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-   -   Windows Server Installer :: Modular & Scripted (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40299)

Akkadius 12-29-2015 11:35 PM

Windows Server Installer :: Modular & Scripted
The purpose of this installer is to make the barrier to entry to setting up your own server extremely simple.

It is amazing how we've been able to have a strong project like this for so long for people to be able to have their own sandbox and go wild with creativity or just enjoy a server for their own needs.

Please note, that this is for clean installs of windows only.

Enjoy - Please post if you have used this and share how easy it was for you.

For more information see below:



N0ctrnl 12-30-2015 12:58 PM

Runs smooth as silk on a clean install of Win7 x64. Very, very cool.

Akkadius 12-30-2015 01:10 PM

Just did it on a Windows Server 2012 R2 VM. Booted right up.


daerath 12-30-2015 02:01 PM

Validated on 2012R2. The installer is pretty damn nice.

Akkadius 12-31-2015 05:59 PM

Cleaned thread up. Let's keep getting tests in so I can make sure this is running clean for everyone.

ihatemyself 12-31-2015 06:18 PM

I installed it on a fresh VM running Windows 7 Pro 64bit with every available Windows Update installed.

The main installation seems to have gone off without a hitch, but when I try to install the login server ( http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Akkas_P...server-windows ) I get stuck immediately after typing in 13.


Enter numbered option and press enter...

> 13

--- Fetching Loginserver... ---
Part of the reason may be this: I don't know how to run the eqemu_update.pl file as an administrator. How do I do that? Shift+right click doesn't work.

Edit: Before I forget, thank you for making this. It will be the closest I've come to having a working EverQuest server to run around with a couple of friends.

Edit2: Okay, I ran it as administrator (command prompt as administrator, C:\Perl\bin>perl C:\EverQuestServer\eqemu_update.pl) and it seems to have worked after hitting enter at "Fetching Loginserver". I let it sit for 20 minutes previously and nothing happened, but that just may be a coincidence.

I would say add the command prompt as admin to the wiki for people like me who are slow :) Also...if we are running a local login server, I assume we need to use t_start_server_with_login_server.bat to start up the server from that point forward?

Akkadius 12-31-2015 06:20 PM

What you can do is launch CMD as administrator, change directory to the server folder and launch eqemu_update.pl

I might just have the installer install the login server whether or not people care to use it or not just to avoid this issue

Akkadius 12-31-2015 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by ihatemyself (Post 246168)
I installed it on a fresh VM running Windows 7 Pro 64bit with every available Windows Update installed.

The main installation seems to have gone off without a hitch, but when I try to install the login server ( http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Akkas_P...server-windows ) I get stuck immediately after typing in 13.

Part of the reason may be this: I don't know how to run the eqemu_update.pl file as an administrator. How do I do that? Shift+right click doesn't work.

Edit: Before I forget, thank you for making this. It will be the closest I've come to having a working EverQuest server to run around with a couple of friends.

Edit2: Okay, I ran it as administrator (command prompt as administrator, C:\Perl\bin>perl C:\EverQuestServer\eqemu_update.pl) and it seems to have worked after hitting enter at "Fetching Loginserver". I let it sit for 20 minutes previously and nothing happened, but that just may be a coincidence.

I would say add the command prompt as admin to the wiki for people like me who are slow :) Also...if we are running a local login server, I assume we need to use t_start_server_with_login_server.bat to start up the server from that point forward?

That would be correct, however I'll probably have the loginserver just install with everything else so there is no work involved other than just running the initial batch script.

Akkadius 12-31-2015 11:45 PM

Normal install routine will simply install the loginserver along with it.

Will update Wiki guide.


Shin Noir 01-01-2016 01:08 AM

I got a tiny lil' VirtualBox with WinXP totally clean.
Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\IETest\Desktop\eqemu_installer_files\ma
Installing MariaDB (Root Password: eqemu) LOADING... PLEASE WAIT...
'setx' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\IETest\Desktop\eqemu_installer_files\ma
Installing MariaDB (Root Password: eqemu) LOADING... PLEASE WAIT...
'setx' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\IETest\Desktop\eqemu_installer_files\ma
Installing MariaDB (Root Password: eqemu) LOADING... PLEASE WAIT...
'setx' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Could Not Find C:\Documents and Settings\IETest\Desktop\eqemu_installer_files\ma

Looks like if you run it twice, it fails.

And I didn't install WinXP 64bit.. is my real issue. I just noticed you exclude 32bit.

