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Sonikboom 06-01-2011 01:57 AM

Augment Creation Quest
I'm in the process of creating a new server with some fun custom content. I just finished a perl script to create custom augments from gear/items you collect. Since this is my first major script, I thought I would put it up on here to get some tips. I've never developed in perl before, but I don't find it much different than any other scripting I've done.

If you want to try the script out, it's live on the server I'm working on: "The Augmented Server". The guy who gives quest is "Augment Master" in the bazaar.

The point of this script is to allow a player to turn in 1-4 items and have the quest giver turn it into an augment with the combined stats of those items.

There are two important configuration notes that goes along with this script:
1. The server MUST be restarted before the augment can be rewarded to player. I've set my server up to restart every night at midnight PST which will accommodate my configuration of not passing out the augments until the next calendar day.
2. You must add a table to the database (table definition at bottom of page).


use DBI;

#database configuration information

#connect to MySQL database
my $dbh = DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=$host", $user, $password);

        my $workOrders = quest::saylink("Work Orders", 1);
        my $redeem = quest::saylink("Redeem Augments", 1);
        my $NPCName = "Augment Master";
                $client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'I am the augmentation master. If you can provide me with the proper materials and a payment for work, I can imbue an augment with the powers of your armor and it's current augments.'") ;
                $client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'If you wish to have an item appraised for work, just hand me the item.'");
                $client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'If you wish to view your current work orders, click here [$workOrders].'");
                $client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'If you wish to redeem any finished items, click here [$redeem].'");
        if($text=~/Work Orders/i)
                #Get current work orders that need to be fulfilled for player.
                my $workorders = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * from augment_work_orders where player_id = '$charid'");
                $workorders->execute( );
                my $hasWorkOrder = false;
                while ( my @workorderrow = $workorders->fetchrow_array( ) )  {
                        $hasWorkOrder = true;
                        my $newAugId = @workorderrow[2];
                        #get the stats for this augment
                        my $workOrderItem = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * from items where id = '$newAugId'");
                        my @row = $workOrderItem->fetchrow_array();
                        #display information to the client about their item
                        $client->Message(315,"Damage: $row[49], Delay: $row[52]") ; 
                        $client->Message(315,"HP: $row[75], Mana: $row[88]") ;
                        $client->Message(315,"Mana Regen: $row[89], HP Regen: $row[76]") ;
                        $client->Message(315,"AC: $row[4], ATK: $row[12]");
                        $client->Message(315,"STR: $row[11]") ;               
                        $client->Message(315,"STA: $row[10]") ;               
                        $client->Message(315,"AGI: $row[3]") ;                       
                        $client->Message(315,"DEX: $row[7]") ;               
                        $client->Message(315,"WIS: $row[26]") ;               
                        $client->Message(315,"INT: $row[8]") ;               
                        $client->Message(315,"CHA: $row[6]") ;               
                        $client->Message(315,"PR: $row[97]") ;               
                        $client->Message(315,"MR: $row[93]") ;               
                        $client->Message(315,"DR: $row[55]") ;               
                        $client->Message(315,"FR: $row[71]") ;                       
                        $client->Message(315,"CR: $row[48]") ;       
                        $client->Message(315,"Haste: $row[73]");
                #if there weren't any work orders, tell them
                        $client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'I currently do not have any work orders from you.'");
        if($text =~/Redeem Augments/i)
                #get the augments that have been added long enough to go through a server restart
                my $workorders = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * from augment_work_orders where player_id = '$charid' and order_date != CURDATE();");
                $workorders->execute( );
                while ( my @workorderrow = $workorders->fetchrow_array( ) )
                        #give item to player
                        #remove work order from the augment_work_order table
                        my $removeWorkOrder = $dbh->prepare( "delete from augment_work_orders where player_id = '$charid' and item_id = '$workorderrow[2]'");
                        $removeWorkOrder->execute( );
                $client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'I have nothing more to return to you at this time.'");

