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-   -   Portable EQEMU Server (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26531)

leslamarch 10-16-2008 08:38 AM

Portable EQEMU Server
I made this for someone on the forums that wanted help setting up a server, so I figured I would also post it here in case someone else might find this useful. This version is public login with latest Binaries and CVS PEQ DB from 10-15-08.

I also have the The Minilogin Version using Angelox's DB if anyone wants that, well here is the PM.

OK here is the Server I said I would setup for you, Let me explain a few things first. All credit for this Idea goes to John Adams I just Remade it and added a program to start the servers.

With this repack you will not need to install MYSql or Perl, its already good to go, you will need to have .net framework 2.0 though.
  1. You will have to go into the eqemu folder and find this"eqemu_config.xml" open in notepadd++ or what ever program you choose. find this line <longname>My Server</longname> and change to your server name.
  2. Ok now find this line <address></address> and add your global IP address in there.
  3. Now you will need to add the map files you can get them here or Angelox has the New ones posted on his site also.
  4. Make sure the maps go into the maps folder like this eqemu/maps/abysmal.map .
  5. It also has the PEQDB editor once you start the server just goto and that should take you there
  6. Download Server -=HERE=-
Well if you have any questions just let me know, it should be pretty straight forward. If I forgot anything I apologize, just feel free to ask questions.

HERE is the newer version of the GUI that contains both PEQ and AX_CLASSIC

Rakkoraz 10-29-2008 11:22 PM

Your link for the server download doesnt work. just thought i'd tell ya.
Good work and thank you

Richardo 10-31-2008 05:20 PM

Good work. This will be handy! :)

ryder911 11-05-2008 05:04 PM

Can I have the mini login verision of this?

leslamarch 11-05-2008 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by ryder911 (Post 159573)
Can I have the mini login verision of this?

here is the mini login version -=HERE=- .
I also have a launcher that goes with it, it has an update feature
and alot of other settings that can be set through the options
menu or the settings.ini file. It is mainly used for minilogin users that
play over the internet, so not sure if you could use it or not.
Here is is if you need/want it .

Angelox 11-06-2008 07:11 AM


I have a few questions ; do you have an ax_classic version of the minilogin install? , you're work is always great stuff, I'd like to get it if possible and post for download at my web site.

Also I noticed you mentioned the PEQDB editor, and I wonder if it is up to date with the latest databases? I keep ax_classic compatible with source, so things like PEQDB editor will work too (I use it a lot still, great for quick fixes). If so, could you post a copy?


Richardo 11-06-2008 07:08 PM


What is the stock password to the mysql server that is started on the local machine?

leslamarch 11-06-2008 07:22 PM

@ Richardo the user name and password for all of these
UN = root, pass = mangos

I'm going to list the downloads here real quick.

AXClassic = -=HERE=-
PEQ Mini = -=HERE=-
PEQ public = -=HERE=-
EQlauncher = -=HERE=-
if you have any more questions I'll try and an
swer them as I check in.

This is the newest version that contains both AX_CLASSIC and PEQ For Mini-Login - you are able to choose a database, and migrate characters from one databse to another.

Richardo 11-07-2008 05:24 PM

Yeah I am 100% moron. :)

I forgot to check the config file. Lol!

I installed this for a friend of mine that wanted to setup a server.

ryder911 11-07-2008 08:58 PM

I am having trouble with the minilogin - I get to server select screen, seee the server on their, but it does not allow me to login. It kicks me back to login screen when I try to log into the server. Is there anything that I may be doing wrong, or some settings I should double check. After I started the EQemu server I wanted way logner than 5 minutes to try to... this is what the window says


