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KLS 06-03-2009 04:47 AM


The Time of the First character in the Adventure group to zone into the Adventure. Used to start the Duration timer..
This is the time you have to zone into the instance before you automatically fail the adventure.


Total number of points earned if the Adventure group is successful in meeting all of their goals.

Total number of points earned if the Adventure group is NOT successful in meeting all of their goals within the allowed Duration limit.
If you beat the adventure before the normal duration you get win_points in theme ldon points. If you don't you then get a half hour to go for a lesser reward and if you win after that you get lose_points in ldon theme. If you still can't win you don't get anything.

Also that table isn't completely up to date, it's missing my most recent assassinate stuff.

Adventure details and adventure members are of little concern to server ops really.
The entry table is what's used to group adventures together for the recruiter eg. if you have 3 adventure templates with id 4 5 and 6 and you want to create an adventure recruiter that gives them all out you create an entry set. (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6) it's the same idea as merchant lists in that regard (just no slot id). adventure_template_entry_flavor also points to that number, it's for the text you get when you right click on an adventure recruiter.

Adventure Stats is fairly straight forward.

trevius 06-03-2009 05:09 AM

Thanks, KLS. I made those corrections and also took my best shot at guessing all of the other fields from the other tables as well. I am sure it isn't perfect yet, so any corrections are appreciated. It should be pretty easy to add in any more changes that you make to the tables at a later time.

Andrew80k 06-03-2009 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by trevius (Post 171150)
If bot commands can be set to GM status only, what reason is there to not have bots enabled by default? I had always assumed there were separate builds/options for a reason. If there isn't any other reason, then wouldn't there just be 1 build and it would include bots, but just give the option to have the bot commands set to high for anyone to use? This is why I haven't enabled bots, because I think there has to be something other than just the commands that come into play when bots are enabled.

Well, for a long time bots were unstable and there were a lot of exploits that came with them. I've been using them since I started my server 2 years ago and they were a mixed blessing at times. They had a lot of quirks. Congdar has done amazing work with them and they are very stable and between him and Angelox they have eliminated many of the exploits. For people that don't want them having them compiled out of the source leaves a smaller executable and smaller means faster and less resources used. And I was only suggesting it as an option that was available right now, as I assume, just like any other command that it can have a status placed against it.

cavedude 06-03-2009 11:28 AM

I made some minor corrections and adding some missing data. I was going to write up a wiki, when the db schema settled down some. I keep on thinking of things we need requiring more database columns :)

ChaosSlayerZ 06-03-2009 11:54 AM

Anoher thing I wanted to ask about: what about lock out timers?

For exmaple: for LDOn raid you could not request a new raid for atleast 3 days I belive. Also later on (in next expansions) they added regular group size instances also with lock out timers so they cannot be done in a row- you would have to wait atleast 24 hours to get new adventure/mission/raid and in some cases lock out timer was as much as 1 week. Of course regular old 1 group ldons did not have them (on other hand there was somthing about a min 15 min delay...) but may as well include this as an option for ANY type of instance.

And 1 more thing- do poitn rewards identical for ALL adventure types? Cuase on LIVE NO ONE ever wanted to do rescues cuase they were too hard (assasination also weren't very popular). If we can award more points to specific adventure type this should make people to do rescues more

Snoopdog 06-03-2009 12:29 PM

What about spending the reward points. That is not working or is it ?

aguina 06-03-2009 01:23 PM

I need your help.
I have been working at this for a few days have not gotten anywhere.
I am trying to get my server to be able to run the instance build (SVN/branches/Instance) from SVN so i can play the LDON adventures.
I open the Server.sln in MVS08 go to Build then Build Solution. It runs but I always get errors, my first was perl510.lib, updated perl got past that. Now I am getting plenty more and I have no idea what they mean. If someone could explain what I need installed, and the steps that i take in SVN. I would really appricate it. The files that it creates i just copy those over my old ones?

Thank You.

cavedude 06-03-2009 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by ChaosSlayerZ (Post 171209)
Anoher thing I wanted to ask about: what about lock out timers?

