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BackTawk 06-18-2016 10:23 PM

Before I start, I'd like to say that I have extremely limited internet access (one of those crazy expensive wifi hotspots) and that is why I don't have the same options that other people might. Also, I'm dumb as a brick when it comes to technical stuff.
I downloaded and ran your installer. It balked for a while, but everything installed (except winrar, which I already had installed). Everything worked fine. I was surprised, because I thought with my luck it would fail or be several gigs of information.
However, I cannot run eqemu_update.pl. It appears as a notepad icon, and even when I select to use perl to open it, I don't have the option to run it as administrator. Additionally, when I simply double click, a cmd style window flashes briefly and vanishes. I can't read what it says, if anything.
So I skipped that bit and changed my IP settings (as to set up the lan login). When I try to run either of the t_start_server files (the normal one or the login server one), I receive the following error (I don't have anywhere to host the screenshots, I guess):
The system cannot find the path specified.
'shared_memory.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.

And a window appears stating 'Windows cannot find 'perl'. Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again.

This occurs when I run the file as administrator. If I simply use it without administrator, I get the same 'clearing old logs' and the system cannot find the path specified, but it begins to load items, factions, loot, skill caps, spells, and base data, and then it delivers the same alert window about perl.

I know this is a long comment, and it's my first in the forum to boot, AND I'm technically challenged, but I feel like nothing should be wrong. I feel like maybe there's a really simple fix that I'm missing, somehow, and that you could help me.

If this is the wrong place to post, I apologize. Like I said. I'm new. Any kind of insight would be appreciated.

EDIT: I ran eqemu_update.pl through cmd.
It said 'Perl Version is 5.12.3
MySQL path not found, please add the path for automatic database upgrading to continue...' Was also getting alerts that one of the perl.dll's was missing.

So I uninstalled Perl through the control panel and installed the version from the old extremely long server setup guide. I think now it's working? There's no images on your page of the cmd windows of the running server so I'm not 100% (and I'm still D/ling my old SoD through steam, so I can't test it yet.) I've got Four windows running, ucs.exe, queryserv.exe, world.exe, and 0:sleeping. There's nothing concerning in any of them, and it looks pretty good to me. I guess I'll edit this for the third time to offer some closure when I finish with Steam.

Krran 06-19-2016 03:06 AM

From your last edit, that is what I have on the screen when my server starts up properly.

Now, start the game and see if you connect.
Then, see if your server shows up.
Then see if you can create a new character (don't forget to create an account in the DB) and get into the world.
Finally, check and see if things work properly (hand-in quests, spawns, killing stuff, zoning, all that good stuff).
Than go play for real, or whatever you intend.

BackTawk 06-19-2016 07:28 AM

Set up the server, loaded up client. Login and all that worked. Into the server I find some issues...

Namely, after creating an iksar monk, I get a series of abilities that are messy.

It says 'You have gained the ability "Unknown DB String 9031-1" at a cost of 0 ability points.

There's a whole bunch of those messages...Which is bad.

It ALSO says Your XML files are not compatible with current EverQuest files, certain windows may not perform correctly. Use "/loadskin Defaults 1" to load the Everquest default skin. I'm not sure what that means.

I also don't know how to update my XML files, because as I mentioned before I can't seem to run EQEmu_update. A cmd window appears for a moment and then vanishes, and I can't tell what it says, even when I load it through the cmd prompt, regardless of whether I use administrator or not. I don't know enough about all of this to know what to do with this information. EDIT: Actually, running through the cmd prompt, I get the message I posted in the last post minus the perl crap. "MySQL path not found, please add the path for automatic database upgrading to continue..." and then it exits script. AFter a cursory glance around the internet, I found mariadb-10.0.21 -winx64 and it's listed around 240 megs, while the one I got with the installer weighs in at 83.4. Of course I'm assuming that the db is the MySQL stuff, but I don't know for sure. I'm wondering if my initial download attempt failed here and there without alerting me to it.

gothmonk 06-23-2016 12:47 PM

Thank you for this installer.. Ran great on a 2012 R2 VM. Minimal configuration required for a private login server. I'll probably leave mine on 24/7 on my little Intel 8-core Atom ESXi host... Minnesota EQ is the server name. Let the ports through the firewall, so it should work like a champ.. I'll have to hit the Mines in a bit.