********** EQ Emulator ServerPack by Raahvin **********
*******  Starting LoginServer, World and Zones  *******
LoginServer.ini read.
[Status] Loading opcodes..
Server mode: MiniLogin
Login server listening on port:5999
Waiting for World to finish before starting Zone...
[Debug] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_world_3420.log
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Log settings loaded from log.ini
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Connecting to MySQL...
[Status] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_world_3420.log
[Status] Using database 'ax_classic' at localhost:3306
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Starting HTTP world service...
[Debug] [WORLD__HTTP] Loaded mime types from mime.types
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading variables..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading zones..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing groups..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing raids..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading items..
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
[Status] Loading items from database: count=62271
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading guilds..
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Loading rule set 'default' (1)
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule GM:MinStatusToZoneAnywhere to value 250
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:MaxLevel to value 65
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:LeaveCorpses to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:LeaveNakedCorpses to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ExpMultiplier to value 2.000000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:DeathExpLossLevel to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:CorpseDecayTimeMS to value 86400000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:AutosaveIntervalS to value 300
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:HPRegenMultiplier to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ManaRegenMultiplier to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:EnduranceRegenMultiplier to value 100

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Guild:MaxMembers to value 2048
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Skills:MaxTrainTradeskills to value 21
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pets:AttackCommandRange to value 150.0000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ZoneAutobootTimeoutMS to value 120000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ClientKeepaliveTimeoutMS to value 95000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:UseBannedIPsTable to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MaxClientsPerIP to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ExemptMaxClientsStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:PetSpellAggroMod to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SongAggroMod to value 33
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SpellAggroMod to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BaseCritChance to value 0.0000000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:WarBerBaseCritChance to value 0.02999999
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BerserkBaseCritChance to value 0.0599999
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:NPCBashKickLevel to value 6
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ConsumptionMultiplier to value 200
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:AutoResistDiff to value 15
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:ResistChance to value 2.0000000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:ResistMod to value 0.4000000059605
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:PartialHitChance to value 0.699999988079
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ClientBaseCritChance to value 0.00000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:NPCGlobalPositionUpdateInterval to value 6
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:MinorNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS to value 600000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:MajorNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS to value 1200000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:GraveyardTimeMS to value 1200000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableShadowrest to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZWhenLoading to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZAtWaypoints to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZWhenMoving to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZOnSendTo to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:ClientLinkdeadMS to value 180000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:UseItemBonusesForNonPets to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaSendTo to value 12.00000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaLoading to value 12.0000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaMoving to value 12.00000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaWaypoint to value 12.000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:HealOnLevel to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:FeignKillsPet to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemManaRegenCap to value 15
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemHealthRegenCap to value 15
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:UseIntervalAC to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:PetAttackMagicLevel to value 30
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:SayPauseTimeInSec to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:OOCRegen to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SmartAggroList to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SittingAggroMod to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:MeleeRangeAggroMod to value 20
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:CurrentTargetAggroMod to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:CriticallyWoundedAggroMod to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SlowAggroMod to value 450
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:IncapacitateAggroMod to value 500
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:MovementImpairAggroMod to value 175
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:BuffFriends to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:DeathItemLossLevel to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckWaypointsInWaterWhenLoading to va
lue true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterAtWaypoints to value true

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterWhenMoving to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterOnSendTo to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterWhenFishing to value true

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:FishingRodLength to value 30.000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:FishingLineLength to value 40.00000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemDamageShieldCap to value 30
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemAccuracyCap to value 150
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemAvoidanceCap to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemCombatEffectsCap to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemShieldingCap to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemSpellShieldingCap to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemDoTShieldingCap to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemStunResistCap to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemStrikethroughCap to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:PartialHitChanceFear to value 0.25000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpExemptStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQZoneExemptStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQGateExemptStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQGhostExemptStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQWarpDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQZoneDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQGateDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQGhostDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpDetectorDistance to value 4900.00000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpLagThreshold to value 140.0000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpThresholdTimer to value 90000.000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:EnableFearPathing to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:FleeHPRatio to value 22
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:FleeIfNotAlone to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:EnableNPCQuestJournal to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:SkillUpModifier to value 400
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:CorpseUnlockTimer to value 150000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:EmptyNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ClearTempMerchantlist to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:AddMaxClientsPerIP to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:AddMaxClientsStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:EnableTaskSystem to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:PeriodicCheckTimer to value 5
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:RecordCompletedTasks to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:RecordCompletedOptionalActivities to
 value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:KeepOneRecordPerCompletedTask to val
ue true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:EnableTaskProximity to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:EnableTutorialButton to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:EnableReturnHomeButton to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MaxLevelForTutorial to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MinOfflineTimeToReturnHome to value 21600

