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DanCanDo 09-19-2016 02:47 AM

If you're running the server and client on same puter, you can just use this in your
eqhost.txt file :


I've never used Akka's installer, but on my windows test box, I use a simple start script,
(I just call it start.bat) The t-start script you have is good, I just don't need it, so I
use this, which simply opens up a seperate cmd window for each. Just for testing, you
could try this and see if everything is starting properly. You would get 6 cmd windows
that will stay open and show what's happening. If any open and close right away, then
something is not working right. I have no idea what the installer script does, as I said
I've never used it.

@echo off
start loginserver.exe
start world.exe
ping -n 10 > nul
start eqlaunch.exe zone
start queryserv.exe
start ucs.exe

Markvart 09-19-2016 08:29 AM


I've a problem with installer, on both new install vm (vmware 12) 7 and 8.1, script fail to download and tell me i don't have internet connection. Tried without FW, nat or bridged it's the same. Of course internet connection is ok for all other task in vm.

Is the source server is still up ? Any advice of what i miss else ?

Thanks for reply :)

ionhsmith 09-19-2016 10:07 PM

I am trying to download this on my new computer to set up a server then copy my old server to it. I cannot get this to extract pearl or Maria DB ... keeps giving an error... where is the old way of setting up a server so I can get this done?

Akkadius 09-19-2016 11:11 PM

I'll check out the installer tomorrow and investigate since people are saying there are errors but not really being descriptive as to what.

Markvart 09-20-2016 06:21 AM

Hi, os is in french but you can see the problem i think.

Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\InnerFile.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Lines.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Scalar.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\ScalarArray.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Stringy.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Wrap.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\WrapTie.pm OK
Creating C:\Perl\site\lib\Perl OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\Perl\Tidy.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\Perl\Tidy.pod OK
Creating C:\Perl\site\lib\Win32 OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\Win32\DBIODBC.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\lib\Config.pm~ OK
All OK
Perl="C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe" %1 %*
Installing MariaDB (Root Password: eqemu) LOADING... PLEASE WAIT...

RÉUSSITE*: la valeur spécifiée a été enregistrée.
[Update] No connection to the internet, can't check update
[Update] Cannot check update without internet connection...
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'peq'
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'peq'
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'peq'
[Database] Table 'db_version' does not exists.... Creating...

'world' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'peq'
[Install] EQEmu Server Installer... LOADING... PLEASE WAIT...
[Download] Cannot download without internet connection...
[Update] Fetching Latest Windows Binaries...
[Download] Cannot download without internet connection...
[Update] Fetched Latest Windows Binaries...
[Update] Extracting... ---
IO error: opening updates_staged/master_windows_build.zip for read : No such file or directory
at C:/Perl/lib/Archive/Zip/Archive.pm line 546
Archive::Zip::Archive::read('Archive::Zip::Archive =HASH(0x31d51fc)', 'updates_staged/master_windows_build.zip')
called at eqemu_server.pl line 1681
main::unzip('updates_staged/master_windows_build.zip', 'updates_staged/binaries/') called at eqemu_server.pl lin
e 1180
main::fetch_latest_windows_binaries() called at eqemu_server.pl line 369
main::do_installer_routines() called at eqemu_server.pl line 266
main::new_server() called at eqemu_server.pl line 750
main::show_menu_prompt() called at eqemu_server.pl line 478
main::check_for_world_bootup_database_update() called at eqemu_server.pl line 66
read error at eqemu_server.pl line 1682.
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

zrsh5 09-20-2016 12:45 PM

I built a server again today using a brand new system, clean OS install (Win 8.1 x64)
The install script showed a few errors, in and around where the database is being built. Still having all the same issues. I wish I could give you a log file of the installation script. I used to be quite the batch file wizard but it has been soooo damn long ago, well.. you get the idea. Any way you can output the script to a log file?

Akkadius 09-20-2016 05:02 PM

Just tried a windows install, works fine.


Markvart 09-20-2016 05:52 PM

I've to investigate then, thank you for testing.

