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Edgar1898 05-27-2004 10:40 AM

New Login Server beta test
OK, I believe it is ready to be beta tested on a larger scale. Please read the following notes before copying and pasting the info into your eqhost.txt file.

1. You can only connect to 5.7-DR4 versions as eqlive changed a few things that were sent to the world server and the old versions wont recognize the client without it.

2. This is a beta, expect things not to work and for it to go down frequently as I try to fix things.

3. That said, please post any non obvious bugs to this post so I know what to fix. Here is a list of known issues: Chat doesnt work because its not important right now, Quick login works only sometimes, you get a time out error after about a minute of non activity, server list isnt updated unless you relogin.

Obviously some of these things will be fixed sometime soon, but rather than wait until they were all fixed, I decided to go ahead and open it up to you guys.

Copy and paste the following to your eqhost file:


PS: PacketCollector has been updated as well:

Jezebell 05-27-2004 10:59 AM

woot!! great job Lethal!

Tangeleno 05-27-2004 11:16 AM

DR 4 is for the 18th patch or the 26th patch?

Edgar1898 05-27-2004 11:57 AM


KhaN 05-27-2004 12:05 PM

Great Job, all work good here, thanks LethalEncounter for your help on IRC.

5.7DR4 is compatible with 26th Live patch.

Jezebell 05-27-2004 12:13 PM

This might be a little off topic Lethal but I have noticed on DR4 that #level is broken, it always says you have no target, tried untargetting retargetting to no avail, this happens on both mine and Khans server.

ReHaB 05-27-2004 12:47 PM

Still no go?
Just patched today 5/27/04... changed my eqhost.txt to read


Still no go... wont even attempt to log in... just pretty much exits the program. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks



Got it to log in... turns out when i was trying to log in it was trying to add stuff onto my eqhost.txt file.... after many attempts i finally got it... but when i try to log on i still get either 1017 or i get an error message saying EqEmu.exe (Renamed my shortcut to that) needs to close.... Once again any help would be awesome.

Xeptix 05-27-2004 01:00 PM

I get that same problem, it boots up the client no problem, it all looks fine up until the login, i put in username and password, click login, it waits about 2 seconds, then moniter changes resolution as if its trying to load something, then program disappears into desktop


yah i solved the problem the same way the last poster apparently did, just change eqhost.txt to read-only and the new server "s-mitchell" that it tries to add as login server, will not be added, and it loads the server select screen, however none of them will actually allow you to log in, they all go back to the login screen before server select

KhaN 05-27-2004 01:05 PM

The best way to get it work is to patch to live, download EQHOST.TXT and edit the file with wordpad and save. If you try to create EQHOST.TXT, it will crash.

Swampdog 05-27-2004 01:12 PM

Has DR4 been tested with Minilogin.exe yet or is there going to need to be a new minilogin or is it a non-issue? In testing quests for EQA, I like to test everything while offline while I'm dong the development. If this is something that you'll need help testing, just say the word. :D

Xeptix 05-27-2004 01:16 PM

i see 5 people on EQEmu s-legit which is DR4 host as of an hour ago.

i obviously cannot login to the server w/ the may 18th patch files as the server sports the recent patch, so does this mean those 5 people have gotten this new login to work correctly?

Eff_You15 05-27-2004 01:28 PM

I logged in successfully and went to the EQA server and char creation / Entering world all worked.

RangerDown 05-27-2004 01:30 PM


2. This is a beta, expect things not to work and for it to go down frequently as I try to fix things.
You and the DX9 engine both :lol:

Xeptix 05-27-2004 01:35 PM

arrr! tryin many things and cant get it to load the server up after logging into the server select screen, anyone able to relate and has found a fix?


got it >_< now if only EQEmu s-legit would come back online

Patreecia 05-27-2004 01:55 PM

I also get booted out of eq when i click on loggin

Edit: i got in, i can create a character and stuff, but i cant log on the characters

mangoo 05-27-2004 01:55 PM

Can I have a pinup of you LE for my wall please? :oops:

Cloudrider 05-27-2004 02:02 PM

I got in to the server select by doing what some of the other posts said to do. Changed eqhost to read only (under properties after right clicking). Then patched for the may 18th patch, then changed the file after opening it. I didn't copy and paste, just deleted part and typed it in. Hope that helps, now I need help.

I got to the server select screen, but whenever i pick a server, i get booted back to login screen. Any ideas what to do?

mangoo 05-27-2004 02:09 PM

Must connect to a DR4 server and LE's I believe has the only one and it's locked :(

Swampdog 05-27-2004 02:19 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong KhaN, but I believe EQA is DR4 now as well. :D

Xeptix 05-27-2004 02:36 PM

EQA is DR4, among 3 or 4 others that've been up-n-down for the past 2 hours, and so has my ability to log-in, i now am unable to even get to the server select screen again ^_^ <3 betas

at least some people have been able to play so far, which makes the release worthwhile


yay got into login server, but now theres no DR4's up ^_^ oh well i'll try again tonight, good luck and thx lethal

Jezebell 05-27-2004 02:39 PM

I had my server up with DR4 but DR4 is totally screwed up right now, tons of stuff doesn't work, so I switched back to DR3

KhaN 05-27-2004 02:44 PM


yay got into login server, but now theres no DR4's up ^_^ oh well i'll try again tonight
Im trying to get at least PERL to work, without PERL no need to get EQA server up, because the only thing people will be able to do will be sit on their ass in Astral Plane :/ I dont mind GM command, but PERL :/

Shadow-Wolf 05-27-2004 02:45 PM

hmm the program jsut closes for me too, nothing seems to work.