Akkadius 01-01-2016 01:09 AM

I think I'm probably going to just exclude Windows XP from the list as it's practically a dead OS

ihatemyself 01-01-2016 05:13 PM

Following up from yesterday, today I installed Everquest Titanium and did some testing:

My own login server (eqhosts.txt = localhost:5998) fails to load the character select screen. The error is

Error 1017: Cannot login to the EverQuest server. You may need to re-run the Update Patch. Repeatedly seeing this message indicates a loss of connectivity to the Patch Server. This is usually temporary.

Using the official log in server, I can connect and play as normal.

ihatemyself 01-01-2016 09:29 PM

Everything seems to work great except one thing: Mobs don't drop loot. I've tried a few different clients (currently using RoF2, the newest build that seems to work), and while mobs will drop coin, they never drop items.

Is this intended for this build, or did I miss a step?

dpjaf4t 01-02-2016 09:44 AM

Just a couple of observations from the peanut gallery:

1a. Lines 113-114 in eqemu_install.bat you could just do

SET PATH=%path%;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin

on one line instead of two, this is only esthetics though.

1b. Why not a line:

setx /M path "%path%;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin

for the Perl install step as well as the MariaDB install step? I'm sure you have a reason, I just haven't had enough coffee this morning to get it myself.

2. You don't get any issues from installing 32-bit Perl and 64-bit everything else?? Doing my prerequisite setup on 64-bit Windows (back when, manually and the long way around), I had installed ActivePerl- instead, because it never occurred to me NOT to install the 64-bit version. And then never gave it another thought until now ....

3. Why not do the Perl.rar as a self-extracting archive instead? Then you could completely skip the WinRAR install step.

sculler 01-02-2016 11:33 AM

Installed last night on Windows Server 2012 R2 and it worked like a charm.

Very smooth install.

Nice job, Akka.

Akkadius 01-02-2016 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by dpjaf4t (Post 246191)
Just a couple of observations from the peanut gallery:

1a. Lines 113-114 in eqemu_install.bat you could just do

SET PATH=%path%;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin

on one line instead of two, this is only esthetics though.

For whatever reason it wasn't playing nice at the time so I decided to go with two separate statements at the time

1b. Why not a line:

setx /M path "%path%;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin

for the Perl install step as well as the MariaDB install step? I'm sure you have a reason, I just haven't had enough coffee this morning to get it myself.

2. You don't get any issues from installing 32-bit Perl and 64-bit everything else?? Doing my prerequisite setup on 64-bit Windows (back when, manually and the long way around), I had installed ActivePerl- instead, because it never occurred to me NOT to install the 64-bit version. And then never gave it another thought until now ....

You can use Perl x64 but I'm using a very proven recommended version that we've always used and it doesn't really matter if you use 32 vs 64. What matters here is that it works.

3. Why not do the Perl.rar as a self-extracting archive instead? Then you could completely skip the WinRAR install step.

I want WinRAR installed for folks because the db backup/compression relies upon it if people wanted the functionality. Plus who doesn't have WinRAR installed or want it installed.

Responded inline. You didn't even mention if it worked for you or not?

Akkadius 01-02-2016 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by sculler (Post 246192)
Installed last night on Windows Server 2012 R2 and it worked like a charm.

Very smooth install.

Nice job, Akka.

That's good!

dpjaf4t 01-02-2016 07:04 PM

<facepalm> Yes, it worked (except the script did not delete the various installers for me even running it as administrator, but this is totally a trivial point). Sorry for not saying so up front.

Excellent work, it's definitely a boon for getting a server up and running, quickly and conveniently.

Dremis 01-03-2016 10:43 AM

Windows 10
Seems to work perfectly on Windows 10 also. No issues installing and no errors when running. Now if I could just figure out how to make my ROF client connect to it... lol.

Toony 01-03-2016 11:23 AM

Installed on VMWare with Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, very smooth install.

andy5427 01-03-2016 06:49 PM

Thanks Akkadius, I just installed your wonderful re-pack a week ago. I think I should have held off a week for this. :)


Now if I could just figure out how to make my ROF client connect to it... lol.
I'm a bit new at this but wouldn't the answer be to run the updater which has an option to add all the opp codes. I used it on an old server on another machine I made last year. It worked and even added ROF2.

