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Uleat 05-20-2016 08:22 PM

I normally don't advocate the use of non-sanctioned files..but, the contents do look correct for this moment in time (- I have not personally tested them.)

Future schema changes may invalidate these files..so, be mindful and check their current status before use.

DanCanDo 05-20-2016 08:34 PM

I agree totally Uleat, those files are only a temporary solution for the moment, in case
anyone needs a quick fix. I won't even think of them as "written in stone" on my own
computer, as things progress and advanced with development. Just something to help
anyone in an unexpected crisis. :)

AsmoTiC 05-30-2016 10:47 AM

Uleat -

Bot have been working great for me. Buddy of mine and I have been using a bunch at a time without any trouble. For reference, it's 12 active clients with 24 bots running. In additional the new Healing Rotation improvements are pretty fantastic. Only problem, and it's pretty minor, is sometimes the HR clerics will decide they can nuke. Usually they do what they are supposed to though.

Now for my problem/question. Not sure exactly when it started, probably sometime after our back and forth with the HR code. I end up with the following MySQL Error whenever I summon a PC client. Only the GM sees the error, and it doesn't cause any problems other than flashing a the string of text in red for each client being summoned. Any thoughts?


[MySQL Error] 1146: Table 'peq.vw_groups' doesn't exist --- SELECT g.'mob_id' AS bot_id FROM 'vw_groups' AS g JOIN 'bot_data' AS b ON g.'mob_id' = b.'bot_id' AND g.'mob_type' = 'B' WHERE g.'group_id' = '9005'

Uleat 05-30-2016 06:48 PM

The HR code supplements the bot spell ai code..so, it is possible for a HR member to be idle long enough for an ai-based spell to go off.

If a heal rotation member is ready to cast for a HR, and they are currently casting a spell, the override will cancel that spell and start processing the HR spell..but, it will
not explicitly keep them from casting ai-based spells. (Any non-HR recast timers can cause a member to miss their turn in a cycle, however...)

I'm not exactly sure where you are getting that mysql error.

The bot command only summons bots..which command are you using to summon clients?

AsmoTiC 05-30-2016 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Uleat (Post 249107)
I'm not exactly sure where you are getting that mysql error.

The bot command only summons bots..which command are you using to summon clients?

I was noticing when I used #summon <player>. Payed more attention while I played today, and the same error pops up whenever they enter the zone with the GM. He's the only one that sees the error. So, for example, my Druid ported the whole group to Poknowledge, which is where my GM was sitting. When the loaded in, 6x of those messages popped up in red.

<shrugs>. Other than the message everything works, just thought i'd mention it.

Uleat 05-30-2016 07:13 PM

That's not a bot command..but, I'll take a look at it :P


I traced the calls all the way down to where it leaves the server code and is parsed by scripts.

I did not see where that query would have been called...

You can check your database to ensure the the view `vw_groups`actually exists, though.

AsmoTiC 05-31-2016 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Uleat (Post 249110)
You can check your database to ensure the the view `vw_groups`actually exists, though.

Bah, you are right. Somehow that view got dropped from the db. Ended up just sourcing it back in, which has stopped the error message.

Thanks for pointing me in the right location to get that fixed!

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