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strugglegenerator 11-28-2019 02:53 PM

Green Con Mobs Still Giving Exp
A level 30 green con mob is still giving my level 47 warrior experience. Is this normal?

I was under the impression that green con mobs do not give experience. I even turned Character:GreenModifier to a value of 0 to see if it helped, but no dice.

As a test, I took that same level 47 warrior to Greater Faydark, killed a green con skeleton and I did not gain experience, so it must be a certain amount of levels below you can still give experience, even if they are green cons.

Can anyone shed some light on this issue please? I am using the Titanium Client.

rabbet330 11-28-2019 03:17 PM

I have had the same issue, and have also seen it on public servers. It might be a bug inherent in the game - sometimes it shows the wrong con. It should probably be showing light blue, but shows green instead. So when you see a green con, you won't really know whether it will give XP or not. Not sure if there's a way to fix that. Devs - any ideas?

jaspen 11-28-2019 05:49 PM

Might want to mention the client being used.

strugglegenerator 11-28-2019 06:40 PM

Titanium Client

Entranced 12-03-2019 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by strugglegenerator (Post 264023)
Titanium Client

I believe there are different levels of green con. This can be seen when you con the mob. The green cons that give exp will say something slightly different than one that doesn't. At least this is how it is on P99.

jaspen 12-03-2019 11:47 PM

Someone will have to verify this but I think the clients sometimes do show the cons differently. So, some cons will show differently on Titanium than on RoF2. If so, that might be playing into this.

Huppy 12-04-2019 01:58 AM

Just a quote from an old post :


Originally Posted by KLS (Post 145039)
We can't change what the cons con, since they're handled clientside(the color at least), you can change the con calcs server side but they wont translate to colors on the client..

lctucker2999 12-09-2019 05:47 PM

Originally in live EQ there used to only be red, yellow, white, blue, and green. As mentioned above, some greens were a "high green" that gave xp. Others were low green that didn't give xp. On live at some point they added additional colors to make it very obvious. Red, yellow, white, and blue still exist, but not there is a light blue, and green, which all greens still give xp. What was previously considered low green aka no xp is now grey on live.

I'm not sure how the client affects greens giving xp or not.

jaspen 12-09-2019 05:55 PM

For several possible reason. Your client might be showing you a mob that is green that the server considers a different con. It would have to be verified, but the con range may be different on each of the clients, which may not correspond to the range the server is going by.

Likewise, beyond an exp message, have you verified you are actually getting exp. The client might be saying you are when in fact you aren't.

Sometimes oddities happen because certain things are hard coded in the client.

Someone more knowledgeable than I may chime in.

Uleat 12-09-2019 06:45 PM

There is definitely a con change in the client..can't remember if it's Ti->SoF or SoF->SoD, though...

Part of the trouble in dealing with multiple-client support.

Huppy 12-10-2019 01:36 AM

Sorry, see the following post. (redid some things) ;)

Huppy 12-10-2019 07:27 AM

This is a more "organized" test I did, using the same toon on the two different clients, seperately. On both occasions, it was the same TEST NPC and same player toon. I simply #leveled the test NPC one level at a time, first on RoF, then on Titanium. I used a completely vanilla database and current source (my testbox). I disabled any experience mods (race/class/zem's, etc) and run with the default exp settings in the PEQ.

This is using a Level 25 WAR, with a newbie sword and a naked human test NPC. You can see the different con's between the two. Same experience for all kills (63% total), lol. But the Titanium would obviously have to kill one extra red, and one less yellow.


strugglegenerator 12-11-2019 11:24 AM

These are excellent findings. I'll have to duplicate a similar test and see what I find as well.

As for the client colors of conned mobs. Where exactly is that defined on the client side? I can't seem to find it.