        #get the stats on each of the items given to the NPC
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM items where id = '$item1' or id = '$item2' or id = '$item3' or id = '$item4' ");
        $sth->execute( );
        #create variables for all of the stats to be added together
        my $dmg = 0;             
        my $delay = 0;               
        my $hp = 0;               
        my $regen = 0;               
        my $mana = 0;               
        my $manaregen = 0;
        my $ac = 0;               
        my $atk = 0;               
        my $str = 0;               
        my $sta = 0;               
        my $agi = 0;               
        my $dex = 0;               
        my $wis = 0;               
        my $int = 0;               
        my $cha = 0;               
        my $pr = 0;               
        my $mr = 0;               
        my $dr = 0;               
        my $fr = 0;                       
        my $cr = 0;                       
        my $haste = 0;               
        #create variable to store tier (Used for pricing increases)
        my $tier = 0;
        while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array( ) )  {
                #increment stats for each item
                $dmg = $dmg + $row[49];             
                $delay = $delay + $row[52];                               
                $hp = $hp + $row[75];                               
                $regen = $regen + $row[76];                               
                $mana = $mana + $row[88];                       
                $manaregen = $manaregen + $row[89];
                $ac = $ac + $row[4];                                       
                $atk = $atk + $row[12];                               
                $str = $str + $row[11];                       
                $sta = $sta + $row[10];                               
                $agi = $agi + $row[3];                                       
                $dex = $dex + $row[7];                                       
                $wis = $wis + $row[26];                               
                $int = $int + $row[8];                                       
                $cha = $cha + $row[6];                               
                $pr = $pr + $row[97];                               
                $mr = $mr + $row[93];                                       
                $dr = $dr + $row[55];                                       
                $fr = $fr + $row[71];                                       
                $cr = $cr + $row[48];                                       
                $haste = $haste + $row[73];                       
                #determine the highest tier and set it as tear
                if($row[253] > $tier)
                        $tier = $row[253];
        #increment tier for new item
        $tier = $tier + 1;
        #pricing structure for stat types
        $regularStatPrice = 10;
        $achpmanaPrice = 10;
        $resistCost = 5;
        $hasteCost = 1000;
        $dmgregenCost = 1000;
        #calculate regular stats totals and add to cost
        my $regularStats = $str + $sta + $agi + $dex + $wis + $int + $cha;
        $cost = $regularStatPrice * $regularStats;
        #calculate AC + HP + Mana totals and add to cost
        my $achpmanaStats = $hp + $mana + $ac;
        $cost = $cost + ($achpmanaStats * $achpmanaPrice);
        #calculate resists totals and add to cost
        my $resistStats = $pr + $mr + $dr + $fr + $cr;
        $cost = $cost + ($resistCost * $resistStats);
        #calculate Haste totals and add to cost
        my $hasteStat = $haste;
        $cost = $cost + ($hasteCost * $hasteStat);
        #calculate DMG and Regen totals and add to cost
        my $dmgregenStat = $dmg + $regen + $manaregen;
        $cost = $cost + ($dmgregenCost * $dmgregenStat);
        #multiply cost by tier to get final price
        $cost = $cost * $tier;
        #display price to client
        $client->Message(315,"$NPCName whispers to you, 'The total cost to turn these items into an augment is $cost platinum pieces.'") ;
        #if they included the correct amount of money, create the item and the work order
        if($platinum == $cost)
                        #insert statement for new item