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:AutoShutdownDelay to value 5000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:MaxExpLevel to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AvgProcsPerMinute to value 18.0000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ProcPerMinDexContrib to value 0.07500000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BaseProcChance to value 0.0350000001490
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ProcDexDivideBy to value 11000.000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:ServerWideOOC to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:ServerWideAuction to value true
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loaded default rule set 'default'
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing temporary merchant lists..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading EQ time of day..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading launcher list..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Reboot zone modes ON
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Zone (TCP) listener started.
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Client (UDP) listener started.
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch 6.2
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Titanium
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Anniversary
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Live
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Connecting to login server...
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Setting World to MiniLogin Server type
[Deb205ug] [W00 NewORLD__ ServeLS] r connConnecectionted to: 127. Login0.0.1 ser
verport: : loca29196
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New launcher from
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Adding pending launcher 1
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Launcher Identified itself as 'zones'. Loading zone list
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Removing pending launcher 1. Adding zones to active list
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_01 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_02 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_03 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_04 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_05 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #1 from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [1] Zone started with name dynamic_01 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [1] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use por
t 7000
  0: 44 6F 6F 72 01 00 00 00                            | Door....
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #2 from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [2] Zone started with name dynamic_02 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [2] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use por
t 7001
  0: 00 50 5F 44 02 00 00 00                            | .P_D....
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #3 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #4 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #5 from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Zone started with name dynamic_04 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use por
t 7002
[Debu  0: 0g] [WORLD__ZONE] [0 00 23 03 05 00 04] Zone started 0 00
  with name dynamic_              | ..05 by launcher zon#.....
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [4] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use por
t 7003
[Debug  0:] [WORLD__ZONE] [3 B0 01 37 00 04 00] Zone started w 00 00
 ith name dynamic_0                | 3. by launcher zone.7.....
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [3] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use por
t 7004
  0: 00 00 37 00 03 00 00 00                            | ..7.....
  0: 00 00 00 00 46 72 69 20 - 4F 63 74 20 32 34 20 30  | ....Fri Oct 24 0
  16: 36 3A 31 36 3A 31 30 20 - 32 30 30 38 00 01 00 00  | 6:16:10 2008....
  32: 00                                                | .
  0: 00 00 00 00 46 72 69 20 - 4F 63 74 20 32 34 20 30  | ....Fri Oct 24 0
  16: 36 3A 31 36 3A 31 30 20 - 32 30 30 38 00 02 00 00  | 6:16:10 2008....
  32: 00                                                | .
  0: 00 00 00 00 46 72 69 20 - 4F 63 74 20 32 34 20 30  | ....Fri Oct 24 0
  16: 36 3A 31 36 3A 31 30 20 - 32 30 30 38 00 05 00 00  | 6:16:10 2008....
  32: 00                                                | .
  0: 00 00 00 00 46 72 69 20 - 4F 63 74 20 32 34 20 30  | ....Fri Oct 24 0
  16: 36 3A 31 36 3A 31 30 20 - 32 30 30 38 00 04 00 00  | 6:16:10 2008....
  32: 00                                                | .
  0: 00 00 00 00 46 72 69 20 - 4F 63 74 20 32 34 20 30  | ....Fri Oct 24 0
  16: 36 3A 31 36 3A 31 30 20 - 32 30 30 38 00 03 00 00  | 6:16:10 2008....
  32: 00                                                | .

ryder911 11-07-2008 09:06 PM

I am having trouble with the minilogin - I get to server select screen, seee the server on their, but it does not allow me to login. It kicks me back to login screen when I try to log into the server. Is there anything that I may be doing wrong, or some settings I should double check. After I started the EQemu server I wanted way logner than 5 minutes to try to... this is what the window says


