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robinreg 06-02-2010 12:48 AM

I got all the DoD and PoR zones. the one I got for devastation is the Bolvark spawns. I labeled it on the PEQ log site. Also got most of the revamps zones. I'm currently working on GoD instance zones.

Akkadius 06-02-2010 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by robinreg (Post 188563)
I got all the DoD and PoR zones. the one I got for devastation is the Bolvark spawns. I labeled it on the PEQ log site. Also got most of the revamps zones. I'm currently working on GoD instance zones.

I'm grabbing quite a few of the PoR instance zones.

Derision 06-02-2010 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 188559)
He probably has classification of a different merchant type which isn't in Derision's script to filter and capture.

The only spawns that should not be included are players, pets and mercenaries. I'd be interested in looking at the .pcap or the hex dump produced by
the 'Dump Packets' button for the Void zone to figure out why Zebuxorok isn't being included, if you or Steve could email it to me at DerisionEQ at gmail.com

Akkadius 06-02-2010 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by Derision (Post 188565)
The only spawns that should not be included are players, pets and mercenaries. I'd be interested in looking at the .pcap or the hex dump produced by
the 'Dump Packets' button for the Void zone to figure out why Zebuxorok isn't being included, if you or Steve could email it to me at DerisionEQ at gmail.com

Done, let me know what you think.

Derision 06-02-2010 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 188566)
Done, let me know what you think.

There is nothing unusual about his spawn packet, and if I run that .pcap through an older, command-line version of the extractor, it generates SQL for Zebuxoruk just fine.

I'm at work right now and don't have the current source code with me, but it must be a simple bug that I will fix tonight. I'm thinking that maybe the extractor is always missing
the first NPC in the zone, and since Zeb is the only NPC in the Void, then it is noticeable.

Andrew80k 06-02-2010 10:40 AM

Anyone doing TBS?

cavedude 06-02-2010 12:03 PM

I did the first couple of zones, but have since started working on other zones to get some zone_points and npc appearances working.

Akkadius 06-02-2010 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew80k (Post 188572)
Anyone doing TBS?

I have been doing TBS, but most of the zones are instanced, I have most of the statics though.

I've got almost PoR (is done I think), TBS and DoN statics completely done. I don't post them all until they are done otherwise if I upload them gradually I have no idea where I am with the way you have to upload to CD's repo.

Derision 06-02-2010 02:14 PM

1.5 is up with these changes:

Fixed bug which caused the first spawn to always be skipped.
Update generated for fog_density column in zone table.
Populated Drakkin specific fields in npc_types.
If zone config and/or zone points are selected, the generated SQL will no longer be commented out.

I implemented the update for npc_types, but I have disabled it for now in the UI as I found some issues with it ...

First I was updating the size, then I found multiple NPCs with the same name but different sizes, so I took the size out of the update. Then I found multiple NPCs with the same name,
but some were wielding weapons and some not, e.g.

mysql> select id, name, d_meele_texture1, d_meele_texture2 from npc_types where name like 'a_Nokk_elder';
| id    | name        | d_meele_texture1 | d_meele_texture2 |
| 394319 | a_Nokk_elder |                0 |                0 |
| 394320 | a_Nokk_elder |            10608 |                0 |
| 394363 | a_Nokk_elder |                0 |                0 |
3 rows in set (0.25 sec)

(this is with current live data, not existing PEQ tables).

Now my guess is there are multiple mobs with the same name but different facial features, but I didn't check that, so I'm really not sure what to do and await Cavedude's words
of wisdom on the matter :)

cavedude 06-02-2010 02:30 PM

The melee textures, could that possibly be an item the NPC has on their loottable? If so, I don't think it would be a big deal to 0 out those columns after they have been sourced into the db. I'm mainly looking for textures on guards and player races as everything else is usually handled by loot. It's no big deal if I have to go back and manually fiddle with the melee columns.

About the size and face data... That's tricky. How about a way to check which columns you want to dump in the UPDATE? Maybe have the default the "safe" options, but also have choices for things like level or size which may not be as safe. Not sure how much work that would be, but I think that would make everybody happy.

Derision 06-02-2010 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 188566)
Done, let me know what you think.

Thanks for the .pcap. The problem with Zeb not appearing is fixed in v1.5. Could I possibly trouble you for a .pcap for Ocean Green Hills ? There are 'Zombie Catapults' in there
that are showing as humans with outstretched arms, so there must be something else in the spawn structure that we are not currently handling.

(Example of the human zombie catapult is at -631, 4868, 9).

Akkadius 06-02-2010 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Derision (Post 188581)
Thanks for the .pcap. The problem with Zeb not appearing is fixed in v1.5. Could I possibly trouble you for a .pcap for Ocean Green Hills ? There are 'Zombie Catapults' in there
that are showing as humans with outstretched arms, so there must be something else in the spawn structure that we are not currently handling.

(Example of the human zombie catapult is at -631, 4868, 9).

Derision I sent you my entire collection, the same link I sent to Cavedude. At your Gmail account.

Derision 06-02-2010 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 188584)
Derision I sent you my entire collection, the same link I sent to Cavedude. At your Gmail account.

Thanks. Much appreciated :)

Akkadius 06-02-2010 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Derision (Post 188585)
Thanks. Much appreciated :)

No sir, thank you, this is amazing, and I can do so so much with this, even though my server content is usually from scratch. And this greatly helps the entire community in any of their efforts.

EDIT: BTW your new compile is erroring out MYSQL syntax:

This is one of two that I have encountered, the same error as followed:


UPDATE zone set fog_density = 0.33 WHERE zoneidnumber = 342;
[Err] 1054 - Unknown column 'fog_density' in 'field list'

Derision 06-02-2010 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 188586)
EDIT: BTW your new compile is erroring out MYSQL syntax:

This is one of two that I have encountered, the same error as followed:

UPDATE zone set fog_density = 0.33 WHERE zoneidnumber = 342;
[Err] 1054 - Unknown column 'fog_density' in 'field list'

Yeah, that is a new column that KLS added to the zone table very recently (Rev1513), and the reason I put it in a separate update statement, so the first,
main, zone table row update will go through if you don't have that column, and the separate update for fog_density will error if you don't have it, but can be
safely ignored.

I meant to put a comment preceding the fog_density update to that effect, but forgot.

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