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KLS 03-16-2009 11:27 PM

Trying to get a feel for what people's thoughts are on upgrading login. It would be something we would need donations for. If we can get them we most definitely want to get EQEmu to a more stable setup.

What do you guys think?

Rezbee 03-16-2009 11:38 PM

My thoughts
You want honest or political?

I'll go with honest. If I throw any duckets you guys' way, its gotta be open source. I don't mind throwing $100 or so for a solution, but I'm not throwing that out there for a bandaid to an amputee, or something that will be stale in a year because devs that own the software go inactive. My take is, show me that it will be open source and there is some work being done to put it in action and I'll start the donations.

Well I'd say we need to meet half way, create a login server for the community that allows them to create their own accounts and let the two login servers (the one for EQEMU and for the server) co-exist, so if either login server is down someone can still at least login to the server. It would be great for people that wish to bypass the laggy website to create a login account and it would also bypass a LOT of load on the main login server itself.

This means that the login servers would be completely separate entities, each pulling in its own username and password, so in theory, userA can login from server's login server but never have to create an account for EQEmu... and visa-versa.

Rezbee 03-16-2009 11:52 PM

^^ This means that the login servers would be completely separate entities, each pulling in its own username and password, so in theory, userA can login from server's login server but never have to create an account for EQEmu... and visa-versa.

That doesn't mean though that by creating a username on <insert some server name here>'s website would inject the username/pass in the main login server, it just means that the world server itself would accept logins from both the public login server and a private, username/password based server. Thats something I'm willing to stretch my wallet on :)

MNWatchdog 03-17-2009 12:40 AM

Seems like this is a software/maintenance problem and not a hardware one.

What hardware is EQEmulator.net currently running on?

A simpler idea might be to move these forums to the ProjectEQ forums, thus freeing up the current hardware just for handling logins.

In the alternative, I know the PEQs EQ server is being replaced, so they might be willing to let their old server go for cheap.

Angelox 03-17-2009 12:44 AM

Well, I think KLS and the Google SVN group have already earned whatever donations they need. I'm sorta hoping this is a brand new idea with a new login and new administration, and it would be nice if it were open source - but I trust KLS & Co. judgment on what ever it is they are working on, and how ever they want to do it.

Rezbee 03-17-2009 12:47 AM

I may be totally wrong MNWatchdog, but I think its a maintenance issue rather than hardware. The server seems to just lock up at random points during the day with no persistant pattern indicating that it is not a traffic/request issue which would point to hardware. This is completely random almost like a program is hanging on the server and isn't getting proper attention (i know cpanel servers are plagued with problems if they don't maintain the backup service).


Originally Posted by Angelox (Post 165833)
Well, I think KLS and the Google SVN group have already earned whatever donations they need. I'm sorta hoping this is a brand new idea with a new login and new administration, and it would be nice if it were open source - but I trust KLS & Co. judgment on what ever it is they are working on, and how ever they want to do it.

No doubt Angelox... Do doubt. I just don't want this to turn into another failed project though. I'm not saying its not a good idea to throw some donations their way, I'm just saying I wouldn't be comfortable with it unless I know it is or has the ability to be a redundant project.

PS: Adding one more line to your signature might get you a Grammy for the longest signature award LOL :P

KLS 03-17-2009 12:57 AM

And yes let me add, I'll have more of a hand in keep tabs on said future server than I do now.

Also hardware is def a factor. I'm not going to list the hardware specs but 512 mb of ram would be an upgrade. So you get the picture.

image 03-17-2009 01:21 PM

I am reading people saying new login/administration and upgrading. Are you asking for donations to upgrade the current server or are you talking about updating the login source with the new netcode and splitting the project.

bushman77 03-17-2009 03:03 PM

ls source
i thought the login server source itself was strictly closed source (something dto do between sony and eqemu and the encryption being held tightly by sony. so i suppose we are lucky to have the public login server that we have. I'm hoping that it is only software based issues and who ever is handling the code for the ls figures out what is going on with it.

Andrew80k 03-17-2009 03:28 PM

Our login server has nothing to do with sony. This is home grown, and quite old. The LS is closed source because of the encryption is true though. The folks that wrote this server do not wish for it to be released. In truth we have been fortunate to have this public login server, but it has nearly outlived its usefulness and has started becoming a liability. It's time to move on and get something that is held by the folks that are more active and can see that it is properly maintained.