Maybe IPS issue, i'll try tomorrow with vpn etc.

zrsh5 09-20-2016 09:20 PM

Akkadius... did you try to log in a client and a character?
Sorry, not trying to be flip, but there must be some reason it won't work for me. I've installed on two machines. My installations went all the way through. The server starts up. I can log in and create a character, but then nothing when I try to log character into the world.
Am I missing something?
Really hoping you can point me in the right direction.
Thanks man!

Edit: I imagine you are so over trying to help idiot_1_server_builder try to get a server up and running. I can certainly appreciate that. Sorry to add to your headache..

Uleat 09-20-2016 09:36 PM

Valid issues are fine.

But, ppl use the installer and then make changes that they don't disclose and we have to go on a 'mining' expedition to figure out what they did...

That's where the headache comes in.

zrsh5 09-20-2016 11:18 PM

I am pretty sure I followed the directions verbatim. Edited the login.ini and eqemu_config.xml to reflect the ip addressed and port #. I am using a brand new rof2 client that was very EZ to find. Edited the eqhosts file to point to the proper ip:port.
I am running the t_start_server_with_login_server.bat.
Everything seems to come up fine.. sorry, I am repeating myself. It's late, and I have become frustrated.

However, as I have said previously. There were a couple of errors in the installation script. I messed around with trying to output the script to a .txt file so I could upload it here. But that didn't work. Only thing I can think of at the moment would be to make screenshots of it's output. Would that help?

Thanks again..

Uleat 09-20-2016 11:27 PM

You should be able to right-click the icon in the upper left of the console window.

There should be options to select all and copy..then you can paste the output here.

Lavius 09-21-2016 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by zrsh5 (Post 251264)
I am running the t_start_server_with_login_server.bat.

To get mine to work I had to manually start these files and do them in this order:

eqlaunch.exe zone

I have to launch zone.exe multiple times otherwise I can't go to a different zone without it putting me back in the previous one. The start.bat code on the tutorial didn't work for me. When I'm done playing I use that shutdown_server.bat or whatever it's called next to t_start/t_start w login files and it will shut down all the above exe's.

ionhsmith 09-21-2016 06:14 PM

Got it to work

zrsh5 10-03-2016 07:00 PM

I thought I would report back that I did get things up and running. Although I am far from understanding the whole thing yet, I am making progress.
Thanks you to everyone for all your help...

ETR3SS 10-04-2016 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Markvart (Post 251242)
Hi, os is in french but you can see the problem i think.

Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\InnerFile.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Lines.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Scalar.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\ScalarArray.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Stringy.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\Wrap.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\IO\WrapTie.pm OK
Creating C:\Perl\site\lib\Perl OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\Perl\Tidy.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\Perl\Tidy.pod OK
Creating C:\Perl\site\lib\Win32 OK
Extracting C:\Perl\site\lib\Win32\DBIODBC.pm OK
Extracting C:\Perl\lib\Config.pm~ OK
All OK
Perl="C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe" %1 %*
Installing MariaDB (Root Password: eqemu) LOADING... PLEASE WAIT...

RÉUSSITE*: la valeur spécifiée a été enregistrée.
[Update] No connection to the internet, can't check update
[Update] Cannot check update without internet connection...
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'peq'
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'peq'
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'peq'
[Database] Table 'db_version' does not exists.... Creating...

'world' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'peq'
[Install] EQEmu Server Installer... LOADING... PLEASE WAIT...
[Download] Cannot download without internet connection...
[Update] Fetching Latest Windows Binaries...
[Download] Cannot download without internet connection...
[Update] Fetched Latest Windows Binaries...
[Update] Extracting... ---
IO error: opening updates_staged/master_windows_build.zip for read : No such file or directory
at C:/Perl/lib/Archive/Zip/Archive.pm line 546
Archive::Zip::Archive::read('Archive::Zip::Archive =HASH(0x31d51fc)', 'updates_staged/master_windows_build.zip')
called at eqemu_server.pl line 1681
main::unzip('updates_staged/master_windows_build.zip', 'updates_staged/binaries/') called at eqemu_server.pl lin
e 1180
main::fetch_latest_windows_binaries() called at eqemu_server.pl line 369
main::do_installer_routines() called at eqemu_server.pl line 266
main::new_server() called at eqemu_server.pl line 750
main::show_menu_prompt() called at eqemu_server.pl line 478
main::check_for_world_bootup_database_update() called at eqemu_server.pl line 66
read error at eqemu_server.pl line 1682.
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

