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Tyen05 02-12-2014 08:10 PM


Found how to crash anyone running macroquest by overflowing it in multiple ways.

Will release it on the forum at some point.

An crude example, guild id of 0 will crash MQ. Ofcourse you can turn off mq captions to bypass but this is an example

Tyen05 02-16-2014 04:37 PM

A lot of times when I post in here I use my posts as references so I can come back to it. So if it seems like I'm talking to myself, it's probably the case.

So anyway, we are pushing forward with custom client development whether Secrets decides she wants to be productive or not. Here is our current Prototype source (it's shit, but keeping things open to the community as always) http://eqbrowser.com/misc/EQLoginClient.zip

From my understanding, to properly send and receive an opcode and related packet we have to emulate TCP in UDP... i.e. 3 way Ack(nowledgement of packet) handshake.

Some data, like chat message packets, is sent encrypted but we have that part done.

We need the ack system, the tcp in udp bullshit, and we need the library to be 3 threads.

1 main thread, the packet processing consumer thread which we have written on our own.

What we need is a producer thread for incoming packets, and a consumer thread for outgoing packets, so there will be 2 shared "volatile" mutex'd stacks (incoming and outgoing packets)

It gets even more complicated since there needs to be 2 stacks for incoming and outgoing (aka 4 mutex'd stacks) because some packets don't need the Ack system like movement packets, and other physics based packets.

brokentechnology 02-16-2014 08:28 PM

"whether Secrets decides she wants to be productive or not."

Sorry, really irrelevant, but Secrets is a girl? If so, badass. Glad to see a female coder / dev :P (I think KLS is to right, or no?)

KLS 02-17-2014 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by brokentechnology (Post 228320)
(I think KLS is to right, or no?)

Only if you believe Cavedude misinformation.

brokentechnology 02-17-2014 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by KLS (Post 228329)
Only if you believe Cavedude misinformation.

Sadly cavedude has yet to fail me....Maybe I should look into his information source more.

Lord of Steel 02-17-2014 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Tyen05 (Post 228263)

Found how to crash anyone running macroquest by overflowing it in multiple ways.

Will release it on the forum at some point.

An crude example, guild id of 0 will crash MQ. Ofcourse you can turn off mq captions to bypass but this is an example

very nice!

Please share =)

cavedude 02-17-2014 05:26 PM

As far as I am aware, KLS is a man. She told me this herself.

Tyen05 02-17-2014 11:29 PM

Unity3d Plugin, a bitcoin-miner that integrates within your game. Users generate bitcoins for you while playing.

You have to email them for early access contact@icoplay.com


jcnv 02-18-2014 05:07 PM

Trying to follow along here. I've been lurking since whenever this account was created. It really seems like Tyen has the right idea about handling the EQEmu client with Unity, in browser and all of that. Whether users know it yet or not, I think this is going to be the end-all Classic/Titanium/Whatever client killer.

Are secrets' c# skills the last big thing that's needed to push forward?

Tyen05 02-28-2014 07:59 PM

Thanks pal,

I made a page to update on the most recent roadblock in development.


First post is explaining what needs to be done with: unity-client to Eqemu-server. All the source is available.

Null is putting the prototype into the Unity project. There is a sentence in there about eqemuauthcrypto, we are probably going to change encryption to SSL. C++ DLLs are not allowed in Unity3d Webplayer. They are allowed for Desktop, so the new unity project will have that included so the project can still connect to an eqemu server pre-ssl. The encryption methods on the server will change depending on the client connecting to it.

Also if you are a unity guy, and are interested in a job @ pantheon, send your resume and cover letter to jobs@pantheonrotf.com

Tyen05 03-19-2014 12:58 AM

Huge news for Unity.


Mozilla and Unity are announcing new deployment tools bringing Unity-authored games to the Web without the need for plugins, made possible thanks to Mozilla-pioneered technologies including WebGL, a Web graphics library and asm.js, a supercharged subset of JavaScript. Unity’s WebGL add-on will be made available with the release of Unity 5.0 later this year.

rhyotte 03-19-2014 02:27 AM

Seen that earlier today. Good news indeed!

Tyen05 03-20-2014 06:50 PM

Mormons approve of EQBrowser


Tyen05 03-24-2014 12:33 PM

Null added our C# networking prototype to a fresh Unity project so we can try and build the networking part of the client. It's separate from the main build so the focus can be on point.

It's still shit, but it's a start.


Tyen05 04-17-2014 05:56 AM

My asset extractor pal made a video.


Tutorial zone in Unity

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