. But of course, this is not the ideal situation.

Congdar 04-04-2009 12:33 PM

might be your database tables launcher and launcher_zones
my launcher is
zone | 2
and my launcher_zones is
zone | poknowledge | 0

This gives me two dynamic zones and one static plane of knowledge.

when you start eqlaunch.exe zone the 'zone' has to match what you have in the first column of launcher and launcher_zones.

neiv2 04-04-2009 02:38 PM

Actually, the problem was that I had forgotten to include eqlaunch in the fire-up sequence : )

All's well now. Thanks.

neiv2 04-04-2009 03:23 PM

Okay, server is all set up and running. One final question, though. What changes do I need to make in the clients that are logging in? How should their eqhost read, especially if I have used for the server and these are local clients? Should their eqhost files look identical to mine? Anything else that needs to be changed here? My son's client machine cannot login for some reason. Yes, I created his account in the db.

Congdar 04-04-2009 06:32 PM means THIS computer that you are on. So for your son, would mean his computer.

From a command prompt on the computer running the eqemu server type ipconfig and press the enter key. You will see several lines. You want the numbers from IP Address or on Vista it's IPv4 Address. Usually something like and use that for your sons eqhost.txt file

neiv2 04-04-2009 08:48 PM

That was one of the things we tried earlier. We also tried using the Address that shows up for my server on the Login Server Status page. Still no go.

If any PEQ user who uses the Private Login has an idea (Aldest?), that would be great.

Angelox 04-05-2009 09:57 AM

That post I made somwhere for converting MiniLogin accounts to the new login system was pretty sucky and complicated. Here's my latest one that works from within MySql and is tested as good.


--- Converts your MiniLogin accounts to the New login acount system.  ---
--- Be sure your 'new_login.login_accounts' is clear before transfer.  ---
--- You can change directory settings to what you prefer.              --- 
--- Linux users need a "world writable" directory (try /tmp ).        ---
--- If you don't like the change, MiniLogin will still work.          ---
SELECT id,name,password FROM ax_classic.account INTO OUTFILE '/eqemu/updates/account_part1.txt'

LOAD DATA INFILE '/eqemu/updates/account_part1.txt' INTO TABLE new_login.login_accounts

UPDATE new_login.login_accounts SET `password` = MD5(`password`) WHERE LENGTH(`password`) > 0 AND (LENGTH(`password`) != 65 AND LOCATE(':', `password`) != 33) AND LENGTH(`password`) != 32;

You can alter the lines/directorys to fit your needs schema new_login is what I named the LS database.
If you had a Public Login account system, then the port will move the names over, but with blank passwords - you'll need to set passwords;

UPDATE login_accounts SET password=md5("NewPassword") WHERE name = 'UserName';
If you don't like what you did, you don't need to revert - since table account has not been altered, you'll be able to choose whichever LS system you want.

Aldest 04-05-2009 11:30 AM

I'm glad my file helped and I'm sorry I wasn't around sooner to answer your question.

It has been a busy weekend!

Aldest 04-05-2009 12:51 PM

Ok, I've got a new issue. Hopefully Angelox might have the solution!

I have previously been using leaf networks to get everyone in the same "LAN." It is unreliable and frustrates my users. It did work though.

I switched over to just using a straight connection from the outside to my home IP. It worked great... except for everyone in my household.

Local users could connect to the login server, pick a server, but never make it to character select. I fixed that by putting a host entry on the machines.

Now they can log in but every time they zone they get disconnected with this error message in world:


[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] jud: ID is 0. Is this server connected to minilogin
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] jud: Could not find a minilogin account, verify ip a
ddress logging into minilogin is the same that is in your account table.

Aldest 04-05-2009 01:04 PM

Disregard the above.

To correct this you need to change your server type from minilogin to public.

Aldest 04-05-2009 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by neiv2 (Post 167121)
Actually, the problem was that I had forgotten to include eqlaunch in the fire-up sequence : )

All's well now. Thanks.

How did you get this to work Neiv? When I click eqlaunch it just pops and disappears.

I've just been launching multiple zone.exe for a work around.

neiv2 05-09-2009 12:42 PM

"How did you get this to work Neiv? When I click eqlaunch it just pops and disappears. I've just been launching multiple zone.exe for a work around."

Aldest. I did not see this post when you posted it. Did you get this to work?

Cripp 05-09-2009 11:00 PM

make a .bat file that looks kind of like this..


eqlaunch launchername

eqlaunch zones
... the launcher name has to be the same name as whatever the launcher name is in the database.
check the launcher table

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