I'm having the same exact problem as this guy. Followed the directions to the letter and got this. Running Win 7 64, tried installing on my D drive. Also I'm on satellite internet which gives a high ping, 6-700. Could this be part of the problem?

maetree 10-10-2016 02:14 PM

I think I'm having the same problem as the two above minus the connection issues. My install runs fine through perl but when it gets to mariaDB it hangs and sits there. I'm running the install on a fresh win7 premium x64 VM. Screenshot attached, it sits there indefinitely


Akkadius 10-10-2016 02:41 PM

I will investigate and get back later

N0ctrnl 10-10-2016 06:13 PM

Just deployed a new one and works fine.

ETR3SS 10-13-2016 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 251667)
I will investigate and get back later

Glad to hear this. Let me know if there's anything more I can provide or do to help resolve the issue.

Markvart 10-13-2016 07:27 AM

For me the most strange is i can install the linux server script with the same connexion (vdsl2 140m from dslam), but still don't have internet connexion with windows script.
I've same error with my connexion or via my vpn (illiad dedibox and linux with full accept rules FW).

I don't know yet what i've to test, because i set a linux server and it's ok for now.

bengkohn 10-14-2016 01:00 PM

As I mentioned in another thread, I am having some problems with the server.

Maybe it is related to a difference I had installing it: when I went to change the xml config file, there was no section for the part labelled "Uncomment the address tag and put the local LAN IP"

The loginserver2 part I changed, but there was no part with the "DO NOT EDIT ANY LINES BETWEEN HERE AND THE DATABASE SECTION"

Could that be causing my login issues, and if possible, how would I correct it?


Akkadius 10-14-2016 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Markvart (Post 251734)
For me the most strange is i can install the linux server script with the same connexion (vdsl2 140m from dslam), but still don't have internet connexion with windows script.
I've same error with my connexion or via my vpn (illiad dedibox and linux with full accept rules FW).

I don't know yet what i've to test, because i set a linux server and it's ok for now.


I think this is a multilingual thing.

When you open up command prompt and you type:


What do you get back?

The code is looking for:


if (`ping -$count 1 -w 500`=~/Reply from|1 received/i) {

Markvart 10-14-2016 03:32 PM

Thank you Akka ! that make sens now you tell me, the return word are not the same in french.



Envoi d'une requête 'Ping' avec 32 octets de
Réponse de*: octets=32 temps=18 ms TTL=54
Réponse de*: octets=32 temps=19 ms TTL=54
Réponse de*: octets=32 temps=18 ms TTL=54
Réponse de*: octets=32 temps=17 ms TTL=54

Statistiques Ping pour
Paquets*: envoyés = 4, reçus = 4, perdus = 0 (per
Durée approximative des boucles en millisecondes :
Minimum = 17ms, Maximum = 19ms, Moyenne = 18ms

Akkadius 10-14-2016 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Markvart (Post 251802)
Thank you Akka ! that make sens now you tell me, the return word are not the same in french.

As I suspected.


Delete eqemu_server.pl, run the installer and try again.

Markvart 10-14-2016 03:46 PM

I removed the whole ping part in script and now the DL is ok ;)

Markvart 10-14-2016 03:46 PM

I'll try that new version tomorrow, thank your for you fast reply Akka.

GeorgeS 10-15-2016 03:59 PM

windows stuck at Connecting to MySQL
Im having a bit of an issue getting my server to work.
The installer installed fine, but upon running t_start_server.bat

I get the screens and all windows in orange text are stuck at Connecting to MySQL
then they close and restart..

perl.exe screens displaying up/down zones are constantly changing and ucs and queryserver and world report "UP" and "DOWN"

This is on my win10 machine.

any ideas?


Akkadius 10-15-2016 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeS (Post 251830)
Im having a bit of an issue getting my server to work.
The installer installed fine, but upon running t_start_server.bat

I get the screens and all windows in orange text are stuck at Connecting to MySQL
then they close and restart..

perl.exe screens displaying up/down zones are constantly changing and ucs and queryserver and world report "UP" and "DOWN"

This is on my win10 machine.

any ideas?


