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mattmeck 01-23-2007 02:31 PM

New users
Due to all the porn and other spam we have been getting I have chosen to moderate all new members.

To become a registered member and be able to post you must now PM me on the forums.

Spamming the forums with crap will result in an IP ban first offence after I allow you to become a member.

<<<also a global announcment at the top of every page in the forums no excuses>>>

MysticDeath 01-31-2007 04:51 PM

I think, this is worth me coming out of my quiet solitude to say.

Just wow, porn being spammed on the site? :O
I am appalled.

Spike 02-01-2007 09:47 AM

Not like this doesn't happen on other forums. Seems to be only happening to popular forum packages. Doesn't happen to phpbb3 yet.

John Adams 02-02-2007 09:09 AM

It's only Beta5. Give them time.

Angelox 02-02-2007 10:55 AM

Other forums use other methods for blocking spam, including paying for fancy software. I think Matt did the best thing; If anyone's really interested in becoming part of these forums - they only need put in a little extra effort by PM him. The only problem I see, if he gets swamped in PMs, which in that case, he can spread it out to all the Mods.

mattmeck 02-02-2007 11:10 AM

over 350 new accounts since I started it, less then 25 have PM'd me.

Spike 02-03-2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by John Adams
It's only Beta5. Give them time.


Originally Posted by Spike

Yeah, im well aware, thanks.

MysticDeath 02-05-2007 12:48 PM


over 350 new accounts since I started it, less then 25 have PM'd me.
Please elucidate.

John Adams 02-06-2007 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by MysticDeath
Please elucidate.

Now there's a $3 word if I ever saw one...

[QUOTE]Main Entry: elu

Mortil 02-23-2007 09:37 AM

Its SOE!!!!!!!!!!

GeorgeS 02-23-2007 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by John Adams
Now there's a $3 word if I ever saw one...


Originally Posted by John Adams

Allow to elucidate, to perhaps explicate or expound, in a meager attempt to disentangle for you and extrapolate the directive of mattmeck's memorandum.

Stay with me now...

-- 350 users signed up for new account access here, but since only 25 PM'd him, that means 325 of them were spambots. Duh.

Now that's as clear as mud :)


sdabbs65 03-20-2007 03:16 AM

Don't feel picked on Matt.
they are even attacking my megar board with porn spam.
I think theres some kinda new php bot invented to auto spam people nowdays.

madborg 07-17-2007 09:26 PM

i have a very small forum and most of the people there are people i have known for a long time but i also see three members that i dont know, have never posted, and come from the same place - some online drugs or something. fortunately i havent had any porn posted yet. at another site i had crap posts - thinks like "cvksduf" and "this site sucks". then it was hacked twice with the second time so severe i never put it back up again. also when i shutdown the forum for the crap that was there i got admin mail with all sorts of trash including a truckload of virus. some people.

madborg 07-17-2007 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by sdabbs65 (Post 131325)
Don't feel picked on Matt.
they are even attacking my megar board with porn spam.
I think theres some kinda new php bot invented to auto spam people nowdays.

a couple of months ago i started getting mail after mail of some of the worst porn subject lines (i dont open any of that stuff). it has gotten so bad that i had to change my address. i now have 4 addresses that are spammed to death and i wont use them any more.

sfisque 07-18-2007 12:59 AM

if it makes you feel any better, i just updated my REJECT list for sendmail, and it now contains 18884 class C CIDR blocks. that means almost 30% of the internet is REJECTED by my mail server.... AND i still get spam each day.

the only thing i can think of, is that someone has done a fantastic job of infecting a ton of machines and is running one helluva bot-net.

== sfisque

Sakrateri 07-18-2007 04:53 AM

they now attacked that WIKI......grumble , grumble somabitches....grumble, grumble.

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