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-   -   PEQ is down again ?? (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31899)

r8n8 08-27-2010 05:19 PM

Original EQ doesn't really flesh out until the mid/late 30s, until then it is hideously boring. The only thing expansions did was ease the 1-30 part into something more bearable because you could twink.

Of course, there's also LGuk and Dragon raids which many people missed out on.

It's not really EQ if you haven't been through all of LGuk :-D

Quellren 08-27-2010 05:38 PM

Though it's been said eleventy billion times, it bears repeating. The glory of EQ, specifically EQ pre-PoP, is that it was vastly different than anything else. We loved it simply because we didn't know any different.
I spun up EQemu intending to revel in my P99 glory days and realized very quickly I was spoiled by newer MMO's. I hate WoW for all that the community is, and has made it. It's childish and petty. It's greedy and elitist. But it flat destroys EQ classic, and frankly all of EQ that isn't LDoN sheerly by instancing. Guk was certainly a vivid memory,a fond one too. But everyone remembers the epic Frenzy group they had, not the 3 hours waiting, killing light blue/green entrance mobs whittling down the list of 6 tanks that arrived before you. You aren't leaving unless your guildie/best friend has a reserved spot for you DEEP in SolB, cuz at 48+, guk is the only game in town. This doesn't change until the world is SO HUGE that there are simply too many dungeons to camp. And then the population teeters on the brink of what PEQ is. Unless you have a pre-formed group formed in a city, multibox, or badly outlevel the content and can solo it, it's empty.
Because of this, I now LOATHE camping. Hell, I don't even like re-running the same instance twice in a row.
EDIT: This is why I 2 (or more) box. usually a mage and a shaman. I can count on one hand the number of parties I've been in including when it was for the random grp buff.
I feel like PEQ is essentially Diablo 2 all over again. Everyone knows, you get to act V and then join an 8 player game, but dont group and farm an act for good exp and drops. Socialization without the interaction of grouping.

Rogean 08-27-2010 06:13 PM

Been trying to get cavedude to talk to me to discuss a better solution, even if its temporary (It could be permanent) and he hasn't gotten back to me.

I hate seeing PEQ Down. P1999's stability and the servers and network it runs on are proven now that we moved since the last ddos attacks and thwarted them, I see no reason we can't share it.

badplayer 08-27-2010 06:33 PM

Someone post FNW's number on 4chan so we can get this thing up.

gibroni 08-27-2010 07:16 PM

I have been playing on peq server for over a month now and am having a blast. I will be making a donation for sure. Is there any information on how much more is needed to get the ball rolling on the new setup?

Ikeren 08-27-2010 07:23 PM

There was mention of it in the last thread; IIRC we were halfway at the goal, and the goal was posted?

Wanonweb 08-27-2010 08:01 PM

Gaeorn said it was $4500, according to this post

gaeorn 08-27-2010 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ikeren (Post 191111)
There was mention of it in the last thread; IIRC we were halfway at the goal, and the goal was posted?

Last I knew, we were nowhere near halfway to the goal. However, recent donations may have changed that if you include the $1,000 I plan to put into this. Unfortunately, cavedude is unavailable until Tuesday and he is the only one who knows the exact donation total.

Fatboy5706 08-27-2010 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mghargh (Post 191093)
For those out there griping about the server & hesitating about donating.

I've not had a full-time job in nearly 2 years after working for the same company for 14 years after they got bought out & new owners decided to move plant across country. Doing part time work where I can get it & living off my savings. I had only been playing here for about a month & enjoyed myself so much I decided to donate. I dug into what i had set aside for a little fun & sent CD $200.00, I'm not saying for everybody to do that{it would help though}, I'm just saying send a little IF you are enjoying yourself. If you're NOT enjoying yourself then why are you here? If there are 300 players here & they could average $10 each it would be DONE.

Anybody unhappy with my statement, type it out double-spaced in large type, fold it until it is all sharp corners, & I think you know the rest.

see, theres another thread where everyone has already stressed things about the server being down... i think now most of us are just stirring up shit because its fun, and the only thing to do right now.

gaeorn 08-27-2010 08:54 PM

Fatboy5706, please remove the disgusting image from your signature. This is not the place for it.

Jaqua 08-27-2010 09:05 PM

im sure we will all be up and running again in the next few days but its good to see alot of people concerned. its good for our community within a server. project eq has been an escape for me as my financial troubles wane as of today I will be earning 17 dollars an hour (in florida thats alot of money) And as long as I feel that the money would be put to the use intended I will make periodic donations.. I feed a family of 5 so its nothing extravagant 20 bucks here and there you know? PeQ has a strong community for how small we are and to be honest we need to actually get more people involved because although I do like classic eq ie: 1999 With the expansions it is easier to get into the game and solo if you like.. hell my ranger fealdwyn has been campin crystaline shardwurms for the last week so that I could finally purchase the nightmarewood compound bow. Started my epic got all my foraged parts ect. I loved the original eq over eq2 but after sony destroyed SWG i swore i would never play another sony mmo and I havent broken that oath..

all in all folks this will happen alot unless we as a community say "ok this is a cool place to hang out.. whats 20 bucks here and there.." it adds up then one day we will be kicked offline and a few days later we wont have to ever worry about this again. Cavedude is awesome.. period

i know im bouncin off walls and im happy horse-shit sad my server is down but its ok...

this too shall pass

Fatboy5706 08-27-2010 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by gaeorn (Post 191117)
Fatboy5706, please remove the disgusting image from your signature. This is not the place for it.

its not like we all havnt seen that episode, and strive to be the gamer cartman is.

badplayer 08-27-2010 11:54 PM

He's from Kentucky, they crap on the floor there.

Fatboy5706 08-28-2010 12:40 AM

and youre from the doghouse... gratz

Fatboy5706 08-28-2010 01:05 AM

actually you are prolly from somewhere worse than kentucky, like texas.

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