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The_Beast 08-25-2017 07:05 AM

Tribal Warfare Server
Created this as an "official" server discussion thread 2 weeks before launch. Forum site is open early for support.

adamle00 08-25-2017 08:13 AM

I mentioned this in another thread already.....but don't forget auto skill ups!

The_Beast 08-25-2017 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by adamle00 (Post 255616)
I mentioned this in another thread already.....but don't forget auto skill ups!

Yes, you did, I saw that. It's already setup to "skillup" upon leveling. There is a lot more to the server than what
you've seen on these forums. It's not a comprehensive list by any means. I am editing the server forum site now,
(as we speak), but check it out later today, there will be lots of "about" info posted there. A whole players guide
is being written because players will definately need to know several things about making their way to endgame.

adamle00 08-25-2017 09:19 AM

Nice, i'll be checking it out for sure

mjbcb0717 08-25-2017 04:41 PM

Yea I'm ready for a new server come on open up early lol

adamle00 08-25-2017 06:44 PM

So if epics are going to be a major point of progression are you going to tinker with named mobs spawns (like removing placeholders) or drop rates?. I would also point out that some epics are a breeze compared to others. Also i would recommend disabling defiant drops, they kind of render all other armor pointless imho.

The_Beast 08-25-2017 07:03 PM

Keep an eye on the server forums for information. ALL mobs on the server are one-groupable.(or less) Even Ciphron in
WoS. :P No mobs will have a spawn timer over 30 minutes, but I am not going play with old school drop rates unless
absolutely necessary. I don't want to turn this server into a "3-day tour" for players, removing the challenges.
Lots of info (so far) found HERE

adamle00 08-25-2017 08:49 PM

Thanks for the response and the work =)

lupisnoctum 08-26-2017 05:19 AM

Love the auto skillups, let's hope that auto-scribing of spells is in as well. Few things more annoying than running around populating the spell book every few levels with that oddball setup SOE came up with.

Server concept sounds great, can't wait to give it a try.

The_Beast 08-26-2017 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by lupisnoctum (Post 255624)
let's hope that auto-scribing of spells is in as well.

eqtribal.com has answers for you :P

The_Beast 08-28-2017 07:54 PM

Just thought I would mention, those who have been reading the information on the Tribal forums, the "News & Updates"
section will have edits added to it right up until Sept 08th when the server opens up. Other information sections will
have random edits done without visible alerts. After Sept 01, information will be more complete 'ish ;)

adamle00 08-29-2017 09:38 AM

I'll respond here about the spawn timers as i cannot seem to post or reply on your proboard forum. 30 Min spawn timers is fine for most mobs, but some zones like ToV for example or quite frankly alot of raid zones that might be a little fast.

Also I noticed alot of servers with "Hub" zones or areas are somewhat sad sack, if you are going to make a hub make sure to include bankers and a tribute master (this one almost always gets left out) and potion vendors.

The_Beast 08-29-2017 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by adamle00 (Post 255664)
i cannot seem to post or reply on your proboard forum........

if you are going to make a hub make sure to include bankers and a tribute master (this one almost always gets left out) and potion vendors.

Have you even read any posts with info at all ? LOOK WAY UP AT MY OP. You see a little about the "hub",
and especially the PICS that are posted on the other thread you first asked a question on. there has been
tons of info on vendors, potions, etc., so not sure why you're not seeing it all.

As far as posting on forums, two others have been posting there no prob. But if you were trying to post
in "updates", that is read-only. Please use the support sections provided.

Everything you've been "suggesting" was done long ago, except for tribute masters, it's not even needed.

Sorry, but there will be no more support questions answered here. You signed up on the forum, you could of
sent me a PM there.

adamle00 08-29-2017 03:00 PM

I looked again at your screenshot from the other post and I didn't notice any potion vendors or a tribute master (which I use all the time, so I disagree here)

Also I mentioned some other things earlier which was not in your original blurb about your server and you added them after I mentioned them (auto skill ups), so all I was doing was making some suggestions of things to add which I didn't see and had no way of knowing that they were "done a long time ago".

Sounding kinda hostile to people already and the server isn't even up yet =p

Thorpa 08-30-2017 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by adamle00 (Post 255667)
I looked again at your screenshot from the other post and I didn't notice any potion vendors or a tribute master (which I use all the time, so I disagree here)

Also I mentioned some other things earlier which was not in your original blurb about your server and you added them after I mentioned them (auto skill ups), so all I was doing was making some suggestions of things to add which I didn't see and had no way of knowing that they were "done a long time ago".