                        my $newAugStatement = "INSERT INTO `peq`.`items`(`id`,`minstatus`,`Name`,`aagi`,`ac`,`accuracy`,`acha`,`adex`,`aint`,`artifactflag`,`asta`,`astr`,`attack`,`augrestrict`,`augslot1type`,`augslot1visible`,`augslot2type`,`augslot2visible`,`augslot3type`,`augslot3visible`,`augslot4type`,`augslot4visible`,`augslot5type`,`augslot5visible`,`augtype`,`avoidance`,`awis`,`bagsize`,`bagslots`,`bagtype`,`bagwr`,`banedmgamt`,`banedmgraceamt`,`banedmgbody`,`banedmgrace`,`bardtype`,`bardvalue`,`book`,`casttime`,`casttime_`,`charmfile`,`charmfileid`,`classes`,`color`,`combateffects`,`extradmgskill`,`extradmgamt`,`price`,`cr`,`damage`,`damageshield`,`deity`,`delay`,`augdistiller`,`dotshielding`,`dr`,`clicktype`,`clicklevel2`,`elemdmgtype`,`elemdmgamt`,`endur`,`factionamt1`,`factionamt2`,`factionamt3`,`factionamt4`,`factionmod1`,`factionmod2`,`factionmod3`,`factionmod4`,`filename`,`focuseffect`,`fr`,`fvnodrop`,`haste`,`clicklevel`,`hp`,`regen`,`icon`,`idfile`,`itemclass`,`itemtype`,`ldonprice`,`ldontheme`,`ldonsold`,`light`,`lore`,`loregroup`,`magic`,`mana`,`manaregen`,`enduranceregen`,`material`,`maxcharges`,`mr`,`nodrop`,`norent`,`pendingloreflag`,`pr`,`procrate`,`races`,`range`,`reclevel`,`recskill`,`reqlevel`,`sellrate`,`shielding`,`size`,`skillmodtype`,`skillmodvalue`,`slots`,`clickeffect`,`spellshield`,`strikethrough`,`stunresist`,`summonedflag`,`tradeskills`,`favor`,`weight`,`UNK012`,`UNK013`,`benefitflag`,`UNK054`,`UNK059`,`booktype`,`recastdelay`,`recasttype`,`guildfavor`,`UNK123`,`UNK124`,`attuneable`,`nopet`,`updated`,`comment`,`UNK127`,`pointtype`,`potionbelt`,`potionbeltslots`,`stacksize`,`notransfer`,`stackable`,`UNK134`,`UNK137`,`proceffect`,`proctype`,`proclevel2`,`proclevel`,`UNK142`,`worneffect`,`worntype`,`wornlevel2`,`wornlevel`,`UNK147`,`focustype`,`focuslevel2`,`focuslevel`,`UNK152`,`scrolleffect`,`scrolltype`,`scrolllevel2`,`scrolllevel`,`UNK157`,`serialized`,`verified`,`serialization`,`source`,`UNK033`,`lorefile`,`UNK014`,`svcorruption`,`UNK038`,`UNK060`,`augslot1unk2`,`augslot2unk2`,`augslot3unk2`,`augslot4unk2`,`augslot5unk2`,`UNK120`,`UNK121`,`questitemflag`,`UNK132`,`clickunk5`,`clickunk6`,`clickunk7`,`procunk1`,`procunk2`,`procunk3`,`procunk4`,`procunk6`,`procunk7`,`wornunk1`,`wornunk2`,`wornunk3`,`wornunk4`,`wornunk5`,`wornunk6`,`wornunk7`,`focusunk1`,`focusunk2`,`focusunk3`,`focusunk4`,`focusunk5`,`focusunk6`,`focusunk7`,`scrollunk1`,`scrollunk2`,`scrollunk3`,`scrollunk4`,`scrollunk5`,`scrollunk6`,`scrollunk7`,`UNK193`,`purity`,`evolvinglevel`,`clickname`,`procname`,`wornname`,`focusname`,`scrollname`,`dsmitigation`,`heroic_str`,`heroic_int`,`heroic_wis`,`heroic_agi`,`heroic_dex`,`heroic_sta`,`heroic_cha`,`heroic_pr`,`heroic_dr`,`heroic_fr`,`heroic_cr`,`heroic_mr`,`heroic_svcorrup`,`healamt`,`spelldmg`,`clairvoyance`,`backstabdmg`,`created`,`elitematerial`,`ldonsellbackrate`,`scriptfileid`,`expendablearrow`,`powersourcecapacity`,`bardeffect`,`bardeffecttype`,`bardlevel2`,`bardlevel`,`bardunk1`,`bardunk2`,`bardunk3`,`bardunk4`,`bardunk5`,`bardname`,`bardunk7`,`UNK214`)
                                ( select max(id) + 1, '0', 'Augment Master Forged Augment', '$agi', '$ac', '0', '$cha', '$dex', '$int', '0', '$sta','$str', '$atk', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0','1', '0', '1', '4091', '0', '$wis', '0', '0', '0', '0','0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '','0', '65535', '4278190080', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$cr', '$dmg', '0','0', '0', '47006', '0', '$dr', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0','0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1','$fr', '0', '$haste', '0', '$hp', '$regen', '963', 'IT63', '0', '54','510', '16', '1', '0', 'An aura emanates from within', '0', '0', '$mana', '$manaregen', '0','0', '0', '$mr', '0', '1', '0', '$pr', '0', '65535', '0','0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '2097150', '-1','0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '2010-09-11 11:23:49', '', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, '2009-04-10 17:38:02', NULL, '13THFLOOR', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0000000000000000000', '0', '', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '20031014223933', '0', '70', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '-1', '$tier' from items );";
                        my $createAug = $dbh->prepare("$newAugStatement");
                        $createAug->execute( );
                        #get the new items id
                        my $lastid = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT id from items order by id desc limit 1");
                        $lastid->execute( );
                        my $newAugId = 0;
                        while ( my @row2 = $lastid->fetchrow_array( ) )  {
                                $newAugId = @row2[0];
                        #create new augment work order with newly created item
                        #has to work like this since items are not automatically added to the game when added in DB
                        my $workOrderCreate = $dbh->prepare("insert into `peq`.`augment_work_orders` (player_id, item_id, order_date) values ('$charid', '$newAugId', NOW());");
                        #Notify the Player that the work order was successful
                        $client->Message(315, "$NPCName whispers to you, 'Work order created successfully'");

