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klamath 05-27-2006 08:32 PM

The Last Stand (PvP)
The Last Stand as been in work for just over 8 months now.

The Last Stand as come together as planed 8 people as made it happen.

What this server as to offer you the player.

This server is old world - There is no pok books / No nexus spires You can't even see them they gone for good.

Working boats from BB and Qeynos.

Over 88% of classic quest as been put in aftar 8 months off searching for them, They are back.

As from tested MQ is 100% disabled.

Ui - Wait for the opening in 4 weeks its going to be worth the wait i tell you ;)

Classic spells / armour are back.

Guard faction's are as they was back in 1999 so everyone will start in there own city's

The zone into paineel its gone ? wtf happened to that ? ;)

This is hosted off a new login what will be provided when we open.

To play this server all you will need is your old cd's and any other files u may need will be on our website at a later date.

The website is being worked on atm, Was the last thing we cared about.

Xp is only 1x as fast as live.
Max level 50 and never will be raised to keep the challenge off pvp alive.
No aa's.
100% legit.

Any questions you got please reply them to this thread and i will get to them soon as possible.

Thanks Klamath
The Last Stand.

Smedy 05-27-2006 09:17 PM

totally awesome, ive been working on a custom pvp db for awhile now but as i can see i can quit working, you guys made a better one im sure, 8 months damn thats alot of work. Im thrilled to hear this, i REALLY hope you guys have a plan against cheaters (warsaint and the gang) they will attack this server with all they got like they always do. Ill be on the server for sure! What date would release be? also what build are you using? im guessing its 5.x since you got boats to work

Questions about the server:

What pvp rules are there? Like FFA / racewars / guildwars?

Are there any level restriction triggers for pvp (like im lvl 30 i cannot attack lvl 15 but i can attack lvl 22, same for players above)

Are all the new races/classes gone (my god i hope so, the cat,berzerker,beastlord really dont give the oldschool feel to the game :)

Have you removed all the luclin++ spells?

Does resistance work in pvp?

klamath 05-27-2006 09:39 PM

Rules for PvP should of added them.

There is a 5 level range for PvP.

We are still thinking off adding old rallos zek rules still open to talk about it.

The new classes and races are gone, They can't even be viewed from char make.

Only spells from 1999 are in and the correct damage that they should do.

For cheaters if they can cheat will be banned.

We have tested all the MQ and it does not work, And we have tested most of the other exploits and such and does not work.

The Last Stand.

Smedy 05-27-2006 09:42 PM

sounds awesome!! very nice work guys, once this server goes live get ready cause ill be bringing like 100+ eqemu newbs to it then :) , i was planning on doing this for my server but as you have much better setup ill make that their home insted!

also on the pvp range thing, i think that it should not be discussed. its boring when people to high lvl just come stomping on lowbies, no fun at all. keep it the way it is. Only thing would be that 5 level range up/down for pvp could be a little low, i would recommend going to 8 levels or as high as 10 (at max)

best wishes for a good launch!

klamath 05-27-2006 09:47 PM

No eta on the server atm but we are trying to make it late june early july and by this time a solid 10 months would have gone into this server and all should run smooth.

Funno 05-27-2006 11:58 PM

How many zones are there?

Killawen 05-28-2006 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Funno
How many zones are there?

Bro he just said the old world zones.

Zisct1 06-01-2006 11:54 AM

I love the way you type

Because when you skip lines

It makes it more suspenseful,

Anyhow, make sure to put manastones in ;)

im pumped Last Stand > Combine server

Moonz 06-02-2006 06:17 AM

this sounds absolutley amazing

I can not wait for it to open up

Voodoo13 06-02-2006 06:22 AM

The only thing that i see will be a problem is the xp rate.

klamath 06-02-2006 03:02 PM

Xp will be as it is may be taken down to live if the server fills.

We have added a new testing pvp rule, you will now have to kill 250 players to attack Lord nagafern, If you drop below 250 kills. It will fall by 150 a week, You will get ported out if u get in LoS of the Lord , 300 for Lady voxx 500 for Cazic thulle.

This new rule is to keep the pvp balance for everyone, If it does not work out it will be change back.

PvP will now be a 8 level range 4 level range for 50's so it will be as follow.

1 to 9 no pvp - 10-18 18-26 26-34 34-42 42-46 46-50 hope it works out.

At 50 u can attack anyone you so wish under 46 but if u kill a level 23 or below you will fall an whole level attack anyone under 46 and over 23 u will lose half of your level. /anon will work so be on the look out and look aftar your level's a little evil twist i know but its fun. If your under 50 u have to stick to the 8 level range so your ok untill you hit 50 :) so its best to stay around 49 :D

An evil twist if u wanted to kill Lord / Lady / Cazic i know but it should just add that little bit more time befor everyone gets uber twinked :D.