Dremis 01-03-2016 08:19 PM

I'm prolly newer than you are LOL. I finally changed the listening port in login.ini from 5998 to 5999 and am able to see and login to my server now. Everything seems fine except there is no sound when I cast spells. Now, I'm trying to figure out how to find and use GM commands and How to add pet toys to a merchant.

Sisca 01-04-2016 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Dremis (Post 246221)
I'm prolly newer than you are LOL. I finally changed the listening port in login.ini from 5998 to 5999 and am able to see and login to my server now. Everything seems fine except there is no sound when I cast spells. Now, I'm trying to figure out how to find and use GM commands and How to add pet toys to a merchant.

Check HERE on the wiki for GM commands.

For editing merchants and such I prefer to use the PEQ database editor. You can either install the PHP app yourself and run it on a local web server or connect to Akka's EOC. I prefer the latter as it lets me get to my db from just about anywhere as well as having some other useful tools.

Now to my install...

Installed it to a Surface Pro (the original version 1) with an external USB drive running Windows 10 Pro.

Install worked like a charm.

Server starts with no problems and I'll be attempting to login later this morning once I get a client setup to connect to that box.

Only issue I see are a couple of errors when the login server launches but it seems to be listening so I'm not sure they're critical.

Errors are:
1. [Error] Handle_NewLSInfo error, remote address was null, defaulting to stream address

2. [Error] Mysql query returned no result: SELECT ifnull(WSR.ServerID,999999) AS ServerID... {not going to write out the entire query string here unless you need it.}

After those 2 errors I get the "Server tried to login but database couldn't find an entry but unregistered servers are allowed" message that I always have on my functioning server.

Once I get a client setup I'll try connecting and let you know how that works but the server itself seems to be functioning.

Adding a new user account to the login server table got rid of my second error but I'm still geting the first one.

From my main desktop I can connect to the login server and get to server select but once I click play it goes to a black screen and just sits there (RoF2 client) or goes to "Not Responding" and I have to end the task (Underfoot Client).

Running the UF client locally seems to work just fine though so I'm probably missing something to allow remote connections.

Dremis 01-04-2016 06:54 PM

Thanks for the info. I found the GM commands shortly after my last post. I'm gonna look into PEQ editor and Akka's EOC.

Now maybe I can return the favor.


Errors are:
1. [Error] Handle_NewLSInfo error, remote address was null, defaulting to stream address
I get this on mine also but I can still log in and play (at least on local machine) All my config files are set up for my lan IP instead of localhost. I'm using ROF client. The only way I got it to work was to change the listening port in login.ini to port 5999 since ROF uses that port instead of 5998. With it set to 5998 I get the black screen lockup you describe.

I'm about to copy my client to my sons pc and see if I can log in across my lan.
I'll let ya know if it works.

FYI I'm running a private server local/lan only using private login server.

Client on son's pc working great. Can connect across LAN.

Maze_EQ 01-04-2016 07:06 PM

2012 R2
2008 R2

All fine.

Good stuff.

Akkadius 01-04-2016 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Maze_EQ (Post 246264)
2012 R2
2008 R2

All fine.

Good stuff.

Very nice Maze! Thanks for testing! :)

Akkadius 01-04-2016 07:30 PM

The only thing I've been seeing with errors lately is anything related to the loginserver, which yes if you're looking to login from another PC on the network you will need to use the address that it resides on the network with and not because that is only a locally significant address. With that there is some basic networking to be aware of.

Otherwise it looks like the new installer is ready to go from what I can see.

Sisca 01-04-2016 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dremis (Post 246262)
Thanks for the info. I found the GM commands shortly after my last post. I'm gonna look into PEQ editor and Akka's EOC.

Now maybe I can return the favor.

I get this on mine also but I can still log in and play (at least on local machine) All my config files are set up for my lan IP instead of localhost. I'm using ROF client. The only way I got it to work was to change the listening port in login.ini to port 5999 since ROF uses that port instead of 5998. With it set to 5998 I get the black screen lockup you describe.

I'm about to copy my client to my sons pc and see if I can log in across my lan.
I'll let ya know if it works.

FYI I'm running a private server local/lan only using private login server.

Yeah changing the address to point to the actual port instead of the loopback fixed that error.

The second error - the query returned null error seemed to be fixed by adding an actual user to the login tables. Can't believe I forgot that part.

Once I got past all of that I was still getting the lockup after server select from the remote machine. Went through and specified the IP of the server machine, rebooted and ran the update pl script just to be sure and now it seems to be working fine.