The create statement for augment_work_order table is:


CREATE TABLE `augment_work_orders` (
  `player_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `order_date` date NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Thanks for any feedback guys!

Bristlebane[nj] 07-06-2011 05:32 PM

Really nice, thumbs up.

revloc02c 08-04-2011 08:38 PM

I can't get this to work:

use DBI;

#database configuration information

#connect to MySQL database
my $dbh = DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=$host", $user, $password);

        if($text=~/Hail/i) {
                $client->Message(315,"I am attempting to connect to the database.");
                my $workOrderItem = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * from items where id = '11621'");
                $client->Message(315,"Hey, I have apparently connected.");
                my @row = $workOrderItem->fetchrow_array();
                $client->Message(315,"Damage: $row[49], Delay: $row[52]") ; 
                $client->Message(315,"HP: $row[75], Mana: $row[88]") ;
                $client->Message(315,"Mana Regen: $row[89], HP Regen: $row[76]") ;
                $client->Message(315,"AC: $row[4], ATK: $row[12]");
                $client->Message(315,"STR: $row[11]") ;               
                $client->Message(315,"STA: $row[10]") ;               
                $client->Message(315,"AGI: $row[3]") ;                       
                $client->Message(315,"DEX: $row[7]") ;               
                $client->Message(315,"WIS: $row[26]") ;               
                $client->Message(315,"INT: $row[8]") ;               
                $client->Message(315,"CHA: $row[6]") ;               
                $client->Message(315,"PR: $row[97]") ;               
                $client->Message(315,"MR: $row[93]") ;               
                $client->Message(315,"DR: $row[55]") ;               
                $client->Message(315,"FR: $row[71]") ;                       
                $client->Message(315,"CR: $row[48]") ;       
                $client->Message(315,"Haste: $row[73]");

The only thing I get is: "I am attempting to connect to the database."

Any ideas?

joligario 08-04-2011 08:56 PM

Never tried to use DBI in eqemu. Did you add the #!/usr/bin/perl to the top of the script? Are your perl environment variables set?

revloc02c 08-04-2011 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by joligario (Post 202041)
Did you add the #!/usr/bin/perl to the top of the script?



Originally Posted by joligario (Post 202041)
Are your perl environment variables set?


Akkadius 08-04-2011 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by revloc02c (Post 202042)


DBI and DBD::Mysql modules aren't installed by default.

Go to cmd ->


ppm install dbi
ppm install dbd::mysql

I'm going to just assume that you are using windows, that's what you'll need to do above. :)

revloc02c 08-05-2011 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 202044)

ppm install dbi

I had this one already...


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 202044)

ppm install dbd::mysql

but not this, and it works now.

Thanks so much, I really appreciate the responses and help.

Fridgecritter 12-22-2016 07:55 PM

I have this set up on an NPC in the right folder for the right zone, and the quest script replies to me, but when I hand in an item the NPC just eats it, and he doesn't respond to clicking any of the links for pending orders or redeem orders. I have my username and password in the spots, and I have dbd-mysql and DBI installed in my Perl. I'm at a loss. I also created the table in the database successfully.

Fridgecritter 07-19-2017 03:20 PM

Sorry for the necro post, and maybe it's just changes in the DB but I just implemented this quest on a fresh install using Akka's installer, and it lets me appraise the item, lets me hand it in with the plat, creates the item in the Augment_work_orders table, but it enters the wrong item number, for an item I already have in the database. I'm looking through the script and I can't for the life of me find the part where it creates the new item number. The item number it created was 150256 which on my server is an item called "Proof: Head of Statue of Rallos Zek"

So when I set the creation date on the custom augment to yesterday's date, he will hand it to me, but it's the Proof: Head of Statue of Rallos Zek item and not the custom augment that I want him to create. I handed him a sword by the way, just some random sword I summoned to test it.

Fridgecritter 07-19-2017 03:25 PM

I see the select max(id) + 1 part, but it's not doing that. It's using an item I already have in the DB. Is the items database still compatible with this script? Maybe there's been some fields added since this was made?