Uleat 06-23-2016 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by BackTawk
It says 'You have gained the ability "Unknown DB String 9031-1" at a cost of 0 ability points.


Originally Posted by BackTawk
It ALSO says Your XML files are not compatible with current EverQuest files, certain windows may not perform correctly. Use "/loadskin Defaults 1" to load the Everquest default skin. I'm not sure what that means.

Both of these are client-sided and not installer script (or server) related.

The first is basically saying that the server gave you abilities that your client doesn't recognize - updating your dbstr file may or may not help...

The second is your client saying it doesn't like something in your ui files. The "/loadskin" comment is a client-based command you can use to restore its defaults.

stringz07 07-09-2016 12:59 AM

After a previous failed attempt to manually install and setup a server, I used this automated one (really not sure how I didn't come across this before....).

I am able to launch the client and see my private server name (though when I left it with the default name, it showed up as "Q Installer" instead of the actual default server name). After selecting my server (shows up green, with status "Up"), i hit play and get an unexpected error with the following error showing up in the login server log:

"[Login Server] Play received from client, server number *random string of numbers* sequence 5
[Error] Client requested a user to world but supplied an invalid id of *random string of numbers matching line above*"

I can't figure out what exactly is happening here. Additionally, when I try to connect using the EQEmu login server, I can get to the server select, select my server, but get the "Unexpected Error" message there as well.

Anyone have any suggestions here?

stringz07 07-09-2016 02:24 AM

I reinstalled EQ from steam (have not launched the game in steam, and have made a backup of the game files immediately after the files were installed), and am no longer getting the previous error message (and my server names are appearing correctly now), but I am having a different problem now.

When attempting to connect to any server using the EQEmu Login Server, the client just turns black after hitting "Play Everquest" from the server select screen, and has to be shut down via task manager.

The same thing happens when using the private login server, but I get the following notice in the LoginServer window as soon as I hit "Play Everquest" in the server select screen:

"[Login Server] Play received from client, server number 4 sequence 5.
[LoginServer] Client disconnected from the server, removing client."

Not sure where to go from here...

EDIT: As I mentioned, I downloaded the Everquest F2P client from Steam (this was the recommended download in some 2015 posts...but have not seen anything after that). Is this not the right client any more? I know ROF2 specifically was listed on the wiki, but wanted to be clear...

Uleat 07-09-2016 12:34 PM

The current steam is not supported and results in the behavior that you described.

stringz07 07-09-2016 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Uleat (Post 249901)
The current steam is not supported and results in the behavior that you described.

Indeed...grabbed the client files off of my laptop and the game launched right up!

purpose 07-14-2016 05:26 PM


Akkadius: Implemented standardized zone controller scripts (Rule Zone, UseZoneController) Defaulted to true
- When a zone boots, it will spawn an invisible npc by the name of zone_controller
- Lua and Perl scripts can be represented with this npc as zone_controller.pl/lua
- This NPC's ID is ruled be define ZONE_CONTROLLER_NPC_ID 10
- Two EVENT's uniquely are handled with this NPC/controller (They only work with the zone_controller NPC)
- EVENT_SPAWN_ZONE :: All NPC spawns in the zone trigger the controller and pass the following variables:
- EVENT_DEATH_ZONE :: All NPC deaths in the zone trigger the controller event and pass the following variables:
Decided to post this question, as others might as well.

Is the above update included in the repack? If so, do the instructions differ from from http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37660 ?

Thank you!!

