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Moonie 07-11-2014 08:48 AM

[EU]Puny Earthlings
We would like to invite you, to a new server!

Puny Earthlings :

5 x Experience
Custom Progression Quests
Custom Epic Quests
Custom Augs

Find us at www.punyearthlings.eu

Hope to see you soon!

aleution 07-12-2014 07:54 PM

I've tried playing on this server. Currently it is set to a 5 zone load limit. This greatly inhibits the ability of people to play. In fact you're going to limit yourself to about 5 players as unless every one is in the same zone, you can't zone or travel. Very frustrating.

Kingly_Krab 07-12-2014 08:10 PM

If it is only five zones you may want to take a look in the launcher table and see how many dynamics you have turned on (default is usually 5).

Einon 07-13-2014 07:43 AM

Thanks for the hint Kingly_Krab, the limit is now changed.

lupisnoctum 07-15-2014 01:21 AM

If you haven't tried this server out, now's the time to do it. The lads have made some great changes over the last couple of days. Progression up to Velious is now open!

Definitely get the server's custom spell file from their site, it helps a ton with their custom augs.

Mystery1974 07-15-2014 05:10 PM

yeah nice server and nice community

Moonie 07-18-2014 10:32 AM

We appreciate the kind word guys ;)

Currently the max online has been 50, thats not to shappy for a week old server.
We would like to see more of you!

Moonie 07-26-2014 02:32 AM

Progression is now up to Planes of Power

Moonie 09-18-2016 02:02 PM

Long overdue update!

We've added 2 new NPC's in Plane of Knowledge and some other changes

Filur the Head Hunter

Now you can have more than 1 bot active at any time, but before you're able to you will need to hunt down some monsters for Filur.


Selling proc potions for a standard fee, and giving you the possible to buy your Keys for zones like Old Sebilis, Ssra Temple and Vex Thal.

You are still able to do the key quests the old fashioned way if you prefer (which had increased drop rate on the pieces).

Boss Update

We've redone the progression bosses, so that you no longer need a entire group to beat them, we've come to realise that most people play alone. The bosses have been tweaked to not flurry, quad and triple hit, and their health, AC and HP have been adjusted.

In addition, progression bosses now drop more platinum.

Dorph the Social

The guild-inviter have been deactivated, as it caused a bug for some people where they were unable to enter the server.

Fridgecritter 11-07-2016 05:56 PM

Aug slots/The right armor
I noticed all of the armor has only one aug slot. Is there any armor that has two? I noticed you have a tradeskill trainer that takes plat and AAs for training. Is there custom crafted armor that's better than what you can get from drops? The reason I ask is, I see certain augs have no AC but good stats for defense, offense and other things. Other augs have AC, but only give heroic stats when upgraded to the higher augs, and no other stats like shielding, etc... that the other augs give. There needs to be a line of armor that has two aug slots.

Fridgecritter 11-08-2016 07:08 PM

I see there are some two and three aug slot items on the LDoN vendor, but they are the wrong slots. They are 1, 2 and 3 when the shards are 4, 7 and 8.

Fridgecritter 12-24-2016 10:26 PM

Is anyone developing this server anymore? It's impossible to solo the bosses to get to PoP. I can only kill the lower ones (Rumblecrush, Doomshade) but the named in Vex Thal are not soloable at all. I have the highest augments on 16 delay weapons and super high armor augs and they still kill me in about 5 hits, too fast for heals even if I two-boxed them with another account. They need to be adjusted since there's no population and it's labeled as a solo server.

trahelion 12-26-2016 01:06 AM

I've been playing solo on this server, too. It's a lovely premise and I appreciate the hard work that went into it, but I agree that it could use a little love to be perfected.

Another bot that we can access would be a huge help, IMO. I don't box and haven't learned the MQ2 stuff yet, but I suppose it might be necessary just to continue playing :/

nenelan 12-26-2016 08:08 PM

Yeah, I enjoyed the heck out of this server up till Luclin, but man that difficulty spike from ToV is just about too much to crawl past. I'll give it another go in a few months, but a hard stall like that with little room for advancement leaves a bit to be desired.