Fridgecritter 07-19-2017 03:32 PM

Just compared the insert SQL statements and this is not compatible with the newest version of PEQ. Bummer. I don't know how to fix it either.

Burningsoul 07-19-2017 03:56 PM

Elvis from Leetsauce's Server may be able to assist, they make extensive use of this.

Fridgecritter 07-19-2017 03:59 PM

Yeah I have several characters on Leetsauce and I love this quest. But if Elvis hasn't updated their database since this script was written it will still work fine.

Burningsoul 07-19-2017 04:04 PM

I could've sworn they updated source/binaries within the last year or so, but the changelog doesn't mention it. Worth a shot at least, cuz yeah this quest is a HUUUGE boon for OCD gearing and a great plat sink.

JimB_1958 07-20-2017 10:54 AM

We had to do quite a bit of customization on Leetsauce to get this to work.

Unless you are pretty good at working with mySQL it may be difficult.

And there are issues trying to add records directly to the items table so we changed it to add to a copy then updated changes during reboots.

Send me a pm here or on our server forums and I may be able to help

Oh... and talk about a plat sink, I tweaked one of these NPCs to be a gambler. He has a chance to increase random stats of the item at a 50/50 chance of destroying it.
Since creating this NPC almost everyone on the server is broke.

Fridgecritter 07-20-2017 11:23 AM

I saw the gambling NPC too! A lot of players would turn in augments again to get them upgraded, waiting an entire night for +1 to each stat. It's no wonder they were all over the upgrade/gambler NPC. Sent you a message.

javewow 08-01-2017 10:26 PM

PST save plugins.pl ?

Fridgecritter 08-03-2017 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by javewow (Post 255369)
PST save plugins.pl ?

Huh? Can you elaborate?

javewow 08-15-2017 08:40 PM

Windows is perl5.123 for DBI




COPY --to- C:/perl/

Fridgecritter 08-23-2017 02:28 PM

What you just posted has nothing to do with the topic.

Burningsoul 02-19-2022 04:17 PM


use DBI;

#database configuration information

#connect to MySQL database
my $dbh = DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=$host", $user, $password);

        my $workOrders = quest::saylink("Work orders", 1);
        my $redeem = quest::saylink("Redeem ornamentations", 1);
                plugin::Whisper("I am the only one in the stable area who can transmute a weapon you have into an ornamentation. I work the same way the others do, but my magic will ONLY work on weapons. When I perform this service, you will provide me a weapon along with the correct payment, and roughly 24 hours later I will have your tailor-made ornamentation ready to use. These ornamentations can only be inserted into the ornamentation slot on your weapon by users of newer clients. After inserting you may return to an older client and maintain the graphic and additional benefit from the ornamentation. If you would like to check your work  " . quest::saylink("orders",1 ) . ", or if you wish to redeem any finished items, click " . quest::saylink("redeem ornamentations",1, "redeem") . ".") ;
                #Get current work orders that need to be fulfilled for player.
                my $workorders = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * from augment_work_orders where player_id = '$charid'");
                $workorders->execute( );
                my $hasWorkOrder = false;
                while ( my @workorderrow = $workorders->fetchrow_array( ) )  {
                        $hasWorkOrder = true;
                        my $newAugId = @workorderrow[2];
                        #get the stats for this augment
                        my $workOrderItem = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * from items where id = '$newAugId'");
                        my @row = $workOrderItem->fetchrow_array();
                        #display information to the client about their item
                        plugin::Whisper("Damage: $row[51], Delay: $row[54]") ; 
                        plugin::Whisper("HP: $row[77], Mana: $row[90]") ;
                        plugin::Whisper("Mana Regen: $row[91], HP Regen: $row[78]") ;
                        plugin::Whisper("AC: $row[4], ATK: $row[12]");
                        plugin::Whisper("STR: $row[11]") ;               
                        plugin::Whisper("STA: $row[10]") ;               
                        plugin::Whisper("AGI: $row[3]") ;                       
                        plugin::Whisper("DEX: $row[7]") ;               
                        plugin::Whisper("WIS: $row[28]") ;               
                        plugin::Whisper("INT: $row[8]") ;               
                        plugin::Whisper("CHA: $row[6]") ;               
                        plugin::Whisper("PR: $row[100]") ;               
                        plugin::Whisper("MR: $row[96]") ;               
                        plugin::Whisper("DR: $row[57]") ;               
                        plugin::Whisper("FR: $row[73]") ;                       
                        plugin::Whisper("CR: $row[50]") ;       
                        plugin::Whisper("Haste: $row[75]");
                #if there weren't any work orders, tell them
                        plugin::Whisper("I currently do not have any work orders from you.");
        if($text =~/Redeem ornamentations/i)
                #get the augments that have been added long enough to go through a server restart
                my $workorders = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * from augment_work_orders where player_id = '$charid' ;");
                $workorders->execute( );
                while ( my @workorderrow = $workorders->fetchrow_array( ) )
                        #give item to player
                        #remove work order from the augment_work_order table
                        my $removeWorkOrder = $dbh->prepare( "delete from augment_work_orders where player_id = '$charid' and item_id = '$workorderrow[2]'");
                        $removeWorkOrder->execute( );
                plugin::Whisper("I have nothing more to return to you at this time.");