Akkadius 07-14-2016 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by purpose (Post 249982)
Decided to post this question, as others might as well.

Is the above update included in the repack? If so, do the instructions differ from from http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37660 ?

Thank you!!

Pull down the latest binaries with option 11 in eqemu_update.pl

purpose 07-14-2016 08:26 PM

Okay got that part!

Since there is no templates folder under /quests, does it require creating that folder?

Also, there is no global_player.pl global_npc.pl (only global_player.pl) would I create those and put them in the global folder?

Probably a very newb question...

Hopefully I am not hijacking this thread :)

Akkadius 07-14-2016 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by purpose (Post 249990)
Okay got that part!

Since there is no templates folder under /quests, does it require creating that folder?

Also, there is no global_player.pl global_npc.pl (only global_player.pl) would I create those and put them in the global folder?

Probably a very newb question...

Hopefully I am not hijacking this thread :)

You kind of are, this is meant for the installer not support questions

purpose 07-14-2016 08:34 PM

Understood, Ill post it under support.

Vayaa 07-18-2016 12:21 PM

Hey there,

EDIT: Everything ok now, I tried again with a fresh Server Install and it's working great now :) Kudos to this!

All the best,

rayman121985 07-21-2016 04:58 PM

Does this awesome repack have bots included? I will be using it for my own LAN play and bots come in handy! THANKS!

Uleat 07-21-2016 05:21 PM

The default for the installer (or manual installation) is for BOTS disabled.

DanCanDo has a link around here for some pre-compiled BOTS-enabled binaries..or you can use the new option '18' in the eqemu_update.pl script to download the
enabled binaries.

If you want to make changes to your server code, you will need to run cmake, enable bots there, and compile your own binaries.

Samus123456 07-23-2016 02:19 PM

First I wanna say, great job with this installer! It works very well; the only problem I'm having is, I can't zone into the new Commonlands, South Ro, or North Ro zones via #zone. When I try, it sends me there, then immediately loads the old version of the zone. All other zones with 2 versions work fine. Any idea what I can do to get those 3 working?

Akkadius 07-23-2016 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Samus123456 (Post 250217)
First I wanna say, great job with this installer! It works very well; the only problem I'm having is, I can't zone into the new Commonlands, South Ro, or North Ro zones via #zone. When I try, it sends me there, then immediately loads the old version of the zone. All other zones with 2 versions work fine. Any idea what I can do to get those 3 working?

That's a separate thread post rather than an issue with the installer.

Would have to look at each of those individually, and it also depends on what you have available in your client files.

Samus123456 07-23-2016 06:06 PM

Apologies, I'll post in a different area.

Excuses 08-02-2016 03:52 PM

Hey guys, just a quick question that has trchnically.being answered but it is quite wierd.

Used this installer on an old windows 7 with any possible conflict that could happen and it ran like a dream. Reformated windows 7 x64 and now i am.having the issue of perl512 not being found. If it is a fresh install of W7 how can that be possible besides the stock perl.files that came with windows?

Any help would be appreciated.

Ps i have uninstalled and removed any perl libs or bindaries and reinstalled via eqemu installer

Uleat 08-02-2016 03:58 PM


Try that..

Warkral 08-13-2016 06:34 PM

Ok stuck. It WAS not a fresh install, however I went through and uninstalled MySQL/MariaDB and Perl in an attempt to make it a fresh install. (No EQ server files remained either). After 6 attempts to install/uninstall I always run into the same problem so I'm hoping someone has a fix:


I've uninstalled VBS and reinstalled it, tried to repair it so I'm not sure what is not playing well with others.

EDIT: I fixed it by downloading what I could from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/down...s.aspx?id=8328

Maze_EQ 08-13-2016 07:15 PM

That particular DLL pertains to C++ run times.

Warkral 08-13-2016 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Maze_EQ (Post 250526)
That particular DLL pertains to C++ run times.