Huppy 12-11-2019 01:01 PM

I just got the colors by targetting the NPC when I killed each one of them, other than being hardcoded into the client.

strugglegenerator 12-12-2019 11:56 AM

I ran my own test using the Titanium client with experience values enabled so I could see if I was actually getting exp or if the message was a false positive. The player's lvl was 50 and the NPC's ranged from lvl 30-60. Here are my results:

lvl 30 - CON - NO XP
lvl 31 - CON - NO XP
lvl 32 - CON - XP
lvl 33 - CON - XP
lvl 34 - CON - XP
lvl 35 - CON - XP

36-60 all gave exp. It's that one experience gain at lvl 32 that is the problem. That green con mob should not be giving exp, and I have no idea how to fix it yet.

jaspen 12-12-2019 06:07 PM

Unless you do the same test with RoF2, your results are meaningless and everything said up to this point is still valid. Maybe Huppy will repeat the test for you.

strugglegenerator 12-12-2019 06:24 PM

I'm not concerned about RoF2. I use Titanium.

jaspen 12-12-2019 06:29 PM

We are well aware of that. Everyone has been making the point that the different clients display and act differently. With that, some clients can not be corrected. So until we see the same test done with RoF2, we can not say for sure what the problem may be. If it is a client issue, then you will have to live with it or try and code corrections for the client, if it is even possible.

In short, more data is needed.

Uleat 12-12-2019 07:26 PM


strugglegenerator 12-13-2019 08:13 AM

My results were not meaningless Jaspen. My results show different results than what Huppy was able to find. In his version of the Titanium test, he shows green cons giving no experience. In my version of the Titanium test, I show the highest level green con giving experience.

Thanks for posting the source Uleat. I didn't compile my server from the source, but it's interesting to see how it's laid out. Looks like it's purely based on color of the con, not on any specific level of the NPC, which is what I was hoping to find.

jaspen 12-13-2019 09:57 AM

While your data was not meaningless it was inconclusive. Your results showed differently than Huppy's because you used a completely different variable, level 50 versus level 25. Had you tested using a level 25 PC and got different results, then yes, that would had been enlightening because it was directly comparable. The con range changes as you level, so one would expect, given the situation with the clients, the potential for a change in exp behavior between the cons.

The point of my last post was about proper testing, troubleshooting and comparing of data. It is a discipline. Not being thorough can cause one to easily draw the wrong conclusions and those lead to all sorts of headaches.

strugglegenerator 12-13-2019 10:55 AM

I re-did the test with a level 25 player character under the same conditions as Huppy did in his test and I got the same results as Huppy on the Titanium client. I don't have RoF so I cannot test that.

Looks like it's the con range changing as a player gains more levels (as you pointed out). Very odd indeed that it's not consistent throughout level 1-60. Is this something source code related or something I could alter from the database?

jaspen 12-13-2019 11:09 AM

It changing as you level is normal. You get a larger range as you gain levels. At level 5 your con range will be very small. On top of that, each client has its own range compared to each other, which you are now seeing.

The con that the client shows is probably hard coded in the client. The oddities you have seen, like some greens giving exp and others not, is probably due to a conflict of what the client thinks and what the server is trying to tell it. With that said, it may be possible to make some code changes that would line up with titanium only. If someone used a different client they would then have oddities of their own compared to you.

With that said, have you checked to see if you were using the rule setting Uleat posted and did that correct things for you? But even that rule will most likely cause differences between the clients if multiple are used on your server. I am guessing there.

strugglegenerator 12-13-2019 11:16 AM

I have the following values in my rule_values table:

Character:UseOldConSystem = true
Character:UseXPConScaling = true
Character:GreenModifier = 0

I am not sure if those rules conflict with each other. I need to try turning Character:UseXPConScaling = false and re-testing to see if it helps.

strugglegenerator 12-13-2019 11:32 AM

Looks like I was able to resolve the issue by setting both of the following values to false:
Character:UseOldConSystem = false
Character:UseXPConScaling = false

Now I re-did the same tests and green con mobs are not giving exp. Light blues and above are.

I even tested this out as high as level 60, and it's still working great (on Titanium at least).

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