        #get the stats on each of the items given to the NPC
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM items where id = '$item1';");
        $sth->execute( );
        #create variables for all of the stats to be added together
        my $dmg = 0;             
        my $delay = 0;               
        my $hp = 0;               
        my $regen = 0;               
        my $mana = 0;               
        my $manaregen = 0;
        my $ac = 0;               
        my $atk = 0;               
        my $str = 0;               
        my $sta = 0;               
        my $agi = 0;               
        my $dex = 0;               
        my $wis = 0;               
        my $int = 0;               
        my $cha = 0;               
        my $pr = 0;               
        my $mr = 0;               
        my $dr = 0;               
        my $fr = 0;                       
        my $cr = 0;                       
        my $haste = 0;       
        my $augtype = 0;
        my $spelldmg = 0;
        my $healamt = 0;
        my $ds = 0;
        my $hstr = 0;
        my $hsta = 0;
        my $hagi = 0;
        my $hdex = 0;
        my $hwis = 0;
        my $hint = 0;
        my $hcha = 0;
        #create variable to store tier (Used for pricing increases)
        my $tier = 0;
        while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array( ) )  {
                #increment stats for each item
                $dmg = $dmg + $row[51];             
                $delay = $delay + $row[54];                               
                $hp = $hp + $row[77];                               
                $regen = $regen + $row[78];                               
                $mana = $mana + $row[90];                       
                $manaregen = $manaregen + $row[91];
                $endurance = $row[62];
                $ac = $ac + $row[4];                                       
                $atk = $atk + $row[12];                               
                $str = $str + $row[11];                       
                $sta = $sta + $row[10];                               
                $agi = $agi + $row[3];                                       
                $dex = $dex + $row[7];                                       
                $wis = $wis + $row[28];                               
                $int = $int + $row[8];                                       
                $cha = $cha + $row[6];                               
                $pr = $pr + $row[100];                               
                $mr = $mr + $row[96];                                       
                $dr = $dr + $row[57];                                       
                $fr = $fr + $row[73];                                       
                $cr = $cr + $row[50];                                       
                $haste = $haste + $row[75];
                $augtype = 524288;
                $slot = $row[112];
                $spelldmg = $row[237]+50;
                $healamt = $row[236]+50;
                $clairvoyance = $row[238]+50;
                $icon = $row[79];
                $class = $row[45];
                $proceffect = $row[145];
                $procrate = $row[101];
                $ds = $row[52]+50;
                $hstr = $row[11]+1;
                $hsta = $row[10]+1;
                $hdex = $row[7]+1;
                $hagi = $row[3]+1;
                $hwis = $row[28]+1;
                $hint = $row[8]+1;
                $hcha = $row[6]+1;
                $focuseffect = $row[72];
                $worneffect = $row[150];
                $worntype = $row[151];
                $focustype = $row[155];
                #loreitem = $row[2];
                $elemdmg = $row[61];
                $elemdmgtype = $row[60];
                $skillmodtype = $row[110];
                $skillmodvalue = $row[111];
                $graphic = $row[80];
                #determine the highest tier and set it as tear
                if($row[253] > $tier)
                        $tier = $row[253];