Yea for me, there is no way around it. I have around 60 games on Steam all requiring different versions of VBS:


Akkas is a damn genius for even getting this to work at all. Mad props to him

Akkadius 08-13-2016 08:23 PM

Uninstalling previous pre-requisites does not make it a clean install, I've had to explain that a few different times to people

All you were missing was run times

Warkral 08-13-2016 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 250529)
Uninstalling previous pre-requisites does not make it a clean install, I've had to explain that a few different times to people

All you were missing was run times

Yes but please understand. Your obviously very good at this. A developer or programmer, whatever. Most of us have never even taken a single course in c++. We just read the Wiki, follow it as best we can and when we run into trouble, Google like mad until we give up and then post here.

I spend hours googling and going through threads before I ask for help, but I don't really have the first clue how to fix even the most basic of problems. You look at the problem and laugh, I look at it and scratch my head in total confusion. Just wanted to say thanks for being so patient with those of us who do struggle with this stuff. Without you, we be up s**t creek, without a paddle.

eqemuross 08-24-2016 02:57 PM

Works flawlessly on Windows 10 Home (64 bit). I've even compiled my own source using all x86 components and it runs my source perfectly.

freakinacage001 09-02-2016 06:15 PM

fresh install on win 10 64bit runs fine

kira1000 09-07-2016 11:16 AM

Hi, how big are the server assets? I know the installer itself is 150MB, but what about the files it pulls from the server? Thanks

Uleat 09-07-2016 04:32 PM

My current local git repo folder is 873MB in size..and that includes a populated debug build folder.

My current 'server' folder is 5.86GB..but, that's with debug binaries and my maps have been converted to MMF files - meaning zone maps are saved to a
'binary' file post-transformation.

The MMF option adds quite a bit to the actual footprint of the server folder..but, can help zoning times on older machines using dynamic zones.

EDIT: I use a manually installation..so, your folders will probably have a negligible size increase using the installer.

DanCanDo 09-07-2016 04:49 PM

5.86 GB server folder ? Your debug binaries must have a bit of weight ?
Mine is 3.7 GB, I have the MMF files as well, but that map folder takes
up 3.2 GB of it all, which is mainly because of the MMF. Without those,
my whole server folder is 1.08 GB

Uleat 09-07-2016 05:10 PM

I probably have some backups I didn't account for..

..but, yes, that does sound about right - and yes, debug does take up more as well :P

sluggo 09-09-2016 09:49 AM

Hello all. I cant want to install this. Actually i have. I know that it is simple fix. The installer tele me no internet, Wienerwald the te is one. Did wireless and the non wireless. And ideas please?

kira1000 09-10-2016 07:48 AM

Hi, I am having an odd issue with your repack, I have followed the instructions in your guide, but there is no world section in the config file, also, when I try to log in it says error - a timeout occurred. BTW, do I need to set the IP address to my external one or can I just use (I normally play things like this with my wireless card disabled). Thanks

zrsh5 09-17-2016 12:21 PM

Good Morning Gentlemen..
Ran the auto installer on Windows 8 x64 system. When you say clean install, I assume you mean Eq Emu not the actual OS? At least that's what it seems like after reading the entire forum here. Anyway, that's me. No other Emu installation on this system. I ran the installer and changed the ip addresses for the local host. The server comes up and I can attach to it from the rof2 client (although the server sees it as an SOD client?). I can make a character and then when I try to log in to the world with said char, it hangs up.. tells me the server is not responding. I have seen this retold on this forum thread over and over and I am pretty sure I have done everything to solve the problem, but no luck.
So, to the questions?:
1: I keep seeing mention of the program eqemu_update.pl. This file doesn't appear in my eqemu_installer_files directory. Is it supposed to be there or is this a file I need to download. I downloaded this file and put it in said directory, but it won't run. The cmd box opens so fast and closes that I can't see anything. When I run command from an open dos box (admin) says can't open perl script no such file or directory. So I assume that it is supposed to be elsewhere.
UPDATE: I finally got the program to run. Still tho.. was this supposed to be included in the original installation?