Make sure that you have valid MySQL credentials in the config. I'm guessing you had a database engine already installed.

Make sure shared_memory runs successfully on its own, t_start_server.bat should also run that regardless.

GeorgeS 10-15-2016 04:32 PM

run by itself, shared_memory.exe loads a dos windows, no text is displayed then shuts down and also occurs with the t_start_server.bat file. right after that the other windows pop up and stop at the Connecting to MySQL section.

I may go back to plain vanilla win10, and go from there.

also, I can enter the db ok with heidisql no problem


N0ctrnl 10-15-2016 04:37 PM

What's shared_memory.exe say when run from a cmd prompt?

GeorgeS 10-15-2016 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by N0ctrnl (Post 251833)
What's shared_memory.exe say when run from a cmd prompt?

running it it starts a dos window, and no text appears, takes about 20 seconds then shuts down. I can see process terminate from windows task list..

Yeah something going on with shared_memory.exe - but not sure the cause


DanCanDo 10-15-2016 05:27 PM

I had the same thing the other day when I put together a test server on my win 7 box,
not using the installer, just a fresh compile, etc.
Before I run the server the first time, I ran shared_memory and it did what yours did.
But I said to hek with it and started the server up, ran the shared with server running
and it worked ok. Been working normally since then.

GeorgeS 10-15-2016 07:05 PM

Well finally caught a break
With heidisql, went into mysql/user table and overwrote the word 'root' by retyping in the word root (redundant I know) -- then under tools/flushed/hosts, and restarted the t_start_server.bat and it worked just like that. Went into my server, created a character, and all is well. What' ya know!

ok, so now off to work on the tools!


Korr 10-24-2016 04:12 PM

Install Issues
Running Win7 32-bit Enterprise, latest updates.

Downloaded file from http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Akkas_P...ctions-windows and noticed that the files inside the zip do not match those in the screenshot, specifically MariaDB is missing, perhaps others.




Nevermind I should have read more carefully. I dual boot 32/64 bit and did not realize I was in a non-compatible OS. My bad.

I've looked at the Step-by step Server setup guide, which does support Win7 32-bit. Is there any chance of getting this guide updated? Any chance of creating a Server Installer for 32-bit OS's? :)

Maze_EQ 10-24-2016 04:58 PM

Who even uses 32bit?

I love being limited to 3.75gb of ram!

Korr 10-24-2016 08:56 PM

I only have one desktop machine, and use it mostly for work which is why I thought it'd be a good place to run the emulator from.

But certain work applications will not run under 64-bit so I'm somewhat restricted there, and I don't want to use my laptop for the server and to play.

I do dual boot 32/64 but I need to keep my work apps running as much as possible, which is why I asked.

Used to play EQ years and years ago, was considering playing on an existing server (may end up being my only option), but the thought of starting over from scratch makes me want to run my own and have my friends over to play on my LAN.

I've got a few laptops, but beyond Win7 I only have 1 that came preinstalled with Win8.1 32-bit, which doesn't have the hdd space nor the ram to run the server well (and isn't supported anyways).

Korr 10-25-2016 11:16 PM

Found part of my issue.

Following the instructions I installed XAMPP. When I went to a prompt and created the 'peq' database, the prompt clearly states Maria DB [peq]

MariaDB is part of the server install package, but is 64bit and will not install on a 32bit OS.

When I created and ran setup.bat per the instructions, I got a lot of path not found errors. My OS System path had at least 5 MariaDB 10.0 entries which I believe were created everytime world.exe was run?

Regardless, MariaDB 10.0 does not exist hence the path is invalid.

So can I assume that the package installer itself (and the updater/tools) are incompatible with any 32-bit OS?


Korr 10-26-2016 12:00 AM

Located and installed 32bit MariaDB 10.0.27 (not the latest but wanted to be safe). Did *not* enable service.

Ran setup.bat, all path errors gone, updates working!

QueryServ still not working. Tried, localhost. Just hangs at connecting to mysql...

UCS connects to mysql fine, is running.

Korr 10-26-2016 12:02 AM

When I get this working I'll update my version of the install notes and post if anyone is interested.

LAN install, on a Win7 32-bit machine.

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