        #increment tier for new item
        $tier = $tier + 1;
        #pricing structure for stat types
        $regularStatPrice = 10; #same and resists
        $achpmanaPrice = 1000; #same
        $hStatsCost = 5000; # heroics
        $hasteCost = 100; #dmg and haste
        $DmgregenCost = 2500; #mod2s
        #calculate regular stats totals and add to cost
        my $regularStats = $str + $sta + $agi + $dex + $wis + $int + $cha + $pr + $mr + $dr + $fr + $cr;
        $cost = $regularStatPrice * $regularStats;
        #calculate AC + HP + Mana totals and add to cost
        my $achpmanaStats = $hp + $mana + $ac;
        $cost = $cost + ($achpmanaStats * $achpmanaPrice);
        #calculate resists totals and add to cost
        my $hStats = $hstr + $hsta + $hagi + $hdex + $hwis + $hint + $cha;
        $cost = $cost + ($hStatsCost * $hStats);
        #calculate Haste totals and add to cost
        my $hasteStat = $haste + $dmg;
        $cost = $cost + ($hasteCost * $hasteStat);
        #calculate DMG and Regen totals and add to cost
        my $DmgregenStat = $regen + $manaregen + $spelldmg + $healamt + $dmgshield + $ds;
        $cost = $cost + ($DmgregenCost * $DmgregenStat);
        #multiply cost by tier to get final price
        $cost = $cost * 13 ;
        $cost = $cost * $tier; #tier is how many times the item has been turned in. price increases dramatically
        if($cost > 90000000) {
        $cost = 90000000;
        #display price to client
        plugin::Whisper("The total cost to turn these items into an augment is $cost platinum pieces.") ;
        #if they included the correct amount of money, create the item and the work order
        if($platinum == $cost)
                        #insert statement for new item
                        my $maxidquery = $dbh->prepare( ("SELECT (max(id) + 1) FROM items;"));
                        my $maxid = 0;
                        while ( my @maxidcheck = $maxidquery->fetchrow_array( ) )  {
                                $maxid = @maxidcheck[0];
                        plugin::Whisper("Max ID is: " . $maxid . "!");
                        my $newAugStatement = "INSERT INTO `peq`.`items` (`id`,`minstatus`,`Name`,`aagi`,`ac`,`accuracy`,`acha`,`adex`,`aint`,`artifactflag`,`asta`,`astr`,`attack`,`augrestrict`,`augslot1type`,`augslot1visible`,`augslot2type`,`augslot2visible`,`augslot3type`,`augslot3visible`,`augslot4type`,`augslot4visible`,`augslot5type`,`augslot5visible`,`augslot6type`,`augslot6visible`,`augtype`,`avoidance`,`awis`,`bagsize`,`bagslots`,`bagtype`,`bagwr`,`banedmgamt`,`banedmgraceamt`,`banedmgbody`,`banedmgrace`,`bardtype`,`bardvalue`,`book`,`casttime`,`casttime_`,`charmfile`,`charmfileid`,`classes`,`color`,`combateffects`,`extradmgskill`,`extradmgamt`,`price`,`cr`,`damage`,`damageshield`,`deity`,`delay`,`augdistiller`,`dotshielding`,`dr`,`clicktype`,`clicklevel2`,`elemdmgtype`,`elemdmgamt`,`endur`,`factionamt1`,`factionamt2`,`factionamt3`,`factionamt4`,`factionmod1`,`factionmod2`,`factionmod3`,`factionmod4`,`filename`,`focuseffect`,`fr`,`fvnodrop`,`haste`,`clicklevel`,`hp`,`regen`,`icon`,`idfile`,`itemclass`,`itemtype`,`ldonprice`,`ldontheme`,`ldonsold`,`light`,`lore`,`loregroup`,`magic`,`mana`,`manaregen`,`enduranceregen`,`material`,`herosforgemodel`,`maxcharges`,`mr`,`nodrop`,`norent`,`pendingloreflag`,`pr`,`procrate`,`races`,`range`,`reclevel`,`recskill`,`reqlevel`,`sellrate`,`shielding`,`size`,`skillmodtype`,`skillmodvalue`,`slots`,`clickeffect`,`spellshield`,`strikethrough`,`stunresist`,`summonedflag`,`tradeskills`,`favor`,`weight`,`UNK012`,`UNK013`,`benefitflag`,`UNK054`,`UNK059`,`booktype`,`recastdelay`,`recasttype`,`guildfavor`,`UNK123`,`UNK124`,`attuneable`,`nopet`,`updated`,`comment`,`UNK127`,`pointtype`,`potionbelt`,`potionbeltslots`,`stacksize`,`notransfer`,`stackable`,`UNK134`,`UNK137`,`proceffect`,`proctype`,`proclevel2`,`proclevel`,`UNK142`,`worneffect`,`worntype`,`wornlevel2`,`wornlevel`,`UNK147`,`focustype`,`focuslevel2`,`focuslevel`,`UNK152`,`scrolleffect`,`scrolltype`,`scrolllevel2`,`scrolllevel`,`UNK157`,`serialized`,`verified`,`serialization`,`source`,