Concept's great, execution ain't bad, but there's definitely room to go further there.

Fridgecritter 12-27-2016 12:09 PM

I think all it would take is another augment slot to everything and it would be scaled perfectly and manageable.

Fridgecritter 06-29-2017 12:05 PM

If development on this server has stopped, I am interested in taking up where you left off, or at least joining the dev team and tweaking things here and there. Shoot me a MSG if you're interested.

Fridgecritter 07-13-2017 02:12 PM

I have asked permission to take over development of this server, and I have it up and running. I am doing some tweaks here and there, such as adding the second augment slot to armor items over a certain level, to balance the raid encounters later in levels.

I also have permission to use all of the quest files from Last World server (from 4 or 5 years ago), and I will be slowly adding those quests to the server as well. This is going to be a great server. It will show up as locked in the server list under "Fridgecritter" for now, and all of the characters and bots are intact in the database. You should be able to log in and take up where you left off on Puny Earthlings, only with new content coming and more augment slots to help with raid mobs.

mjbcb0717 07-13-2017 09:41 PM

website or files anywere ?

Fridgecritter 07-13-2017 09:44 PM

Fridgecritter.org all there is right now is the spell file. All you need to play.

nenelan 07-14-2017 06:23 AM

Looking forward to giving this a go. Hated stalling out in the past because I just could not quite get past the content with 1 aug slot.

Also, server isn't locked, but not able to get in. Are ports forwarded correctly? I'll give it another try tonight after work.

Ormii 07-14-2017 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by nenelan (Post 255175)
Looking forward to giving this a go. Hated stalling out in the past because I just could not quite get past the content with 1 aug slot.

Also, server isn't locked, but not able to get in. Are ports forwarded correctly? I'll give it another try tonight after work.

I wasn't able to connect with ROF Client, had to use UF/HOT.

Fridgecritter 07-14-2017 10:18 AM

Interesting. Yeah old server code I'll have to look at the files and make sure the ROF compatibility file is in there. [EDIT] I don't know why you couldn't connect. I used ROF just now and connected fine, and the patch_ROF.conf is in there]. I also just opened #scribespells and #traindisc commands so casters will be more even with melee toons. I'll get the portable augment sealer done later today, and get a website up so I can post all of these updates there.

mjbcb0717 07-14-2017 09:36 PM

Any chance of geting peqzone or maybe a porter

Fridgecritter 07-14-2017 09:39 PM

A porter bot is in the works for some of the Lost World quests that are to come. You can also spawn a Druid bot and tell them to port you wherever that level Druid can port. The server is set up for progression, so I may open the peqzone command but I need to make sure it still restricts those who don't have access to the next expansion. I don't want people zerging mobs for augs in the higher areas.

Burningsoul 07-15-2017 12:48 AM

Monk discs seem bugged after level 56, the only one displayed after a #traindisc 59 on HoT/UF Hybrid was innerflame - I recall seeing this a good while back being posted here. I'll take a gander tomorrow and report back if I find anything. Also, could you export a db_str.txt for us? I've got several all clumsily-renamed to .bak's but it's a crapshoot to get a working one for this server at this rate after so many other custom servers and poor archiving habits.

One last request - please allow access to #mystats for stat/haste/such testing? Looks like monk 1.0 (Celestial fists) click isn't giving the overhaste, this would help troubleshoot it.

Fridgecritter 07-15-2017 01:13 AM

Mystats and db_str.txt added to the list for tomorrow. Thanks.

mjbcb0717 07-15-2017 08:24 AM

Possible tuning for casters? Push is OP get more then 2 mobs and can't get a spell off. Maybe look into min/max damage mobs do seems they hit harder then I remember makes being a half naked mage alittle hard lol.

Gate charm for melee would be awesome some people were put off by this few times iv been on. Elemental form AA's for mage could be made insta recast? Suxs casting it then dieing 2 mins later having to wait 15 mins to use it again. Some Aug focus effects have unknown spell even with spell file in.

