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Expletus 12-26-2010 08:24 PM


[Error] [12.26.10 - 19:22:48] ClientManager fatal error: couldn't load opcodes for SoD file login_opcodes_sod.conf.
[Network] [12.26.10 - 19:22:48] ClientManager listening on SoD stream.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 19:22:48] Server Started.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 19:22:48] Server Shutdown.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 19:22:48] Client Manager Shutdown.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 19:22:48] Server Manager Shutdown.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 19:22:48] Encryption System Shutdown.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 19:22:48] Database System Shutdown.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 19:22:48] Config System Shutdown.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 19:22:48] Log System Shutdown.
And another :(

xdejekx 12-26-2010 09:30 PM

Can anybody recommend another compiling program aside from Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 and 2010 Express?

I have gotten so many errors, fixed alot, but they keep on coming and I am burnt out!
(Vista 64bit, up-to-date from Windows Update. Installed all service packs for each version of MVC++ Express.)

Expletus 12-26-2010 09:39 PM

Seems most errors went away after I tweeked a ton of crap (i got lucky). I am now having an issue with the server not showing up on my server list. I am completely lost now.

Anyone point me in the right direction?

Expletus 12-26-2010 11:25 PM

Apparently something is wrong in my DB but i'm not sure what it is.. i've copied and pasted from the guides here...


[Debug] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] Logging System Init.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] Config System Init.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] MySQL Database Init.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] Encryption Initialize.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] Encryption Loaded Successfully.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] Server Manager Initialize.
[Network] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] ServerManager listening on port 5998
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] Client Manager Initialize.
[Network] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] ClientManager listening on Titanium stream.
[Network] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] ClientManager listening on SoD stream.
[Debug] [12.26.10 - 22:24:06] Server Started.
[Network] [12.26.10 - 22:24:10] New world server connection from
[Network Error] [12.26.10 - 22:24:10] Handle_NewLSInfo error, remote address was null, defaulting to stream address
[Database] [12.26.10 - 22:24:10] Mysql query failed: SELECT WSR.ServerID, WSR.ServerTagDescription, WSR.ServerTrusted, SLT.ServerListTypeID, SLT.ServerListTypeDescription, WSR.ServerAdminID FROM tblWorldServerRegistration AS WSR JOIN tblServerListType AS SLT ON WSR.ServerListTypeID = SLT.ServerListTypeID WHERE WSR.ServerLongName = 'Chadd\'s Funhouse' AND WSR.ServerShortName = 'Funhouse'
[World] [12.26.10 - 22:24:10] Server Chadd's Funhouse(Funhouse) attempted to log in but database couldn't find an entry but unregistered servers are allowed.
[Database] [12.26.10 - 22:24:10] Mysql query failed: SELECT max(ServerID) FROM tblWorldServerRegistration
[Database] [12.26.10 - 22:24:10] Mysql query failed: UPDATE tblWorldServerRegistration SET ServerLastLoginDate = now(), ServerLastIPAddr = '' where ServerID = 0

xdejekx 12-26-2010 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Expletus (Post 195588)
Database] [12.26.10 - 22:24:10] Mysql query failed: SELECT max(ServerID) FROM tblWorldServerRegistration
[Database] [12.26.10 - 22:24:10] Mysql query failed: UPDATE tblWorldServerRegistration SET ServerLastLoginDate = now(), ServerLastIPAddr = '' where ServerID = 0

If you open up Navicat, and then open your database from there, do you see any main tables labled 'tblWorldServerRegistration'?

Expletus 12-27-2010 08:30 AM

Yep! I got tblloginserveraccounts, serveradminregistration, serverlisttype, and the worldserverregistration table.

Expletus 12-27-2010 09:12 AM

Seems that was an sql error, think i worked that out. still no server on the list. get this awesome error from the world.exe window:


[12.27. - 08:10:46] [WORLD__LS_ERR] Not connected but not ready to connect, this is bad:
[12.27. - 08:10:56] [WORLD__LS_ERR] Not connected but not ready to connect, this is bad:
[12.27. - 08:10:57] [WORLD__LS_ERR] Could not connect to login server: TCPConnection::Connect(): connect() failed. Error: 10060
[12.27. - 08:11:06] [WORLD__LS] Connecting to login server:
[12.27. - 08:11:16] [WORLD__LS_ERR] Not connected but not ready to connect, this is bad:
[12.27. - 08:11:26] [WORLD__LS_ERR] Not connected but not ready to connect, this is bad:
[12.27. - 08:11:27] [WORLD__LS_ERR] Could not connect to login server: TCPConnection::Connect(): connect() failed. Error: 10060

Fulcrum 12-27-2010 09:40 AM

Okay, here's a shot in the dark, perhaps it'l help ya.... but I still haven't had my coffee yet so all my advice is suspect:

Are you planning to use the public login server or were you intending to use Eqemulogin?

I got that same error for a while as I was puttering around.. mainly because I hadn't set up a public worldserver account here. Each has to be registered, you're allowed a total of 2 world accounts and... 3? player accounts. These are completely separate from your login account to post here.

If you're trying for a private login using eqemulogin, then it gets a little more difficult... there are guides, one by 'Huffy' out there that really go into detail what needs to be changed and what needs to stay the same or blank. It's -very- particular about it, too.

Expletus 12-27-2010 09:41 AM

I'm trying to make it work for a lan server and client on the same computer. At this point I just want something to start working :(

Fulcrum 12-27-2010 09:50 AM

Ah, I see... well, hands-down easiest thing to do is to have it run through the public server. I'm sure you'll get it running, it just takes patience, a little more patience, and a grasp of how the whole thing works together. That said, it was a long time before I got my first server playable.

Expletus 12-27-2010 10:20 AM

I couldnt find that post by "huffy"

I did check out some others, and figured i'd go with the private self server/client way.

I got it to change to "Setting world to mini login server type"

but I can't get it to connect, gives me error 10061.

Fulcrum 12-27-2010 10:30 AM

Minilogin is a different method of logging in... most of the most vocal veterans around here suggest you use the Eqemulogin which is said to be superior in all ways. I've never worked with Minilogin so this is all simply hearsay.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't play around with it, get a feel for the thing as a whole by any means.

... but if you'd like to learn from the mistakes I've made? Backup everything before you change a single thing... that way once things start to click together for ya, you can look back and get a good idea of how they started.

Expletus 12-27-2010 11:33 AM

Yea, I wish I did that, unfortunatly I went in under the environment and altered the "PATH" and doing so ruined multiple files. I just uninstalled everything and going to have to start from scratch. :(

Fulcrum 12-27-2010 11:49 AM

No worries... I did much the same thing when starting up. The second time around is so much easier, believe me. ;)

Of course, I formatted and reinstalled the OS from scratch, gutted it of all the things I didn't need that time to be 100% sure there would be no registry conflicts.

blackdragonsdg 12-27-2010 01:00 PM

The EQEmuLoginServer is a pain in the neck to get working. It seems to be more finicky about what must done than the other server types.

Huppy, did a write up on how to set it up a few months ago. Here is the link:

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