A new flag base game is in this will happen every night at some point to keep pvp a live and help you get to the 250 or so kills you need. what this means is the server will shout so and so as got the flag and is now worth 2 kills per a death when he dies the flag will go on to someone esle and so on for 2 hours so lots of action.

The server is now headed for a late opening we have lot more todo so we hope early july i am sorry.

Closed beta will open befor then tho so keep your eye out :) Website coming soon.
The Last Stand.

Voodoo13 06-02-2006 04:31 PM

and is there exp for killing people? And is there a xp det for dieing?

klamath 06-02-2006 04:35 PM

No xp for killing a person in PvP and no xp lost for dieing just xp loss at 50 if u kill someone to low.

Voodoo13 06-03-2006 02:44 AM

Whats the gain from pvp then? Besides just killing people.

klamath 06-03-2006 04:00 AM

Read up i said we might add something else.

Smedy 06-03-2006 07:14 AM

sounds cool, just abit worried about the lvl 50 being able to attack all people. They better get alot of exp loss for cock blocking people around lvl 30 :)

im sad to hear you guys are deelayed, i hope everything goes well, i would be highly interessted in joining the closed beta when avaible! keep up the good work :)

klamath 06-03-2006 07:18 AM

If they attack anyone under 23 they fall an whole level attack anyone over 23 under 46 will lose half and the exp is kinda slow so u don't want to lose that much.

realwopr 06-07-2006 11:20 AM

how exactly are mag pets going to work? are they going to behave exactly like old world? have you considered adding any of the new AA mag commands like /pet hold? This was one thing that mages have always wanted and believed should have been in since release.

Also, are mod rods going to behave as they did oldworld (insta recast) or post-nerf?

xxcrominxx 06-08-2006 01:49 PM

I have played EQ for about 4 years and have never played on a pvp server. Could someone give me some good aspects about playing pvp to get me interested? I'd really like to try out this server.

zeroman987 06-11-2006 01:20 PM

Is the game going to have a website/forums?

SmoothiE 06-11-2006 08:24 PM

1 item loot... no no drop items... Like rallos zek and firona vie combined!

JoeP 06-18-2006 05:15 AM

I used to play on Rallos Zek. I'll definately check out this server. I haven't played eq in years.

Doughnutz 06-20-2006 07:06 AM

imo, I'll try it but I know people will still hack. This is EQEmulator...everyone can find a way to hack.

Z.Wylde 06-28-2006 06:54 AM

Looks like fun, i'm sure I'll check it out when it opens =)

You should either make 1 item lootable per kill, and/or a pvp point system where you can buy items with points like guildwars.

World of warcraft has a cool pvp aspect too... buy items per rank, maintain X amount of kills per week - and maintain 'X' rank in which you can buy a certain MR or common pvp item.

I hope a lot of people play! I miss guildwars, but this look like it will be fun!

fanman55 06-28-2006 07:34 AM

Seems like a great server, I'll definitely give it a try.

klamath 06-29-2006 06:17 AM

Beta's will be up shortly please msg me with a password and username of your likeing this password and username must not match any of eqemu's servers thanks.

The people chosen will get a link to the site thank you.

In your msg please say why u wan't in the beta.

klamath 07-10-2006 07:42 PM

If you didn't get a msg that means u didn't make it into the beta stage sorry.

We have now 40 beta testers only 3 was accept on the emu site due to a superb app.

So far we have found 4 bugs and they have been fixed. The count down to the grand open as started ------ August the First 6 EST --------- See you all there. The Website will be given a day befor the open, with all the needed stuff on how to connect, and we have intro movie what will be linked soon as we feel good with it.

News update. Xp is normal classic XP ------ Rallos Zek rules with bonus added rules as showed early in this topic please look back to find them.

We do plan to open kunark but not untill the player base is good and ready so far kunark is 23% done with over 100 quest but won't open untill we have a good and stable playerbase so could be a few months or it won't be opened at all. For kunark to be opened we are looking for around 200-250 players.

For kunark the level's won't be raised for pvp purpose the mobs will be the same as live but u got to deal with them at level 50 with no aa's so it stays as a challenge to everyone.

Guild Cap is 40 and it will only have 40 players with the same guild tag in anyone zone if your are unguilded and in the same zone as the guilded people you can't damage the mob or heal them but you can use damage nukes and dots to kill them so just like normal but you can't help them.

New system added if you do /battle it will enter you to the arena when there is 10 people in the list if you leave the arena or die you will be ported back to where you was when you did /battle.

The winner of the battle with walk away with 20 pvp kills and a title. When you are killed or logged out for more then 2 days your title goes away.

/Guildbattle will enter your online members to the battle max 40 / so you have to wait untill a guild of 20+ members does the same and you will all be ported to the arena for a great battle.

If you are logged out for more then 2 day you will lose 100 pvp kills a day. And lose any entry you have gained.

All GM's will only have access to summon remove pvp kills and kick ban.

