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just_add_water 03-03-2003 11:00 AM

EQEMu Database Releases
Current CVS Releases [ 0.5.3 DR#] These work with the latest CVS EQEMu (Read ONLY CVS builds)
Project EQ's database: Forum Link

Current offical Releases [ 0.5.2 ] These work with the latest offical EQEMu
Project EQ's database: Forum Link

Archived Releases These are older releases, that don't work with the latest EQEMu. Repeat DON'T use these unless you know what your doing.
Myra Database Download-link Forum Link
Tcsmyworld's MV alpha 2 Download-link Forum Link
Mwmdragon's 5.2 Download-link Forum Link
EQEMu 4.1 Database addon Download-link
EQEMu 0.3.13 Database addon Download-link
EQEMu 0.3.11 Database addon Download-link
EQEMu 0.3.9 Database addon Download-link
EQEMu 0.3.6 Database addon Download-link
EQEMu 0.3.5 Database addon Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 1.1 final Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 1.1 beta 5 Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 1.1 beta 4 Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 1.1 beta 3 Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 1.1 beta 2 Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 1.1 beta 1 Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 1.0 Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 1.0 beta Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 0.9 Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 0.9.5 Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 0.8.5 Download-link
Drawde's Worlddata 0.8 Download-link
MSH-DB v0.1 Download-link
Terminal Reality Server DB Download-link
Spellcaster's DB Download-link
Jay's Database 0.0.2 Download-link
Jay's Database 0.0.1 Download-link
Dil 0.1 Complation Db Download-link
Lurker's eq 0.3.4 DB Download-link
Lurker's eq 0.3.3 DB Download-link
Lurker's eq 0.3.1 DB Download-link
Ariak 9.0 DB Download-link
Telmet's EQEMu 0.4.4 DB Download-link

DeletedUser 09-21-2003 06:36 AM

Edit: above post was updated.

tcsmyworld 09-21-2003 07:47 AM

OK Darkyth , try this one -
050 DR3 compatible DB
Has items(newest as of release) , npcs(with loot), vendors(with stock), doors(on hinges and closed), working POK teles and more :)
Get it here =



NOTE: This is still rough , has a few problems , but is very playable and I'll be working on it to fix all the little problems, update coming real soon.

gthang187 05-07-2004 03:00 PM

Re: EQEMu Database Releases
Is these the latest DB's and if so wich ones of each or the best? im haveing a hard time with getting my DB working as good as the ones on the big login server.

i use minilogin dont think that has much to do with it though. any suggestions would be nice as to where is the best place to get my DB working as much like live as posible.

i would like to level My chars a little before i start to cheat i remember how much fun it use to be to lvl them untill you get to raid lvl. then you have all the trouble with finding a guild etc :(

So if someone could help me out on where to get a good DB some of the databases on the big login server really kick butt if only they would share them. hint hint :)

govtcheeze 05-07-2004 03:51 PM

This is an old school list...should be unstickied if it isnt maintained (or have the owner changed to someone on the building staff :)).

As of this minute, the most complete database is MW_055 alpha 1 and alpha 2. However, the new public release of the next DB should be happening soon...my slacker ass didn;t get some stuff done in a timely manner. I would probably wait until the new one came out, unless you are chomping at the bit to get it running tonite and do not mind re-sourcing a new DB.

gthang187 05-07-2004 08:59 PM

well thanx for the info and yea i have alpha 1 and 2 i just figured there may be better Db's out there. becuase of the servers on the big login. those servers are really good a lot closer to a actual server then the alpha DB's

gthang187 05-07-2004 09:22 PM

another note could someone please tell me if there is a way to not make mysql beep when im adding a source. that has some of the same stuff in it. man that beep is really anoying


govtcheeze 05-08-2004 02:41 AM

Run this command from DOS in your mysql\bin directory, which is also where you sql files should be:


mysql -f dbName<filename.sql
Replace dbName with the name of your mysql database used for eqemu, usually eq. Replace filename.sql with the name of the file you are sourcing, like MW_055_alpha_2.sql.

Gonkers 05-08-2004 03:52 AM


another note could someone please tell me if there is a way to not make mysql beep when im adding a source

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


C:\mysql\bin>mysql -b -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.0.18-nt

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


that will stop the beep.

gthang187 05-08-2004 12:07 PM

thanx guys i was missing stuff from the alpha2 becuase i installed them backwards. i did alpha2 first then did alpha 1 cuz i seen a post where someone said alpha2 is just a update.

so i ran the 1st one second and when i just ran alpha2 again it had the

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

bout 900 times thanx again :)

herold 05-22-2004 11:43 AM

Re: EQEMu Database Releases

Originally Posted by just_add_water
Current CVS Releases [ 0.5.3 DR#] These work with the latest CVS EQEMu (Read ONLY CVS builds)

Drawde's Worlddata 1.1 final Download-link

This link aint working and you guides say to use this DB for first try runs - please help :)

Kind regards

Virus11 05-22-2004 12:15 PM

This list is outdated, the only funcitonal database right now is TCs MW database.

herold 05-22-2004 03:40 PM

Thanks for responding - but ... that cant be downloaded either :(

wize_one 05-22-2004 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by herold
Thanks for responding - but ... that cant be downloaded either :(

try the downloads section at www.projecteq.net

Darkwaters 08-13-2004 07:53 AM

Old school guy here =))
Looking for 4.4dr1 db any good ones available that the links still work. My last patch date was 6/1/2003 with LDoN and Yekesha. Shoot me a PM or leave a response.
TYVM in advance,
EDIT: Is there another version and DB that is newer that I can use properly with that patch date as well it would be nice to play on newer code.
PS Plz don't flame for posting to the Sticky, came back and just realized it was a sticky.

Melwin 09-17-2004 06:58 AM

The list has been updated, finally.

govtcheeze 11-05-2004 01:27 PM

Melwin, should this be unstickied? I do not think it is maintained anymore, and is quite out of date.

Spike 12-17-2004 12:42 AM


Mwmdragon's 5.2 Download-link Forum Link
The only download that still works.

Cisyouc 12-17-2004 07:57 AM

Grats on bumping an ancient post :D

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