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Nightrider84 09-29-2015 12:17 AM

"sigh" bot question
I know this has probobly been covered somewhere. But another issue I run into is the bots seem to lag and rubber band behind the client. Doesn't matter if it's local or through the regular login server. And ive tried multipull client's all with the same issue. also on another bot related note, Did the bot issue with them automatically have all AA's at level 1 get fixed? I made a druid half elf and he almost never runs out of mana with no gear on at level 10 with constant casting from battle. Any Thoughts?

Update: I also noticed the bot's get stuck on everything from trees to not pathing correctly around corners. Kinda like they are just on auto follow to be honest. But glitchy laggy auto follow.
The bots worked "good" before (around 6 months to a year ago) Im just at a loss as to what changed to cause the issue.

Uleat 09-29-2015 12:52 PM

I'm a bot aficionado myself - mainly because I play offline/solo.

The guy that used to maintain them has been away for a while and all of the changes in the last year or so have been slow to creep into the bots code.

TBH, it's probably been more than a year since I sat and actually played..so, I'm slowly catching up on what bots are behind on.

I'm currently attempting to implement bots into the update script so that changes will be easier to apply and track.

As to your questions, I can't say..but, there are a few people around that may have answers to those.

Cilraaz 09-29-2015 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Nightrider84 (Post 243603)
Did the bot issue with them automatically have all AA's at level 1 get fixed? I made a druid half elf and he almost never runs out of mana with no gear on at level 10 with constant casting from battle. Any Thoughts?

There was a github commit on July 20, 2015 to stop the bots from getting all AA at level 1.

I can't speak to the poor follow/pathing, though.

Kingly_Krab 09-29-2015 11:34 PM

Yes, that issue was fixed in this commit by NatedogEZ: https://github.com/EQEmu/Server/comm...c4a67f5500c664

Nightrider84 10-01-2015 02:40 PM

yeah I just confirmed that it was commited in my build aswell. I wonder why the bots mana regen at low level is so OP. I even have the bots mana regen set to 4 in the DB so it should be slower than player regen. Not that I wan't my bot running out of mana but Im just trying to keep it legit.

Nightrider84 10-01-2015 03:14 PM

So as a note to all my bot issues im going to download a fresh bot.cpp and recompile and see if the problems still exist. That should rule out any (I fucked up messing with the bot.cpp file) problems lol

Cilraaz 10-01-2015 03:17 PM

Is the massive regen happening during combat or shortly after? Could it be that the rested regen is kicking in? Did you increase Character:ManaRegenMultiplier not realizing it also applied to bots?

If we step through the function, at level 10 in no gear, sitting, and with max (for their level) Meditate regen should be about:

regen = ((((GetSkill(SkillMeditate) / 10) + (level - (level / 4))) / 4) + 4);
Pulling numbers for level 10, that's:

regen = ((((50 / 10) + (10 - (10 / 4))) / 4) + 4);
This comes out to 6, since regen is an int32 and the .5 remainder would be dropped.

After that:

regen += (itembonuses.HeroicINT / 25);
This can use either Int or Wis, and I believe should be 0 when naked (since it's referencing itembonuses, but I could be wrong about that), so regen += 0 or regen = 6 at this point.


regen = ((regen * RuleI(Character, ManaRegenMultiplier)) / 100);
Default Character:ManaRegenMultiplier is 100, so regen is unchanged.


float mana_regen_rate = RuleR(Bots, BotManaRegen);
You've set this to 4.0, so...


regen = (regen * mana_regen_rate);
This gets a bit hairy, though. The database notes state that Bots:BotManaRegen decreases regen as it's value is increased, but this code seems to suggest the opposite. In your case, this comes out to 24.

Am I missing something or is the note in the database incorrect regarding increasing BotManaRegen?

Nightrider84 10-01-2015 03:27 PM

its happening both, my bots regenning almost 20% of his mana per tick. and at 130 mana or so. thats 22 mana regen a tick

Nightrider84 10-01-2015 03:37 PM

maybe there is some kind of issue when I compile that server that might be causing these problems? Im still using VS 2012 desktop, but I see the guide recommends doing 2013 desktop version. but im not getting any failed issues or anything when I use it.

Cilraaz 10-01-2015 03:39 PM

Well, 22 sounds about right, since the math is coming out to roughly 24. For shoots and giggles, try lowering BotManaRegen to 1.0 and see what happens.

Nightrider84 10-01-2015 03:43 PM

im gonna laught it it works =P

Edit: Currently recompiling the server with a fresh bot.cpp gonna see if that fixes alot of the bot issues. Ill just hafto leave that section alone if it does.

Nightrider84 10-01-2015 04:22 PM

Nope it didn't and for some reason when I set it to 1 it made my bot swing like 8 times in a row. like he quad hit twice. This is on a fresh compile with the stock bot.cpp I pulled from the source

Cilraaz 10-01-2015 04:22 PM

Changing the BotManaRegen variable in your database managed to change your bot's attacks?

Nightrider84 10-01-2015 04:27 PM

Just double checked it, it looked like it did but it didn't. I changed it to 5 this time and the bot did the same thing. and this is just a half elf druid too

Cilraaz 10-01-2015 04:28 PM

Changing BotManaRegen shouldn't affect your bot's melee attacks at all.

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