Angelox 03-17-2009 03:31 PM

I always thought since the current source holders don't want to publicize the source, they used 'scare tactics' and excuses like EqEmu having agreements with SOE?
Anyway, if there is a new public login, it probably will be protected, but for reasons other than the SOE one ( I was just wishful thinking).

devn00b 03-17-2009 03:38 PM

The reason the ls is closed are two fold.

1) soe would change the crypto, leading to days of downtime.
2) the base code wasnt written by anyone at eqemu and they dont wish it to be released to the public.

To release any kind of loginserver with the crypto would anger the sony gods.
Regardless if you agree with it, thats the way it is.

Andrew80k 03-17-2009 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by devn00b (Post 165847)
The reason the ls is closed are two fold.

1) soe would change the crypto, leading to days of downtime.
2) the base code wasnt written by anyone at eqemu and they dont wish it to be released to the public.

To release any kind of loginserver with the crypto would anger the sony gods.
Regardless if you agree with it, thats the way it is.

Thanks for chiming in. I didn't realize it was sony crypto. I thought it was written specifically for the LS... That clears that up...

Rezbee 03-18-2009 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by devn00b (Post 165847)
The reason the ls is closed are two fold.

1) soe would change the crypto, leading to days of downtime.
2) the base code wasnt written by anyone at eqemu and they dont wish it to be released to the public.

To release any kind of loginserver with the crypto would anger the sony gods.
Regardless if you agree with it, thats the way it is.

Anyone can break that crypto with just an ounce of search on the net. KLS said himself on the PEQ forums that he broke it in a matter of mins if I recall correctly. Its not that hard, I've tried it myself and its not like that the crypto.dll can't be found on google or anything ;)

The ONLY reason to keep the next login server project closed source is for a captive audience. I have no problems with that, but what I do have a problem with is throwing cash out and something happening either irl or in the community to the lead person and not signing over the reigns on the project.

Speaking of which, is it just me or has the ls server been down nearly all day?

devn00b 03-18-2009 12:13 AM

If it was that easy..why hasn't anyone released a working 7.0 login?


Really tho it isn't THAT hard.

MNWatchdog 03-18-2009 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by devn00b (Post 165854)
If it was that easy..why hasn't anyone released a working 7.0 login?


Really tho it isn't THAT hard.

Because the antithesis of "If it ain't, don't fix it." now exists.

KLS 03-18-2009 12:49 AM

I'm not going to argue the ethics of open sourcing the LS or not. Yes, it's easy but it still takes a bit of technical know how that most people don't possess to get. It's also really weak. You can draw your own conclusions on the downsides and why the person who wrote it didn't want it released. And why we're probably not going to release the source to the new one we made.

That said I'm going to clarify what we want to happen. Basically as anyone who's been here more than a day knows the server is unstable, really unstable. It's also controlled by people who while willing to put time they have into it just don't have enough time to keep it running. We want to get a new server because this one sucks and I will be stepping into a more active role in terms of maintaining the server.

I'm sorry if I gave anyone a people's revolution vibe, this is the current admin's ideas not mine. =p

Ikeren 03-18-2009 01:35 AM


but it has outlived its usefulness and is a liability.


Basically as anyone who's been here more than a day knows the server is unstable, really unstable.
Tragically unstable. Horrifically unstable. Homocidal Rage inducing instability. That sort of thing.

Angelox 03-18-2009 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by KLS (Post 165856)
this is the current admin's ideas not mine. =p

That says the whole story - no matter to me anyways, I already have mini-login and the home box edition working fine, I thought I might be helpful with the "new" Public LS that never did a thing for me in the first place!

I already donated to 'current admin's' and also rallied donations to them a while back. There was no reply at all, no 'thank you' posts for the donators, and the result for that are the Forums and Server you have now (no action taken).

When you all decide to start a NEW project to where it belongs to at most you and a few of the active developers, then I'll gladly donate.

As far as I'm concerned, the 'current admin's' are long gone (by their own will), and should have no say in it any more.

If you want, put up a donation icon on the Google SVN site, so I will feel like the money is going to you.

KLS 03-18-2009 02:28 PM

That is the idea, they are long gone so they need to hand it off to someone who isn't. I don't know why this idea is so complex that no one seems to get it.

image 03-18-2009 03:05 PM

The encryption for the LS has been announced multiple times, taking the old LS and upgrading to current would take a bit of effort. Sony decided to do some rework of their netcode base related to how they handle packets and CRC's etc. Either way I don't think KLS would have to go through all this work if Doodman is passing it on.

