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Doodman 08-27-2004 04:56 PM

Live Compatible Login Server
That's right.. With 5.8DR-1 release around the corner, come try it out with your live patched client.

Here is what you need to do:

1 - Reset Authorization
First you will need to reset your "authorization". You'll need to do this only once, unless eqlive changes the key they use in the client or if you want to change your password. Point your browser to the following age to reset it.

The login/password you enter here is what you would normally enter on the loginserver. It is not your forum account name and password.

Notice it has your IP listed. This is only needed in resetting your authorization. Once your authorization is updated, you can log in to the login server from any IP (see below).

2 - Login to EQ
First, change your eqhost.txt to:


Then you will need to log in to the login server from EQ from the same IP as you connected to the authorization reset page . This is very important. After this, what ever IP you want to connect to the login server from is fine.

3 - Enjoy 5.8DR-1
When you get to the login server, you will probably only see one server at this time, "EQEmu Official Test [Non-Legit]". Feel free to login and test it out and report bugs.

X - Running your own 5.8DR-1
Once 5.8DR-1 is released, make sure your LoginServer.ini points to the new loginserve as well:


This is very beta, so please let me know of any bugs with the login server. EQEmu 5.8DR-1 bugs can be reported on the forums.[/code]

Xabob 08-27-2004 05:15 PM

W00T and i Tested it And it works ^_^ YaY.

Oh yea btw Guildwars isn't hardcoded in anymore YAY lol

Cisyouc 08-27-2004 05:49 PM

Errr, sorry. Had thought this was about 5.8, will take to Bug Forum when 5.8 source is released.

Doodman 08-27-2004 05:51 PM

Please keep replies to this thread relevent to the login server, not general 5.8-DR1 bugs.


bluejam 08-27-2004 11:37 PM

I had no troubles logging into the offical Emu server. Great job.

Melwin 08-28-2004 12:28 AM

Works like a charm.

RangerDown 08-28-2004 04:04 AM

Worked fine for me

Jett 08-28-2004 04:07 AM

Hmm, when i try it, it say "Error, a timeout occured"

Cisyouc 08-28-2004 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Jett
Hmm, when i try it, it say "Error, a timeout occured"

Your eqhost.txt most likely says 5995 where it SHOULD be 5996 or you did not patch to live.

RangerDown 08-28-2004 04:08 AM

You have to change the port number in eqhost.txt.

Jett 08-28-2004 04:13 AM

Nope, its 5996...

Cisyouc 08-28-2004 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by Jett
Nope, its 5996...

Do you have the right patch?

Jett 08-28-2004 04:26 AM

I just patched before i changed it, so unless they had a patch today, im current.

Jett 08-28-2004 04:29 AM

haha, ignore me lol, i had an extra ] on accident, didnt completely select my old host before changing :oops:

meowmix11 08-28-2004 06:26 AM

Im having a problem. When I patch to live and go to run the game, it says: eqgame has experienced an error and could not start or something like that. What do I do?

Charmy 08-28-2004 06:45 AM

restart your computer, i get that sometimes.

karkar 08-28-2004 06:50 AM

Test works great! :D

laendrick 08-28-2004 08:43 AM

Worked great for logging in for me too, though in the +- 10 minuts i took to test it fast, i saw 2 minor flaws.. : max level to 146 (no biggie), and also i had a "You have killed Velketor the Sorcerer" only when i launched the auto-attack on him (no corpse though, was still attacking me and all, just got the impression there was a message that shouldn't have poped)

Well..you said eqemu 5.8DR1 could be reported on the forums, didn't see a thread about it, posted here instead of creating one that shouldn't maybe have existed...

EDIT : Thanks on reply, and nevermind, didnt see that one...posting there

Derision 08-28-2004 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by laendrick
Well..you said eqemu 5.8DR1 could be reported on the forums, didn't see a thread about it, posted here instead of creating one that shouldn't maybe have existed...

There is one thread about bugs on the 5.8 test server here


meowmix11 08-28-2004 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Charmy
restart your computer, i get that sometimes.

Wont work. :( I restarted many times and still got the error.

the2ndone 08-28-2004 06:12 PM

I have an odd problem when i log on sometimes theres toons on there that are not mine. every time i log on there are diffrent toons one time i had a frog war that was 255 and named grogg or something like that. lol idk i only saw the toon i made once.

bluejam 08-28-2004 09:32 PM

That probably is a db problem and I've seen it before, so don't worry. It should be a minor problem.

Blakkjak 08-29-2004 01:30 AM

marglar/obliv/shro here, I am getting the timeout error as well, here is what my eqhost contains




is this correct? the login-server part was auto added after I followed the directions on the main page.