Wutzing 07-15-2017 09:10 AM

Same issue as the person above RoF2 client black screens and won't connect

Fridgecritter 07-16-2017 12:33 PM

OK so the server binaries are way too old, and the database still has blobs in it, other issues as well. Pathing, NPC creation, all kinds of things are super bugged. I will be using Akka's installer to make a new install and I'm just gonna have to plug in the augments and add new augment slots all over again. But I'm gonna make the augments so you don't need a custom spell file. Progression requirements will go out the window, and peqzone will open. The quests from Lost World will have to be recreated. Lots of work to do. Unfortunately, that means a database wipe. Too many tables and fields to be updated to do them manually. It would take me a month.

mjbcb0717 07-16-2017 12:50 PM

Are we looking at down time then? Was having fun :(

Fridgecritter 07-16-2017 12:54 PM

Down time
Yeah at least a day for down time. Sorry. There were so many issues and lag (hosted on a dedicated server so shouldn't be lagging) that I have to install the new server binaries. The bots will still be restricted, the augs will still come back, but in order to bring in the Lost world quests, the epic quest guy will be gone (epics weren't worth doing because you could put augs in a rusty dagger and make it 150 dmg) but I will replace those with some custom weapon quests, including some weapons that will make casters a little more balanced.

mjbcb0717 07-16-2017 12:58 PM

Right on better to have it right then a mess

Fridgecritter 07-16-2017 07:50 PM

Just ordered a used server from Amazon. My cable internet connection is more than enough to host this server, and for the price of one month's rent from godaddy I got a nice 8 cores server with 16 gigs of ram and 6 hdd bays. The dedicated server had 4gb of ram and a dual core processor.

kokey98 07-17-2017 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Fridgecritter (Post 255227)
OK so the server binaries are way too old, and the database still has blobs in it, other issues as well. Pathing, NPC creation, all kinds of things are super bugged. I will be using Akka's installer to make a new install and I'm just gonna have to plug in the augments and add new augment slots all over again. But I'm gonna make the augments so you don't need a custom spell file. Progression requirements will go out the window, and peqzone will open. The quests from Lost World will have to be recreated. Lots of work to do. Unfortunately, that means a database wipe. Too many tables and fields to be updated to do them manually. It would take me a month.

you can export the entries that are edited and keepers then re-import when done -- if an easy way filter for them you don't even need to know the sql - context menus in mariadb can do it :p

similar experience - any edit i do to my database, i keep a duplicate of all the ocmmands run etc... all local changes are easily re-implemented if i screw up the db,which happens alot, since i am re-learning sql 20+ years later. i do have a archive dbackup, but i never remember what i did last ... i guess a lilttle corresponding local-changelog would be nice for reference, too.

(vnedors, changes to items anythign i edit - even with an archive, it's still backedup as the individual sql commands and tables of info to update default db etc -- especially the rule set -- i keep that a backup of it's own at all times.)

mjbcb0717 07-17-2017 05:25 PM

ETA on server now?

Burningsoul 07-18-2017 11:10 PM

Fridge, hope all is going well. Sorry to see the situation with the server. If/when you get it back we'll be here waiting. In the short time it was up I binged pretty hard on it and I can't say I do that much anymore - for that you have my thanks. If I can be of (admittedly little) assistance don't hesitate to drop a line, even if it's just to shoot the shit about old LW mechanics or something.

Fridgecritter 07-19-2017 12:21 AM

I am bringing the server up from time to time just to test things I change. I've got the bots quest working thanks to some folks here, where you start with not being able to summon any bots. I've got a couple NPCs from LW in PoK now and they are working. I've emailed the old GMs that were on LW and asked for help with the tedious job of spawning all the NPCs and changing the DB item numbers since I'm using the newest peq database now, and successfully imported the Puny Earthlings augments and proof items for bots quest, etc...

Honestly I think the only thing I will keep from Puny Eathlings is the augments and augment combine NPC, as well as the bots limitation/quest. I've added peqzone (because on LW the zone command was abused) and I'm going to allow MQ2. The fun part for me will be adding on Arioch, Jabberwocky, epics and the other LW quests that I loved. The four different colored dragons, each dropping a different material armor, etc...

It's going to be an up hill battle, and it's probably going to take a month or so to get it all done right with Magelo, a forum and regular updates. Stay tuned.

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