For exmaple: for LDOn raid you could not request a new raid for atleast 3 days I belive. Also later on (in next expansions) they added regular group size instances also with lock out timers so they cannot be done in a row- you would have to wait atleast 24 hours to get new adventure/mission/raid and in some cases lock out timer was as much as 1 week. Of course regular old 1 group ldons did not have them (on other hand there was somthing about a min 15 min delay...) but may as well include this as an option for ANY type of instance.

And 1 more thing- do poitn rewards identical for ALL adventure types? Cuase on LIVE NO ONE ever wanted to do rescues cuase they were too hard (assasination also weren't very popular). If we can award more points to specific adventure type this should make people to do rescues more

Most timers are currently hardcoded with Live Like values. I'm sure the ones that can be will eventually be made into rules (currently, we can define the completion timer and the entry timer), however I do believe the client enforces some as well. The client seems to be strict about LDoN stuff.

Yes, the amount of points per adventure can be defined in adventure_template, as well as the two timers I mentioned above.


What about spending the reward points. That is not working or is it ?
Yes, buying and selling of items to adventure merchants work perfectly, for all 5 themes and items that accept any theme points.


I have been working at this for a few days have not gotten anywhere.
I am trying to get my server to be able to run the instance build (SVN/branches/Instance) from SVN so i can play the LDON adventures.
I open the Server.sln in MVS08 go to Build then Build Solution. It runs but I always get errors, my first was perl510.lib, updated perl got past that. Now I am getting plenty more and I have no idea what they mean. If someone could explain what I need installed, and the steps that i take in SVN. I would really appricate it. The files that it creates i just copy those over my old ones?
If you give KLS some time to finish up LDoN traps I'll compile a new version of the binaries and put it on SVN once that is committed and play tested. I'll also post the current PEQ database which includes a fully working mmc minus raid aventures, and only 3 zones represented. However, all 4 adventure types are in, for all level ranges and both hard and normal difficulty. The adventure merchants for that theme are also fully stocked. So, anybody who is curious on how this all works can just check out the DB at that time. Oh, I should also mention the NPCs are NOT tweaked at all with stats, loot (except the loot adventures), or faction. That will be done last once all mmc zones are built. The zones are also locked, so you'll need to set status to 0, and make sure you summon an adventure stone. That quest will be written a bit later.

ChaosSlayerZ 06-03-2009 02:32 PM

another very important question - population of instance zones and levels

does LIVE-like level variation will be enforced upon us?

for exmaple I don't actualy want to have live-like generic ldons for any level between 20 and 65 - I like to be able to make just a few ultra specific zones for very specific levels- kind of like quest mission which npc will give you only if you are on specific step of the quest (think DoN progression missions, rather than LDON generics)

So instead of NPC teling players - come pick a generic mission out of 4 types - the npc will say - i have only one mission to kill BLA which is level 45 missionand its non adjusteable by players level

will this be posible?

cavedude 06-03-2009 03:18 PM

The various level tiers all have to be done by hand, so there is no automatic scaling or anything like that in anyway. So yeah, you can create specific adventures if you so wish to use sort of like missions.

Zeice 06-09-2009 03:28 AM

Is there any write ups on how to assign and launch instances? I see the wiki on adventuring, but I'm having trouble finding anything else. If someone could point me in the write direction it would be much appreciated.

Zeice 06-09-2009 03:14 PM

I guess let me rephrase. I can create and enter instances through the GM commands, but I can't seem to get the quest commands to work properly, I know it's something on my end but I'm just guessing on how this works.

provocating 07-08-2009 12:46 PM

How goes the LDoN adventuring progress ? I have not been on googlecode in a while looking at the updates. How far from being finished is it ? Months or years ? I am not being cynical, just realistic. I know these things take a while.

cavedude 07-08-2009 12:55 PM

The code is done, DB will be done by the end of the year is my goal. However, the themes will be released one by one with the first one coming soon.

provocating 07-08-2009 12:57 PM

Will the adventures scale like they do on Live ? What is the first theme scheduled to be released ?

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