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Edgar1898 10-13-2004 06:52 AM

Forum Pruning
If your wondering where all the posts have gone, I have started a process that will move all normal topics that havent had a new post in the last three months to an archived forum at the bottom of main forum page. (Click on the Archive::General to view the forums underneath it) Right now the only forum I have done this to is the main forum, but I will do the other forums soon. This is done so the information is a little easier to look through. Searching still works as normal.

smogo 10-13-2004 06:59 AM

hmm, just a though :

a thread that's been discussed long ago, and still may contain valuable information, would nevertheless be moved to achive, unless it's been stickied, right ?

Doesn't that run the risk to get 100+ stickies on each forum's page ?

Or, should we bump ?

And second question : will the search button be affected by this move ?

k, maybe this didn't deserve any such interrogations, so feel freee to ignore :/

Edgar1898 10-13-2004 07:19 AM

can you name any post in forums that is over 3 months old and contains up-to-date information that isnt a sticky? I dont believe there are many...

smogo 10-13-2004 08:49 AM


can you name any post in forums that is over 3 months old and contains up-to-date information that isnt a sticky? I dont believe there are many...
Yes i can. No, you're right, there aren't many.

Nvm, i'll bump mine, let's stop feeding the troll. ;)

smogo 10-13-2004 11:45 AM

and, btw, forum pruning is a good idea anyway ;)

RangerDown 10-13-2004 01:00 PM

It's deinitely a good idea to move old outdated guides from the Howto section at least.

I'd love to be able to start telling people to search the Howto forum again, and not have them respond "there's 10 guides on that, which one do we use?"

Edgar1898 10-14-2004 03:26 AM

Ive decided to skip the forums that have less than 20 topics or so, really no point in pruning those forums. Also if your wondering who "DeletedUser" is, its just a generic user I created to display if the original poster was deleted over the years. I create him so we could recover the lost posts. Most of them are useless but some might be relevent

Melwin 10-14-2004 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by Edgar1898
Ive decided to skip the forums that have less than 20 topics or so, really no point in pruning those forums. Also if your wondering who "DeletedUser" is, its just a generic user I created to display if the original poster was deleted over the years. I create him so we could recover the lost posts. Most of them are useless but some might be relevent


sdabbs65 10-14-2004 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Melwin

Originally Posted by Edgar1898
Ive decided to skip the forums that have less than 20 topics or so, really no point in pruning those forums. Also if your wondering who "DeletedUser" is, its just a generic user I created to display if the original poster was deleted over the years. I create him so we could recover the lost posts. Most of them are useless but some might be relevent


I was wondering if people lose there butts if there message gets pruned ??
I dont have any butts but in case one day I do, im a bit curious.

sdabbs65 10-14-2004 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Edgar1898
can you name any post in forums that is over 3 months old and contains up-to-date information that isnt a sticky? I dont believe there are many...

I found Information thats was posted on
Posted: 02-15-2004 04:24 PM
Post subject: Scribing spells leads to many problems

that was relavent to the 5.9 problems I was having so I think this fourm should be excluded....

smogo 10-14-2004 03:52 AM

hmm, i'm not sure LE wishes handle all exceptions (there sure are, but, oh well). Maybe just start with a new, clean, prunned forum, then if topics are still relevant (e.g. unsolved bugs) they'll raise up again sooner or later.

And, if i get it well, it'll stil be possible to access old posts anyway.

Edgar1898 10-14-2004 04:04 AM

well if you find a topic that you feel is relevent, make a post about it and a mod can move it back, but I really dont see the need, unless you fell compelled to reply to the post. You can still view and search for the post as you always could, so why exactly would someone want to post to an old thread?


I was wondering if people lose there butts if there message gets pruned ??
I dont have any butts but in case one day I do, im a bit curious.
No, post count is not changed when the posts are moved.

Edgar1898 10-14-2004 07:55 AM

Forums are done now, posts will automatically be moved over to the correct archive forum if it meets the following criteria:

1. It is over 90 days old.
2. It is a regular post, not a sticky, announcement, etc
3. The forum has more than 20 posts in it.
4. The forum is a public forum; no private forums will be archived.

If you have a question about what forums will be archived once the above criteria is met just look down at the bottom of the forum list and click on one of the Archive sections and a list of forums in that section will be displayed. Note: To save screen space, you have to click on a category before you can view the Archive forums underneath it.

If for some reason you would like to post on a thread that is archived (no reason I can think ok), make a post in the main forum and tell us why you want it moved back.

jimbox114 10-14-2004 08:21 AM

I personally think it would help to remove obsolete help topics. There is a bunch of topics with dead links to files, or information that is no longer used.

Edgar1898 10-14-2004 08:23 AM

aye, that is next, maybe as easy as tomorrow

Cisyouc 10-14-2004 08:33 AM

Id like to make a motion that archive #13734: "To Enable Berserkers" be unarchived. This question seems to come up alot and I think this should be stickied somewhere, maybe in support, actually.

Edgar1898 10-14-2004 08:42 AM

Done, for now I moved it to the Support::Tutorials/Howto's forum and made it a sticky. Whether it stays there is another question as I am going to be reorganizing the forums soon.

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