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bad_captain 03-05-2012 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by louis1016 (Post 201865)
Thank you so much for considering these issues, one thing I forgot to mention is that I feel like bots should med when oom during battles. As of now if a cleric runs oom he just stands there for the rest of the fight unless you issue the #bot group guard command which is no good because obviously it stops the rest of the group from fighting. Maybe it would work if you can individually assign commands to different bots? Like #bot (character name) attack/guard/follow etc. This would also make bot pulling way more functional too (at least if you want a bot to pull without a ranged item).

I missed this. I'll be testing a change that allows bots to med during fights.

chrsschb 03-05-2012 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by bad_captain (Post 207786)
I missed this. I'll be testing a change that allows bots to med during fights.


Any chance we can revisit adding some heal commands / stances?

Still many many times where I've been standing around at 15-20% hp after a fight waiting for a heal that never comes so I can pull again.

bad_captain 03-05-2012 01:06 PM

As an update: I'm almost finished coding an update I think will make a lot of people happy. I'm not doing it as I discussed in this thread, but looking at mercs had given me the idea. Bots will have stances, which match what mercs have on live. You can select a bot's stance, which will affect that bot's AI, mostly with spell casting. Clerics in Burn stance will nuke much more often than Efficient or Balanced. The stances will also affect which spells are cast: clerics in reactive stance will be more likely to cast regular heal as opposed to complete heal or a wizard in burnAE stance will cast AEs. You should be able to set up hotkeys to toggle bots back and forth between stances, such as turning all bots on to Burn when trying to take down a boss' last 10%. I'm currently adding the stance checks to the AI, then I will have the code available to test on my test server. I will try to get some opinione before committing. The only thing I may not do, which may just be too much work, would be to maintain individual preferences for casting chances or other AI decisions. It's pretty complex as is with 16 classes, 7 stances, 16 spell types. That's too much to maintain per character or per bot. I think the stances will differ enough that people will be able to use their own play style for bots.

bad_captain 03-05-2012 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by chrsschb (Post 207790)

Any chance we can revisit adding some heal commands / stances?

Still many many times where I've been standing around at 15-20% hp after a fight waiting for a heal that never comes so I can pull again.

Funny you post that as I was typing.

I know in certain circumstances buffs are sometimes missed, and heals just aren't done. I hope to find the issues, as they should always try to heal you. I haven't seen it often, so it's hard to pinpoint the issue. If you could give some more info on your situation, I might be able to determine the issue. Maybe they are just focusing on buffs OOC. Or maybe your bots just don't like you....

I'm hesitant to add heal commands, but maybe with a timer or something, I don't know.

bad_captain 03-07-2012 11:11 AM

I did a quick test last night and seemed to work pretty well. I'll make some tweaks, and fix the combat medding issue I noticed (they sat, but then stood right back up) and try to get this available sometime this week. Or I may just get it committed so I know more people will test it. It will be more about getting opinions on the different stances as opposed to making sure it works.

In an efficient stance, my cleric only nuked once running through half a wing in BoT, where in a burn stance, the same cleric nuked multiple times per mob and seemed to waste less mana healing my 90% hp+ tank. I'll run my full raid giving different bots of the same class different stances and review their spellcasting and do some parsing. I think my group 8 and 9 non-cleric main healers (or at least their tanks) will be happy.

I currently have all stances available for all classes, as opposed to restricting them like mercs do. This may change, but I like having even more options. Anyone have an opinion? Available stances are: Passive, balanced, reactive, efficient, aggressive, burn, burnAE.

chrsschb 03-07-2012 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by bad_captain (Post 207792)
Funny you post that as I was typing.

I know in certain circumstances buffs are sometimes missed, and heals just aren't done. I hope to find the issues, as they should always try to heal you. I haven't seen it often, so it's hard to pinpoint the issue. If you could give some more info on your situation, I might be able to determine the issue. Maybe they are just focusing on buffs OOC. Or maybe your bots just don't like you....

I'm hesitant to add heal commands, but maybe with a timer or something, I don't know.

I'm a wizard :grin:

Most of the time I'm lucky to survive said fight because I never received a single heal that entire fight. The bot will be entirely focused on nuking. No buffs are being thrown. When the fight is over the bot still isn't healing me as I'm standing there with 15-20% hp. A lot of times I'm thankful I'm a SK as that 15-20% of my life that is remaining was likely due to my lifetaps.

bad_captain 03-07-2012 12:35 PM

I guess your bots don't think it's worth the mana to heal a wizard. I can say I don't blame them. If you were a mage, they wouldn't have to heal you... I have heard of this wiz spell called concussion or something like that. Maybe you should check it out. :)

What heal spells do they have? What level? I've not had a problem being healed whether I'm a SK, monk, or warrior. As I said, sometimes they don't want to heal me out of combat, but that's rare. Either way, this should help.

bad_captain 03-15-2012 11:11 AM

I'm almost ready to commit stances. I also have combat medding working. I'm tweaking some values for different classes, then I'll be done. I've just been really busy lately with little time to test.

louis1016 03-15-2012 09:43 PM

awesome, im looking forward to it!

bad_captain 03-16-2012 12:22 AM

Fixed my last observed bug, so this should definitely go live this weekend. It just needs a little more tweaking. My ranger was tired of casting and my paladin was picking his nose. Shaman and Cleric were pretty good. I'll create a new thread about it when it goes live, because there are some things I still want to implement (AEs, etc.), and I'd like to track them in one place. I just want to get it out as is and make improvements from there with input. Balanced stance should resemble the current spell casting frequencies.

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