Sounding kinda hostile to people already and the server isn't even up yet =p

I think this might be pretty common among devs. You've gotta take a hard line early on or your vision starts to fade into the muddy waters pretty quickly.

The_Beast 09-01-2017 12:45 AM

Server will be open a week early, (Friday, Sept 1st). Should be around 4pm (CST).

Loose ends to finish up on the higher end this last week of planned editing, but it should be good for players to get started.
Client files needed are linked on the Tribal forums. Please direct all support questions to those forums. (Not Here)

Admins/moderators : This thread can be closed/locked at anytime in the future if you see fit for any reason. I will be putting a lot
of effort into keeping the support discussion on the Tribal forums. It's up to you, lolol

paul33x 10-15-2017 06:45 PM

what happened
Whatever happened to the server? A few weeks ago I thought Beast was on Vacation and now the server is gone?

The_Beast 10-15-2017 08:23 PM

0 population = Not worth it.

stgermaine 10-15-2017 08:24 PM

Yeah, he took it down to make some changes and now the website is gone and everything. I really liked it, hope he brings it back.

The_Beast 10-15-2017 08:34 PM

You know, in all honesty, that server was unintentionally made too easy. One player was max level, through all content in 4 days.

stgermaine 10-16-2017 09:03 AM

Will you be bringing it back, or should I look for a new server?

bufferofnewbies 10-16-2017 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by The_Beast (Post 256011)
You know, in all honesty, that server was unintentionally made too easy. One player was max level, through all content in 4 days.

Some people will always power-game the code, it is the others that you should watch over. They will be the ones that set the standards for play. Ease of play does not mean lack of fun.

The_Beast 10-16-2017 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by stgermaine (Post 256015)
Will you be bringing it back, or should I look for a new server?

There is a lot that has to be redone and tone it down which I am going to do over a few months. I don't know whether
I am going to implement a character wipe or not, I'm still undecided. The forum website is not gone, all I did was disable
the domain pointer.

Gregalimule 10-16-2017 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by The_Beast (Post 256023)
There is a lot that has to be redone and tone it down which I am going to do over a few months. I don't know whether
I am going to implement a character wipe or not, I'm still undecided. The forum website is not gone, all I did was disable
the domain pointer.

You planning on sticking with bots? Knew you had some issue with them and was curious if you were gonna try and rescale to opt outa bots.

The_Beast 10-16-2017 07:41 PM

Funny you should bring that up. I am going through that dilemma right now, trying to weigh the options with bots or not, how many or
whether to go with no boxing and spawn max 5 bots, or scrap the bots and go with 6 box limit. I definately need to lean towards the
ability to have a 6-toon group, either way. The future of the whole bot code (in emu) is looking a little grim right now.

Thalix 10-16-2017 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by The_Beast (Post 256025)
The future of the whole bot code (in emu) is looking a little grim right now.

From where did you get this information? Is the official?

The_Beast 10-17-2017 12:08 AM

You may not be interpreting my words correctly, but try keeping an eye on the github and judge for yourself.

Thalix 10-17-2017 12:15 AM

I see. If I may ask, did you have technical problems with bots or only scaling problems?

The_Beast 10-17-2017 12:33 AM

There's been a mixture of a few issues that were totally relevant to my own intentions. Bots have had some "glitches", which were
dealt with, but anything else, is my own issues for custom purposes. The only real issue is for "bots out of the box" as they come, is
the casters. Clerics, for example are a mess. (spam casting CH, etc).

Gregalimule 10-17-2017 12:41 AM

casters getting buff locked is pretty rough

once your fullly buffed they will spam anything that cant land due to lack of buffslots

Thalix 10-17-2017 12:42 AM

Okay thank you very mutch. Perhaps you would like to raise an issue on Github, so that your experiences are documented. Best luck with your Server!

The_Beast 10-17-2017 12:46 AM

oh< already been there, done that. Someone named mlinderdt was kind enough to fix an issue with bots. Thumbs up to him :)

paul33x 10-22-2017 11:03 PM

Thank you for the reply Beast. I do agree content was perhaps a little easier than you intended. However, the server was was blast to play on. I'm sure it was getting to be hard keeping up with making new content because it was being ripped through so quickly. I believe the reason the population went to shit was simply the fact of the bot issues. As soon as you were away from your bots it would crash the zone you were in. Was making people wanna wait till the issue was corrected to play. I hope you do in the coming months decide to bring either a totally new server up or tweek the old. Imo the idea behind Tribal Warfare was perfect and it is literally what brought me to play.

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