ReHaB 05-27-2004 03:20 PM

Im still having problems...
By the way i DID NOT create a new EQHOST.TXT file... simply edited orginal one.... very odd.... i got DX9... cant figure out the problem... even before i patched i have always had problems logging onto servers.. usually took about 10 attempts before a success. Could use some help please!

Shadow-Wolf 05-27-2004 03:26 PM

i did not CREATE a new EQHOST.txt i EDITED mine to say what it needed, ive made it read-only also, now the screen doesn't even go black and exit it just crashes.

RangerDown 05-27-2004 03:27 PM

Login seemed to work fine. BTW, I edited my existing file from my EQLive folder.

If you have trouble creating your own file, try using the DOS editor instead of notepad. The client might be picky about the file's carriage returns.

I was able to successfully create a character on the Greenleaf server and run around and fight. There were a few issues I encountered when I actually got in, but I think they are related to packets changing and just need another sniff from live.

I saw all pre-DR4 servers on my selection screen, but didn't try to connect to anything but DR4. Some of the people who say they got in but can't connect or create characters, make sure you pay attention to the version number of the server you're connecting to. Connect to *only* a DR4 server under the new login client. Suggestion to Lethal: Only advertise DR4 and newer servers to the client if they're connecting with the new login client, and only advertise DR3 and earlier servers if they're connecting with the old login client. Might cut down on the "I can't connect to xxxxx server" posts.

BTW, Scorpius2k's server showed a population of negative 617-something-million users on the server select :shock: :? :?:

Edgar1898 05-27-2004 04:13 PM


BTW, Scorpius2k's server showed a population of negative 617-something-million users on the server select
yah, noone likes his server so it has a negative population :P


Suggestion to Lethal: Only advertise DR4 and newer servers to the client if they're connecting with the new login client, and only advertise DR3 and earlier servers if they're connecting with the old login client. Might cut down on the "I can't connect to xxxxx server" posts.
Yah, I thought about that, but if noone was running any DR4 servers, people would think its the login servers fault when no servers were listed. I'll just ignore the posts of people saying they get a 1017 error when they try to connect to servers listed, because if they had read the original post they would know they can only play on 5.7-DR4 servers. That said, if you are 100% sure the server you tried to play on was 5.7-DR4 and you still get a 1017 error, its probably a router or server configuration problem on that servers end.

Xeptix 05-27-2004 05:57 PM

seems like the bigger problems now are more on the side of the DR4 servers themselves than the login now, i havent seen any DR4 servers in 4 hours.

good times ^_^

Charmy 05-27-2004 06:00 PM

Aswome Job =) i connected to 3 DR4 servers with new login no problem creating char and logging in, PERL is being sadly missed =( as on EQA our entire character creation process is nothing but a long list of perl scripts :( Anyway Amazing job and fast at that :) i didn't think you could find a fix that fast, but here we are and it works great! anyway its late and i need sleep. so... gnight.

capbob00 05-27-2004 06:01 PM

I was able to get DR4 to work with the Minilogin but when I make a new character and the tutorial zone starts to load up, World.exe says it found the starting zones and then crashes.

Then when I try again and select my server from the list World.exe crashes again with a message about bogus characters. I looked up my character in EQEmuAdmin and it looks like none of the information for the character got filled in.

Tried logging on to the Green Leaf server and it worked fine.

Xeptix 05-28-2004 02:10 AM

sounds like a problem w/ your particular server capbob, try setting the starting point for all characters to nexus or some similar safe zone like gfay, it might force a bypass on the DR4 tutorial that it seems all servers are trying to do

Edgar1898 05-28-2004 08:27 AM

to those of you having problems editing your eqhost.txt file, I have uploaded mine to the server, so hopefully this one will work for you.


just right click and save to your everquest directory

Geppen 05-29-2004 03:05 AM

i kno other people are having the same problem as me but no1 has really given a straight forward answer. i am patched up to the 26th, i have the right eqhost.txt, i am trying to log into a DR-4 server, (greenleaf), but i can get to the character screen and try to log on my characters and i just get booted back to the account log in screen

Wandiwen234 05-29-2004 03:22 AM

Seems like alot of people are having the same prob that I was having. But I tried something and it worked .

Normal EQhost.txt:


When adding the EQemu one I just erased the everquest.com:15900 and put eqemulator.net:5995 in its place. Bam, no more crashing =). Hope this helped someone.

Jezebell 05-29-2004 03:26 AM

Their problem is different, they can log into the Login Server fine, they are having trouble logging into a server to play on. I doubt that is related to the eqhost.txt file, but I am not sure what is causing it besides possibly problems with 5.7-DR4

RangerDown 05-29-2004 07:02 AM

I've gotten a few disconnects when trying to enter the world as RangerDown on PEQ-TGC. But not on Green Leaf. Then I remembered something...

I didn't create my character on Green Leaf till after the introduction of DR4... but RangerDown has been on PEQ for some time now. So, I went back to PEQ and created a new character, and boom... now I can enter.

Did the data structure of player info change with this new client?

thedammz 05-29-2004 10:59 AM

i crash at login screen im patched to 27 and my eqhost is
[LoginServer]Host=eqemulator.net:5995 all one line its on readme or what ever i put in my login name and password and just go to desktop what do i do.
edit used es eqhost he posted got it to work just no servers where up

animepimp 05-29-2004 06:11 PM

It shouldn't be all on one line. It should be
Read the tutorials.

JeremySun 06-01-2004 05:40 AM

Help Please
I've Tried to edit the eqhost to read:


but everytime I try to log in eq downloads a new eqhost and then I edit it again. I get to the login and then it crashes.. I made my patchme shortcut, just can't seem to get pass the log-in. Any pointers please?

animepimp 06-01-2004 08:25 AM

This happens when the format is wrong, you need to make sure there are no extra spaces at the end of the lines and then set the file to read only. Also make sure your shortcut points to eqgame.exe.

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