Akkadius is there any chance of providing an option for bot installs?

jpyou127 01-04-2016 08:29 PM

Everything works great on Windows 2012 R2 server with full features.

Quick observation so far. Looks like I can enable 100 dynamic zones no problem. But there is a weird loop I am seeing with more than 100 where it cannot fire off UCS or Queryserv and never finishes loading zones.

The other observation is the DB seems to be Halloween event enabled! Is there a way to easily disable the Halloween event?

How often will the source executables be updated and option to pull executables that have bots enabled?


hurikaNe 01-04-2016 08:52 PM

I'm brand new to hosting and your hard work made the process INSANELY easy.

Thank you so much.

As mentioned above I noticed PoK had Halloween event enabled.

Still testing and fine tuning to have the experience I want for my friends and I.

I'm still confused how to turn expansions dynamically on and off because all of my efforts have not achieved what I want but I still need to read and look more.

I found a thread that mentioned "World:UseClientBasedExpansionSettings" but I can't find it in rule_set, am I looking at the wrong place?

Sorry to throw off the thread a bit but that could be something related to the pack installation i guess.

Thanks again! your effort is mucho appreciated

Edit: My Specs Win 7 x64

Dremis 01-04-2016 09:13 PM

Looks like I spoke too soon. Son's PC gets to character creation screen but disconnects upon trying to enter world. Anyone have any ideas?

Edit- Solved


I uncommented these 2 lines in eqemuconfig.ini and set the IP's to my machines LAN IP. son can now log in and play.

This also got rid of the:

[Error] Handle_NewLSInfo error, remote address was null, defaulting to stream address

when starting the login server.

Akkadius 01-05-2016 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by jpyou127 (Post 246274)
Everything works great on Windows 2012 R2 server with full features.

Quick observation so far. Looks like I can enable 100 dynamic zones no problem. But there is a weird loop I am seeing with more than 100 where it cannot fire off UCS or Queryserv and never finishes loading zones.

The other observation is the DB seems to be Halloween event enabled! Is there a way to easily disable the Halloween event?

How often will the source executables be updated and option to pull executables that have bots enabled?


I'm going to guess that this is probably because you're running out of memory?

I'm not sure how to disable the PEQ Halloween event offhand.

Executables will be updated periodically when safe, a bots executable will be on its way eventually.

Akkadius 01-05-2016 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Dremis (Post 246277)
Looks like I spoke too soon. Son's PC gets to character creation screen but disconnects upon trying to enter world. Anyone have any ideas?

Edit- Solved


I uncommented these 2 lines in eqemuconfig.ini and set the IP's to my machines LAN IP. son can now log in and play.

This also got rid of the:

[Error] Handle_NewLSInfo error, remote address was null, defaulting to stream address

when starting the login server.

Yep when using the loginserver you need to define your servers address other than but rather a non loopback address

jpyou127 01-05-2016 11:20 AM

Test server has plenty of memory. It almost looks like its a scripting issue, but not sure.


Akkadius 01-05-2016 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by jpyou127 (Post 246299)
Test server has plenty of memory. It almost looks like its a scripting issue, but not sure.


Really not sure what your problem is.

I've tested with 200 dynamics before using my launcher I wrote without an issue.

If you could help me understand what you're seeing better maybe I can fix it for you.


TurboPanda 01-06-2016 07:53 PM

Running great on my windows 10 x64 machine.

Easy setup, classy program.

Adol77 01-06-2016 10:25 PM

Anyone figure out how to get rid of the Halloween events that are live in this database version? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

jpyou127 01-07-2016 08:10 PM


Is there a way within the "win_server_launcher.pl" to boot specific zones or call the database table that holds specific zones to be booted?

I tried with 120 dynamic zones and it works, I will push it up to see. If you would like to log into my server to see whats happening send me a PM.

I didn't know how to edit to remove all the elements of the Halloween event. I noticed in the script you were pulling down the daily dumps. So I got the current DB and used it instead. Although knowing how to enable and disable the halloween event would be kewl!


PS. I am liking this running on windows more and more! Thanks for creating this!

Akkadius 01-08-2016 12:11 AM

In order to shut off Halloween you will need to pull in a fresh copy of the PEQ database after tonight.

Cavedude has to run a custom script to disable it.



He just sent me a SQL to disable it:


jpyou127 01-08-2016 10:43 AM

At the end of the SQL code to disable the halloween event, is that an update to the windows launcher .pl to launch specific zones?


**Edit: I see that must be the Halloween event zones.

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