KingMort 03-19-2009 01:37 AM

I would like to donate to this cause on a regular monthly basis but I would need to talk to whoever is "IN CHARGE" now... Can reach me in #kmra on IRC anytime..


Rezbee 03-19-2009 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by KLS (Post 165862)
That is the idea, they are long gone so they need to hand it off to someone who isn't. I don't know why this idea is so complex that no one seems to get it.

People's Revolution sounds a bit dramatic. I don't see how creating a brand new login server from say the mail server or chat server like has already been done will cause any kind of revolution. I do see how it will stimulate this community, encourage more developers to help the community, and provide redundancy for the project, none of which can even be remotely considered as detrimental to anyone other than the person whos going to control the project.

Devn00b you asked a question, the answer was in the post, keeping the captive audience is the reason so one would think, though people will still come here to develop and if they don't there will be a better project most likely somewhere else.

The thing is, when and if it ever is released opensource everyone wins. Imagine the possibilities, global chat, server-to-server tells, login redundancy, and even forks (good forks ;P) of the project.

I'm just going to be completely honest. There is $100.00 waiting on the first person who can get a stable LS developed and $50.00 thereafter monthly until I decide I'm tired of EMU. That is my pledge but I am not doing so knowing that the project has the same potential to be right back where we started from a week, month, or even year down the road. There has to be a warranty of sorts that this situation we are in now never, EVER happens again; and the only answer I can conjure is open source.

number6 03-19-2009 04:14 AM

I will donate for the login server host upgrade. However I do strongly believe that we need a non-centralised alternative to the central server to stop the project dying further down the road when things happen - as indeed it has nearly died at the moment due to the flakiness of the current setup.

All I ask for is a minilogin that does more than just IP based authentication, and will run on Linux (or, sigh, under WINE on Linux at a pinch). There are great benefits to being part of a centralised login server for operators that want to attract passing traffic, but for a "friends and family" server operation like mine, I simply don't need the public server but also I need to support the people who live in the same house and share the same IP address, and messing around with php scripts every time those people zone simply isn't going to cut it.

(no offence is intended to anyone - I have the greatest respect and admiration for people like KLS who have done so much to keep the project alive)

classiceq 03-20-2009 11:33 PM

My Offer
Regardless of what the issue is I personally won't put in any money unless it becomes 100% open source.

However, I will offer the following to support a login server/forum/web site etc.

3MB up/down redundant T1 config - Cisco 2811 Router, PIX Firewall, Static IP's

HP G5 Dual Quad Core Server with 16GB Ram and RAID 5 Array. 6-146GB SAS Drives

Located in my hardened datacenter in San Antonio that I personally own.

It is staffed 24x7.

No charge with a long term guarantee. I want to see this project progress.

It may not make sense to some but there are things I have learned from this project. Database structure, programming etc. The list goes on.

Anyway, That is my offer. The facility is real. The offer is real.

Feel free to contact me.

classiceq 03-20-2009 11:37 PM

Forgot to Mention
Currently the server I support is running on this same server hardware.

It is on the public login server. Black Hand of Doom or BHOD.

It is set up with VMWARE to support multiple server emulators.

EQ, DAoC, Quake etc.

Anyway, I just wanted to mention this part.

KingMort 03-21-2009 03:02 AM

You know , I actually agree with classiceq the login server should be open source... But if that doesn't end up happening I would like to help out so the community stays alive.. In the end that is what is most important..


Necx 03-21-2009 10:51 PM

I would like a layout of the Plan for the login server before i just start handing money out.

I Don't post here but been following progression steadly.

If a Plan was placed on what is in store rather then a oh we are looking into a login server replacement. I'd be greatly inclined to give a helping hand. (no im not saying i don't trust anyone just want to make sure its going to more of a help then a PITA)

How bout Look at options consider it don't have to reveal hardware or specs maybe a goal $ to reach and set a prox cost of montly fee to run it?

I dunno. But i would like to see some better organization.
before hand.

IF a good plan comes through id love to throw a grand or close down to help.

Either way though login server and the upkeeping of the current one sucks.

image 03-21-2009 10:54 PM

I might release a new minilogin server of sorts that allows you to register 20 users and probably 5 world servers. But it will allow you to register by user/pass.

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