*edit* nevermind, figured it out. for those dumb like me, after you finish with the authorization bit you just change eqhost to


and you are gtg... so I think anyways, now when I try to log into the test server , it freezes after charecter select screen. when I try to enter the world.

DrDre1854 08-29-2004 06:42 AM

i have done this eqhost.txt part of everything, i just dont get how to do this part:

Then you will need to log in to the login server from EQ from the same IP as you connected to the authorization reset page . This is very important. After this, what ever IP you want to connect to the login server from is fine.

How am i suppose to change my IP to the one it gives me?

Derision 08-29-2004 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by DrDre1854
i have done this eqhost.txt part of everything, i just dont get how to do this part:

Then you will need to log in to the login server from EQ from the same IP as you connected to the authorization reset page . This is very important. After this, what ever IP you want to connect to the login server from is fine.

How am i suppose to change my IP to the one it gives me?

The IP address it shows is the one you are currently using ... you don't need to reconfigure or change anything, just proceed as the post says.

DrDre1854 08-29-2004 06:47 AM

K thanx

sotonin 08-29-2004 08:34 AM

Did reset. set eqhost and logged in...

wa la a 65 enchanter on my account.. wtf ?

it let me log in too...

log out.. close eq. open it again... this time

Duke : 61 paladin
GordonZero: 250 wizard
Kittty: 65 Beastlord
Kitty: 65 Beastlord

... w t f mate ?

I figrue 3rd times a charm..... WRONG.

Grungan: 255 Shaman
Himmy: 1 Magician
Lorelia: 65 Rogue

Slightly buggy, i'm gonna stop trying now

Pingu0 08-29-2004 09:20 AM

Ok i TOTALLY fucked this up.

for some reason i have two accounts... Pingu0 and Pingu00.. i originally used my everquest activation key on pingu00 and did the new auth thing on pingu0 (or the other way round) so now i can't play it on either of the characters.. is there anyway i can fix this..? =/

sotonin 08-29-2004 10:00 AM

do an auth on the other account.

Shadow-Wolf 08-29-2004 10:17 AM

yeah sotonin thats a db bug, everyones getting it i never have the same characters when i log in, if you ever get Shadowwolf thats mine, there sohuld also be one with 250+ shaman necor and other with my other character Shadowtwo

stormhalter 08-29-2004 03:36 PM

Err, it worked for me earlier. I as well was getting other people's characters.

Now when I create a new character though, and try to log in, after clicking on "Enter World" it just sits at the loading screen and task manager shows EQ is in Not Responding status.

It worked earlier, before the server went down. The whole domain of EQEmulator.net wasn't coming up and I couldn't establish connection with the login server.

I've tried restarting, checked my settings and even restarted the Emu. Still nothing.

Keep freezing when I "enter the world"

jimbox114 08-29-2004 04:26 PM

Any chance this release of the emu will fix the item shifting bug?

stormhalter 08-29-2004 05:26 PM

Ok, uninstalled and reinstalled and same problem. Freezes up after clicking on "Enter World"

Same thing on two different computers.

stormhalter 08-29-2004 06:57 PM

Ah well, it let me on for a bit but kicked me out when I zone into the arena. Now it's doing it again. :P

Doodman 08-30-2004 02:59 AM

Okay, I think I know the problem why you end up with characters on your account when you shouldn't.

Since, I've been unable to break the crypto on the response packet from LS -> client what contains the session/key to auth with world, I grabbed one from live and manipulate it a bit and grabbed what world sees on the authorization from the client.

I generated about 20 or so of them.. I probably need more and need to make a small change in world to make it less likely to happen.

I'll get it fixed. Just give me a bit.

Pingu0 08-30-2004 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by sotonin
do an auth on the other account.

this is what it says when i request a new auth on pingu0 and pingu00:

Set Your Authorization Block

Invalid account/password entered, please go here and try again, or contact an EQEMu administrator

i know i sound like an annoying twat here but could you please give me a step-by-step guide on how to get a new auth? i registered the game on pingu0 i think.. is there any way to see which account i registered my cd key on? :/

sotonin 08-30-2004 04:50 AM

more than likely it means you already did it once for that account and need to log in game to set a password....

after you reset once your password is NOTHING until you log in game and set it...

just an idea

Pingu0 08-30-2004 12:30 PM

now it says username and password were not valid please check them again blah blah blah... any ideas on what to do?

stormhalter 08-30-2004 12:37 PM

I say have an admin on this site or a dev member wipe your forum name and account name w/ activation code and you start fresh.

Beast00 08-30-2004 01:50 PM

A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. A timeout has occured. OMFG WHATEVER I DO ITS ALWAYS "A timeout has occured. "

My freakin EQemu hasn't ever worked, not since the deletion of the patcher!

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