If your item's poofed the gm's online at the time will have to leave a note for the admin to check logs befor returning your item to your char.

See you all soon :)


The Last Stand .

XebeknSZ 07-11-2006 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by klamath
We have added a new testing pvp rule, you will now have to kill 250 players to attack Lord nagafern, If you drop below 250 kills. It will fall by 150 a week, You will get ported out if u get in LoS of the Lord , 300 for Lady voxx 500 for Cazic thulle.

1 to 9 no pvp - 10-18 18-26 26-34 34-42 42-46 46-50 hope it works out.

How do you drop below 250 kills? If you can drop Im guessing you can lose kills? How does this happen

So its not your level range +/- 8 levels (IE im level 30 i can attack 22-38), you can only attack people in your level range stated above (IE im 42 and no one high level than me can attack me besides a 50 but i can attack anyone between 42-34)

BTW if you check out eqforums people are settling for a progression pvp server when 99% want a classic EQ pvp server. You are giving them what they want not meeting them halfway. You said after 250 play you will open kunark which makes me think that you dont expect the population to be huge. I think you should advertise this and get a ton of people to play. 250 seems kinda boring to me. I think Zek has more than that now and I quit when there were around 1000 or so elft (just a guess) because it was hard to find pvp. Get the word out there and attract a ton of people.

PS. If you can enlighten me on those rules im confused about i would greatly appreciate it.

mattmeck 07-11-2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by XebeknSZ
How do you drop below 250 kills? If you can drop Im guessing you can lose kills? How does this happen

Its specificaly stated you loose 150 a week, =)


I think you should advertise this and get a ton of people to play
Thats the quickest way to a C&D from sony, the second you advertise and are mentioned on lives forums they will send you one, its happened a few times before.

Do NOT advertise, do word of mouth.

XebeknSZ 07-11-2006 04:22 PM

Prophetsofsz.org has a post about it. You can ask Hemick to take it down and give him a reason and he will probably do it because the server you offer is one that he has been pushing for, for quite some time. http://prophetsofsz.org/viewtopic.php?t=413

And what about my level range question?

XebeknSZ 07-11-2006 04:51 PM

A few more things. If its RZ ruleset thats cool, but please don't make the faction like RZ. On Zek (which was RZ ruleset) the NPC's attacked people randomly who were fighting near them, not based on who had faction. I could be ally to someone and they could be scowl and be invis but as soon as I hit them the npc's jump me over him which is extremely gay. Please make it to where they attack the one with lesser faction only and leave the higher faction alone like it was on SZ.

Is the magic dmg reduced to 66% like zek?

Lvl 50's won't even attempt to kill out of their range because that penalty is super harsh. I would think it would be better to impose a less harsher rule like they lose kills (IE lvl 50 kills a level 23 then he loses 27 kills 50-23). Just a suggestion.

Im super excited about this server. So many people will want to play. BTW those are just suggestions. Obviously I'm not you and I can't see the disadvantage at the moment. And if you could answer the rest of my question on my original post, I would be psyched.

klamath 07-11-2006 07:16 PM

say you was 34 and the level range was 6 u be able to attack level 28 and 40, so this server goes like so 34 you can attack 26 or level 42. And at 46 u can only attack 42 or a level 50 so its gome down by 4 level range. At 50 you can kill anyone you so wish but there is a price to pay if u attack and kill someone under the level of 46.

Aftar reviewing the level 50 rule we thought of changeing it a little if u take 20% hp off a level 45 or below and he dies from a mob you will lose 20% Xp.

If you kill a person under 30 now its been changed u will lose a full level anyone under 20 you will lose 2 levels.

This rule is here to stay. Because i have been on so many servers and its over real fast so this should last a while.

Faction is working well and should not attack you if your an ally.

Barl 07-11-2006 10:33 PM

I was wondering if the old RZ ruleset was that you could loot one droppable item or either a droppable or a no drop item? Which one will it be?

klamath 07-12-2006 06:03 AM

There is no no drop items. you do the maths :) apart from weps and range .

Barl 07-12-2006 09:59 AM

Cool, the server sounds pretty unreal then :)

Smeeg 07-14-2006 08:54 AM

how are the beta's coming....

Silenteer 07-15-2006 01:09 AM

Hi, my name is Warsaint.
You say MQ is 100% disabled..
I will be the judge of that :)

I look forward to it, whens beta?

PS. Hopefully your right about the MQ thing.
MacroQuest is getting really pathetic and lame, even for me.

Barl 07-15-2006 08:36 AM

lololol hi2u WS

StreziumProvantus 07-15-2006 07:19 PM

One thing that really bothered me about original Everquest is the fact that while meditating you had to look at your spellbook and thats it. They eventually put the change, to have it meditate while you sit. Will this addition be implemented on the server?

Smedy 07-17-2006 06:52 AM

when will the server be out? cant wait to whoop warsaints ass in fair game pvp :)

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