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Akkadius 01-12-2016 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by blindaviator (Post 246490)
Now that I have it all working I am loath to modify anything that may break it, but...

Is it possible to make Mercs and/or Bots work on this install?
I haven't really explored the install yet to see what is available but I didn't see any Bot's entries in the database and the merc vendors didn't seem to be responding.

That is beyond the scope of the installer and there is no automagic configuration for those currently. You'll need to look into enabling them through whatever resources you can find on the forums. Try posting in a different thread and people can help you there

Sisca 01-12-2016 08:52 AM

Removed since Akka beat me to it... :)

ihatemyself 01-15-2016 07:16 PM

Is it possible to do database updates in this build?

When I try using the eqemu_update.pl script, multiple options say there's no database present.

hawkhunter 01-17-2016 05:22 PM

Install yesterday on windows server 2008 32bit. seemed to work fine after replacing mariaDB with the 32bit version.

Dremis 01-20-2016 06:15 PM


One suggestion if I may. This should include XAMPP and the PEQ editor.

Reason: Since this installs and configures everything for you, it is a PITA trying to configure PHP and Apache for a separate MySQL install that you have to find config info for. Since you're using the PEQ database and almost everyone agrees that the PEQ editor (or your EoC) is the bestestes, easiest way to edit the DB) they should be included for a total "turn key" solution.

DISCLAIMER: Alcohol may have played a part in this post. It made sense to me when I typed it. YMMV. :)

Akkadius 01-20-2016 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dremis (Post 246615)

One suggestion if I may. This should include XAMPP and the PEQ editor.

Reason: Since this installs and configures everything for you, it is a PITA trying to configure PHP and Apache for a separate MySQL install that you have to find config info for. Since you're using the PEQ database and almost everyone agrees that the PEQ editor (or your EoC) is the bestestes, easiest way to edit the DB) they should be included for a total "turn key" solution.

DISCLAIMER: Alcohol may have played a part in this post. It made sense to me when I typed it. YMMV. :)

I have plans to have it retrofit other database installs, right now the requirement is an absolute clean install.

Dremis 01-25-2016 07:38 PM

Any chance of an uninstall for those (like me) that screw something up and need to start over.

I uninstalled (and where that option wasn't available) deleted everything I could find. Yet trying to start over has yielded nothing but problems. It worked once but I can't get it to work twice.

greneday 01-27-2016 09:35 PM

I have a custom non default Perl install setup on a special Array(and also no C: drive).
What method can I use to get this to work?
When I start the t_start_server.bat
Everything boots well, then I get:

"The program can't start because perl512.dll is missing from your computer.
Try Reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

It is located in F:/Perl/Bin

Akkadius 01-28-2016 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by greneday (Post 246810)
I have a custom non default Perl install setup on a special Array(and also no C: drive).
What method can I use to get this to work?
When I start the t_start_server.bat
Everything boots well, then I get:

"The program can't start because perl512.dll is missing from your computer.
Try Reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

It is located in F:/Perl/Bin

The installer specifically says "Clean install" you can't mix breed other pre-requisites. You're going to have a bad time if you do that. You need the Perl installed that comes with the installer...

greneday 01-28-2016 10:48 AM

Thanks Akkadius for the quick reply.

I'm using the perl that comes with your installer, but it's installing it to F:/ as I don't have a usable C:/ partition(I had to tinker with this part). The scripts when booting the server seems to go call upon C:/Perl/Bin
I tried manually forcing the perl location both in Environment Variables (Windows Server) and in the bat file, but I think that just messed things up more so I started fresh.

Does that error meaning the wrong version some how got installed, or that it can't find the Perl installation?

Akkadius 01-28-2016 02:52 PM

It is hard coded to a typical C installation right now, I'll have to account for installs that use a different drive for whatever reason. I don't have time to adjust this right now though so it is what it is. You will have to change your system path to repoint from C:\Perl\bin to your F and that should fix things on your own

greneday 01-28-2016 05:32 PM

Thanks again, once again =D
Your installer is amazing, seriously.
On my VM setup it instantly worked without any edits.

In regards to changing my system path to repoint from C:\Perl\bin to F, how can I do that?
Tried Environmental Variables, but that didn't seem to do it.
Is it in the registry? Or in the installer script somewhere?

Dremis 01-28-2016 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by greneday (Post 246820)
Thanks again, once again =D
Your installer is amazing, seriously.
On my VM setup it instantly worked without any edits.

In regards to changing my system path to repoint from C:\Perl\bin to F, how can I do that?
Tried Environmental Variables, but that didn't seem to do it.
Is it in the registry? Or in the installer script somewhere?

As I understand this, You have no C: drive and perl is installing to F:\Perl

So in environment variables, add F:\perl\bin to the PATH variable. Then it should find the required .dll.

Shiny151 02-07-2016 02:06 PM

After being away from the game for a couple years I installed this pak on a fresh copy of Win 7/64 with SP1 + updates yesterday; seems to be working great.

However, by default anyone on my LAN can run multiple accounts (same IP) of the Underfoot client to join my server; anyone external (also using Underfoot) can't get more than one account on. Does this sound right? I thought the rules by default were unlimited accounts for external and internal clients connecting via public login. What am I missing?

By the way, thanks Akk for putting this together; was very simple getting my sever back up again.

Warking 02-10-2016 06:00 AM

First I want to give props - awesome work on the installer. What might need a little focus would be the login server options. I had to use the old peqlogin server so I could get users to connect directly to me since I am not using eqemulator logins. I customize the server and client too much.

The connection settings between the login server and the server call for server ip or hostname. When external users connect the users need to add a host entry on their PC for the host and public IP since domain.com in eqhost file will not allow for more than authenticating.

Perhaps various types of options could be added after the installer installs the server to setup login server for A: eqemulator B: local LAN c: Private public server.

I'd be happy to help if needed.

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