`UNK033`,`lorefile`,`UNK014`,`svcorruption`,`skillmodmax`,`UNK060`,`augslot1unk2`,`augslot2unk2`,`augslot3unk2`,`augslot4unk2`,`augslot5unk2`,`augslot6unk2`,`UNK120`,`UNK121`,`questitemflag`,`UNK132`,`clickunk5`,`clickunk6`,`clickunk7`,`procunk1`,`procunk2`,`procunk3`,`procunk4`,`procunk6`,`procunk7`,`wornunk1`,`wornunk2`,`wornunk3`,`wornunk4`,`wornunk5`,`wornunk6`,`wornunk7`,`focusunk1`,`focusunk2`,`focusunk3`,`focusunk4`,`focusunk5`,`focusunk6`,`focusunk7`,`scrollunk1`,`scrollunk2`,`scrollunk3`,`scrollunk4`,`scrollunk5`,`scrollunk6`,`scrollunk7`,`UNK193`,`purity`,`evoitem`,`evoid`,`evolvinglevel`,`evomax`,`clickname`,`procname`,`wornname`,`focusname`,`scrollname`,`dsmitigation`,`heroic_str`,`heroic_int`,`heroic_wis`,`heroic_agi`,`heroic_dex`,`heroic_sta`,`heroic_cha`,`heroic_pr`,`heroic_dr`,`heroic_fr`,`heroic_cr`,`heroic_mr`,`heroic_svcorrup`,`healamt`,`spelldmg`,`clairvoyance`,`backstabdmg`,`created`,`elitematerial`,`ldonsellbackrate`,`scriptfileid`,`expendablearrow`,`powersourcecapacity`,`bardeffect`,`bardeffecttype`,`bardlevel2`,`bardlevel`,`bardunk1`,`bardunk2`,`bardunk3`,`bardunk4`,`bardunk5`,`bardname`,`bardunk7`,`UNK214`,`subtype`,`UNK220`,`UNK221`,`heirloom`,`UNK223`,`UNK224`,`UNK225`,`UNK226`,`UNK227`,`UNK228`,`UNK229`,`UNK230`,`UNK231`,`UNK232`,`UNK233`,`UNK234`,`placeable`,`UNK236`,`UNK237`,`UNK238`,`UNK239`,`UNK240`,`UNK241`,`epicitem`)
                                        VALUES ( '$maxid',  '0', '$name`s Ornamentation', '$agi', '$ac', '0', '$cha', '$dex', '$int', '0', '$sta', '$str', '$atk', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '$augtype', '0', '$wis', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '65535', '4278190080', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$cr', '$dmg', '$ds', '0', '0', '47001', '0', '$dr', '0', '0', '$elemdmgtype', '$elemdmg', '$endurance', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$focuseffect', '$fr', '0', '$haste', '0', '$hp', '$regen', '$icon', '$graphic', '0', '54', '0', '16', '1', '0', '$name made this Ornamentation', '0', '0', '$mana', '$manaregen', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$mr', '0', '1', '0', '$pr', '$procrate', '65535', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '$skillmodtype', '$skillmodvalue', '$slot', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '2010-09-11 11:23:49', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$proceffect', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$worneffect', '$worntype', '0', '0', '0', '$focustype', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, '2009-04-10 17:38:02', NULL, '13THFLOOR', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$hstr', '$hint', '$hwis', '$hagi', '$hdex', '$hsta', '$hcha', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$healamt', '$spelldmg', '$clairvoyance', '0', '20031014223933', '0', '70', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '$tier', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' );";
                        my $createAug = $dbh->prepare("$newAugStatement");
                        $createAug->execute( );
                        #get the new items id
                        my $lastid = $dbh->prepare( ("SELECT id from items order by id desc limit 1;"));
                        $lastid->execute( );
                        my $newAugId = 0;
                        while ( my @row2 = $lastid->fetchrow_array( ) )  {
                                $newAugId = @row2[0];
                        #create new augment work order with newly created item
                        #has to work like this since items are not automatically added to the game when added in DB
                        my $workOrderCreate = $dbh->prepare("insert into `peq`.`augment_work_orders` (player_id, item_id, order_date) values ('$charid', '$newAugId', NOW());");
                        #Notify the Player that the work order was successful
                        plugin::Whisper("Work order created successfully");


Spent a week fixing this with N!te and Prymetymes' help. Working as of 2/19/22

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