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hybrid125 08-19-2009 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Shiny151 (Post 176995)
I've actually followed this guide and installed ActivePerl- and the only thing I can't seem to get functioning is connecting WAN clients. I'm not sure it has anything to do with Perl but just thought I'd throw that out there.

I'm using
EQEmu Server Rev884 w/Bots
I believe Rev 922....or 992 database, whichever is the most recent
and mysql-5.1.37-win32.msi

I'll try ActivePerl- when I get home tonight and see if I can get that working.

If that gets it up I'll have a friend try to connect over WAN and see if I get the same result you got and let you know.

Hrothgar 08-21-2009 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Speedz (Post 176905)
Well an update on my situation:

... My hangup is, no matter what I do, I can't get past "invalid username and/or password" when trying to login.

I tried various things: ...

I am in the same boat. I have tried for weeks with different usernames and passwords (sha and plain). I have the variable set to "Public" instead of "minilogin". I have tried various IP settings in the eqemu_config.xml and eqhost.txt (router address, lan address, server address,, dyndns address, no-ip.biz address, localhost). World.exe connects to the login server and I can watch the login command window reject my user name "Could not find user 5da4c2c" but I can't get past "Error - The username and/or password were not valid. Please check them and try again." on the EQ login screen. I am not sure if the encrypted username in the login command window means anything (it isn't encrypted in the login database).

Speedz 08-21-2009 09:55 PM

I have given up trying to get this working in this manner.
I have full success using this:


From installing this I have used it as a base to get databases working correctly from PEQ.

EQFAN2009 08-24-2009 01:04 AM

Working now with 946 build
:D Finally I've got it working now bots and all on a Windows box. Am using the eqemulator.net login to connect. Didn't do anything different from previous compile time so my conclusion is that the compile-source available when the 922 db was the latest, was dodgy somehow leading to a bad world.exe &/or zone.exe.

Had some problems with rule_values and variables tables missing but train-smashed my 922 db with the 946 .sqls That is I updated Rev946-Bots.sql without first dropping player and bots tables. Got few errors of duplicate entries whereas was previously getting 'peq.rule_values' missing errors.

Not pretty - but functional :-)

yizuman 08-24-2009 11:58 PM

"5.) Download the EQEMuLoginServer files here. Once downloaded, extract it. Copy the EQEMuLoginServer.exe to your server folder. "

What server folder?? Where?? How do I do this?

yizuman 08-25-2009 12:49 AM

now this is where I am getting lost...


Finalizing - Setting up for launch and connections.

Now the last part is to make sure everything is set up so you can connect. I'll be using an example of setting up the server on the same LAN connection while letting people outside of your LAN to be able to connect to your server.

12.) First of all, lets open up the eqemu_config.xml file in your server directory.
I can't find that file. Help?

Speedz 08-25-2009 01:13 AM

Ran into a fix for my invalid username/password issue.

If you create a account with the web page interface (at least the one I have) it hashes the password wrong. it used md5. I changed it to sha and yay it worked.....

Please post results if this works for you so others can be somewhat certain of the fix.

Shiny151 08-25-2009 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Speedz (Post 177275)
Ran into a fix for my invalid username/password issue.

If you create a account with the web page interface (at least the one I have) it hashes the password wrong. it used md5. I changed it to sha and yay it worked.....

Please post results if this works for you so others can be somewhat certain of the fix.

This may sound like a dumb question but how do you actually get into the web interface? I know it's your server addy with the port:9080 but it prompts me for a username and password. I don't ever remember setting a specific login for this access and my database login doesn't seem to work.

Hrothgar 08-25-2009 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Shiny151 (Post 177294)
This may sound like a dumb question but how do you actually get into the web interface? I know it's your server addy with the port:9080 but it prompts me for a username and password. I don't ever remember setting a specific login for this access and my database login doesn't seem to work.

This sounds like it could resolve my issue as well (or at least it seems to describe my problem). Can someone (perhaps Speedz) provide more detail on the web interface? Thanks!

Speedz 08-25-2009 05:52 PM

The web interface I use were included in the package that the installer from http://forums.nahunta.org/index.php provides.

The problem is it's not current and takes mega tweaking to use the current builds. (I would avoid trying if you are doing something completely different)

Another thing you could try is find a SHA1 tool that will spit out the hash of any entered text and copy paste that into the password field in the database.

Sometime soon I will do a sql dump of all tables involved in my ability to connect to my server. Maybe that will help some (ovbiously I'll remove my info, but I will enter info that will connect if you use them directly).

I have no time atm to do this, sorry. But I will soonish.

pfyon 08-25-2009 06:30 PM

MySQL supports sha1 with the sha() function. If you want to change your password in the db you can just use UPDATE table_name SET password = sha('newpassword') WHERE username = 'yourusername';

(replace the fields/table name with the ones for your table).

There are also various websites that will compute a sha1 hash for you.

Hrothgar 08-25-2009 06:51 PM

Tried copy paste of the hash and that didn't work (nice idea though).

I read a suggestion of changing my password to "11111111" and I was FINALLY able to get past the login screen and to the server select screen. Thank you for the suggestion.

yizuman 08-25-2009 11:14 PM

When is the screenshots gonna be posted for each of the steps? It appears I didn't get some of the things right, arrgghh, may have to start over.

Speedz 08-26-2009 12:29 AM

I wasn't going to post screen shots, I was going to post a sql dump of the bits in my database that handle logging in and verifying user. But, I realized this really won't be enough.

The guides are a bit old (except this one, tho I found I had issues following it to the letter, not sure why but I will retrace and figure it out) and tho they do point you in the right directions I found that I needed to do ALOT of research to get mine running in offline mode.

I will eventually post a complete current write up of how-to. But it will take me a bit as I do this in my freetime as the devs who provide us with the awsome code.

I will drop all EQEmu related things from one of my computers and reinstall everything and document in true anal fashion so as to not miss out on anything.

With the way I write up guides, if you mess up there is no hope for you :-P.

So, with that said, freetime and the nature of what I will do.....don't expect it too awful soon. But it should get you rolling in the right direction.

Speedz out

eqemuross 09-03-2009 05:00 AM

I am confuse.d.. creating the server this way --- is it now a private login setup separate from eqemulator.net?

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