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provocating 04-30-2015 02:53 PM

I remember playing in Vanguard the client was always laggy, I had completely badass hardware and it was still laggy. Is that the client?

xinu 04-30-2015 04:17 PM

Yea it's the client and how it handles spawns and such. The client lag was pretty good at sunset tho.

xinu 05-11-2015 04:30 PM

Here is some casting and spell animations Faux has been working on.


xinu 06-20-2015 09:52 PM

New launcher is now live along with a complete character/account wipe since there has been so many schema changes most of the preexisting characters were not getting the benefit's of newly added features.


xinu 07-10-2015 04:02 PM

Melee combat is starting to take form thanks to Zippy.


provocating 07-11-2015 12:20 AM

That is pretty incredible.

xinu 08-01-2015 01:43 PM

A year ago.


rhyotte 08-02-2015 02:10 PM

Book marked the site, just for grins.

xinu 08-30-2015 02:28 PM

Sorry it's been awhile since I have given a update but i think you will like this one.

-Updated code to cancel casting. Added code to remove a beneficial effect. Changing the buff structure to support how the client wants to remove a beneficial effect, reintroduced the stacking issue of buff icons. If you cast a high level buff and then try lower level buffs, it will block them. If you cast your buffs from lowest version to highest, it will only apply the highest buff, but it will still show the icons for the lower level buffs. Its just a display issue.

-Added attribute per level increase values

-Added support for short term buffs to the attribute code.

-Brought the NPC attribute code up the the same level as the PC code.
-Made NPCs have HPs based on their level.

-Initial implementation of encounter windows.

-Added allocation point handling (both adv and craft).

-Added in foundation for trading you get all the windows and can add items and coins just once both parties hit accept the windows disappear just nothing is added/deleted yet.

-Now have the following commands from the console Broadcast, Announce, Tell, Who, Kick, GetMOTD, SetMOTD, Shutdown [Time] [interval]

-Implemented basic Randomization of NPCs

Now for the good stuff which i expected to have something to show you long before now but the person that was suppose to be working on the system kept saying for weeks he was almost done but never showed us anything and then just disappeared. :(

So since the basic implementation of combat was done Zippyzee decided to work on the quest system so we can put our content people to work. So after two weeks i give you the first look at questing (still a work in progress). :)



provocating 08-30-2015 02:31 PM

Any progress at all is exciting progress. You guys are making great momentum.

xinu 01-05-2016 07:47 PM

New progress video available.


provocating 01-05-2016 07:51 PM

Absolutely incredible the progress you guys have made.

xinu 05-10-2016 06:15 PM

Greeting's since it's time for a update figured I would give you some stats this time instead
of commit logs. Our content team has been kicking butt so this one is for them and all the
hard work they have been doing.

Following adventuring quests have been scripted per chunk
(Only Adventuring has been touched and some quest rewards still need to be added)

Bordinars Cleft - 67
Caial Brael - 29
Cliffs of Ghelgad - 23
Dahknarg - 73
Grimsea Watch - 6
Halgarad - 5
Hathor Zhi - 13
Isle of Dawn - 37
Khal - 70
Leth Nurae - 70
Lomshir - 41
Martok - 30
Shang Village - 12
Tursh Village - 44

Total - 520

Spawn scripts which include hailing, Quest dialog, Quest drops etc etc

Bordinars Cleft - 152
Caial Brael - 285
Cliffs of Ghelgad - 70
Dahknarg - 178
Grimsea Watch - 8
Halgarad - 12
Hathor Zhi - 17
Isle of Dawn - 39
Khal - 379
Leth Nurae - 99
Lomshir - 182
Martok - 405
Ocean Watch - 10
ShangVillage - 13
Tanvu - 335
Three Rivers Village - 8
TurshVillage - 335

Total - 2527

Spell scripts we just started working on not that long ago but they are coming along nicely.

I would like to personally thank everyone on the team for dedicating their free time to help bring
Vanguard alive again. Thank you

There was a concern brought up on another forum about us having limited data when it comes to combat and spells. This was my response to that concern.


Very concerned about combat and spells as you guys have EXTREMELY limited data.

Recreating VG combat, spells, and classes is entirely another.

Yes it is and I completely agree with you we probably never will get it exactly like live was and probably never will which i hate to admit but it is the truth. All we can go on is the data we have collected and the players input. The combat/class system is and will be the most difficult part of this project. There is so many little details that will have to be accounted for which we will try our best to replicate to the best of our abilities.

Our plan for a base line is to give NPC's access to the same spells PC's have (On top of any custom spells we create from log data) they will also have access to the same stats strength, intelligence, resists etc etc. We also are planning on adding the feature where if a mob is extremely resistance to one type of spell say fire and you hit it with a fire spell it could/will heal the mob instead. That is just one of the many vanguard features that we plan on implementing to bring the live feel back that people remember.

There is way to much on our road map to go over everything but I hope when everything is said and done it will be a game people will enjoy playing again.

Tyen05 05-10-2016 06:52 PM

Good work bros.

xinu 07-30-2016 11:44 PM

Some quick notes of recent additions.

Harvesting is now live.

Bows/X-bows should work now but there is still a animation issue which we should have fixed soon.

Day/Night spawning has been implmented .

Minions have been added to a few classes just need to script the other classes. (Note currently only suport 1 minion up at a time).

Various distance checks have been added mo more hailing a mob from 1/2 a chunk away.

HP updates on your defensive target should be more consistant now.

More values have been made into rules for easier adjustments.

PC's should no longer be able to cast or use items while stunned

PC's should not be able to move while stunned or rooted

PC's should stop swinging if stunned while in combat

Fix for dead npc's turning into the walking dead and still attacking you.

Vendor buyback is now working.

Vendor bought items now sell back at 80% of the purchase price.

Item conversion is now working (turning logs into planks etc etc)

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