2. There is mention of a program to edit the database (preferred), and one that is Akka's online (but this only opens a page that says "Hi"). Now I can't find the name of the program to edit database again, can I get a link, please?
3. If the server comes up with the batch file and there are no errors, should I assume that it is all installed and working correctly? The only error I see when it comes up is on the login server:
[Error] Handle_NewLSInfo error, remote address was null, defaulting to stream ad
I think I have seen others report this as well and said it worked anyway.

Ok, that's it for now.. thanks for any help you can throw my way...

btw: This is the closest I have come to getting a server up and running. I think I am pretty close. Thanks again, Akka!

Lavius 09-17-2016 01:16 PM

Solved: needed to run loginserver.exe, shared_memory.exe, world.exe, eqlaunch.exe zone.exe, ucs.exe queryserv.exe along with t_start to make it work.

Windows 7 Home, 64bit

I run t_start_server_with_login_server then run RoF2 client, after clicking the login button a window pops up saying "Error - A timeout occured." I thought maybe my eqhost.txt was wrong so I tried others:

localhost:5999 (with :ports)
My IPv4 with :ports

... and so on. Should be local though, but always timeout or won't connect.


Originally Posted by zrsh5 (Post 251196)
This file doesn't appear in my eqemu_installer_files directory.

Me neither.

N0ctrnl 09-17-2016 01:57 PM

And the logs say what? Anything?

Lavius 09-17-2016 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by N0ctrnl (Post 251198)
And the logs say what? Anything?

I went to browse search results from looking up errors and terms and came across a list of exe's that I had not launched from the server folder. Must have missed them on the linked guide as required to run.

zone.exe, ucs.exe

Running them in that order as admin worked. I was able to login just fine, though I cannot leave the starting zone, perhaps I'm not executing the above in the correct order?

zrsh5 09-19-2016 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by N0ctrnl (Post 251198)
And the logs say what? Anything?

Well, it's not clear as to whom you were asking that question. I am going to assume you were asking either myself or both Lavius and I.

My logs kinda tell me something is wrong, but my knowledge in this area leaves a bit to be desired. So I will quote a couple below...

In the zone directory, there is an entry for gfay since my new character is starting there... here is what I think is pertinent:

[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] Unable to read perl file 'plugin.pl'
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] Unquoted string "false" may clash with future reserved word at plugins//Expeditions.pl line 375.
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] Subroutine Cwd::fastcwd redefined at C:/Perl/lib/Cwd.pm line 812.
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] Subroutine Cwd::getcwd redefined at C:/Perl/lib/Cwd.pm line 812.
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] Subroutine Cwd::abs_path redefined at C:/Perl/lib/Cwd.pm line 812.
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] Subroutine CalcDestFromHeading redefined at plugins//path_tools.pl line 221.
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] "my" variable $Item1 masks earlier declaration in same scope at plugins//quest_handin.pl line 19.
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] "my" variable $Item2 masks earlier declaration in same scope at plugins//quest_handin.pl line 21.
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] "my" variable $Item3 masks earlier declaration in same scope at plugins//quest_handin.pl line 23.
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] "my" variable $Item4 masks earlier declaration in same scope at plugins//quest_handin.pl line 25.
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] Subroutine GetReverseHeading redefined at plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 456.
[09-18-2016 :: 20:46:55] [Quests] Subroutine ConvertHeadingToDegrees redefined at plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 477.

Other zone files show this same text, but also at the end of the file it has:
[09-18-2016 :: 20:44:41] [Error] Worldserver Connection Failed :: worldserver.Connect()

The other log files don't appear to show anything that raises any eyebrows for me. No errors, failures, etc.

I still go nowhere when I try to enter world with a character. It eventually times out and says the server is not responding.

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