********** EQ Emulator ServerPack by Raahvin **********
*******  Starting LoginServer, World and Zones  *******
LoginServer.ini read.
[Status] Loading opcodes..
Server mode: MiniLogin
Login server listening on port:5999
Waiting for World to finish before starting Zone...
[Debug] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_world_3420.log
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Log settings loaded from log.ini
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Connecting to MySQL...
[Status] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_world_3420.log
[Status] Using database 'ax_classic' at localhost:3306
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Starting HTTP world service...
[Debug] [WORLD__HTTP] Loaded mime types from mime.types
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading variables..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading zones..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing groups..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing raids..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading items..
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
[Status] Loading items from database: count=62271
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading guilds..
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Loading rule set 'default' (1)
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule GM:MinStatusToZoneAnywhere to value 250
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:MaxLevel to value 65
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:LeaveCorpses to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:LeaveNakedCorpses to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ExpMultiplier to value 2.000000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:DeathExpLossLevel to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:CorpseDecayTimeMS to value 86400000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:AutosaveIntervalS to value 300
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:HPRegenMultiplier to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ManaRegenMultiplier to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:EnduranceRegenMultiplier to value 100

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Guild:MaxMembers to value 2048
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Skills:MaxTrainTradeskills to value 21
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pets:AttackCommandRange to value 150.0000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ZoneAutobootTimeoutMS to value 120000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ClientKeepaliveTimeoutMS to value 95000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:UseBannedIPsTable to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MaxClientsPerIP to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ExemptMaxClientsStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:PetSpellAggroMod to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SongAggroMod to value 33
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SpellAggroMod to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BaseCritChance to value 0.0000000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:WarBerBaseCritChance to value 0.02999999
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BerserkBaseCritChance to value 0.0599999
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:NPCBashKickLevel to value 6
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ConsumptionMultiplier to value 200
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:AutoResistDiff to value 15
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:ResistChance to value 2.0000000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:ResistMod to value 0.4000000059605
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:PartialHitChance to value 0.699999988079
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ClientBaseCritChance to value 0.00000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:NPCGlobalPositionUpdateInterval to value 6
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:MinorNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS to value 600000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:MajorNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS to value 1200000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:GraveyardTimeMS to value 1200000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableShadowrest to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZWhenLoading to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZAtWaypoints to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZWhenMoving to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZOnSendTo to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:ClientLinkdeadMS to value 180000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:UseItemBonusesForNonPets to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaSendTo to value 12.00000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaLoading to value 12.0000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaMoving to value 12.00000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaWaypoint to value 12.000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:HealOnLevel to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:FeignKillsPet to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemManaRegenCap to value 15
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemHealthRegenCap to value 15
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:UseIntervalAC to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:PetAttackMagicLevel to value 30
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:SayPauseTimeInSec to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:OOCRegen to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SmartAggroList to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SittingAggroMod to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:MeleeRangeAggroMod to value 20
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:CurrentTargetAggroMod to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:CriticallyWoundedAggroMod to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SlowAggroMod to value 450
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:IncapacitateAggroMod to value 500
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:MovementImpairAggroMod to value 175
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:BuffFriends to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:DeathItemLossLevel to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckWaypointsInWaterWhenLoading to va
lue true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterAtWaypoints to value true

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterWhenMoving to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterOnSendTo to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterWhenFishing to value true

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:FishingRodLength to value 30.000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:FishingLineLength to value 40.00000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemDamageShieldCap to value 30
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemAccuracyCap to value 150
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemAvoidanceCap to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemCombatEffectsCap to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemShieldingCap to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemSpellShieldingCap to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemDoTShieldingCap to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemStunResistCap to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemStrikethroughCap to value 35
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:PartialHitChanceFear to value 0.25000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpExemptStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQZoneExemptStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQGateExemptStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQGhostExemptStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQWarpDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQZoneDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQGateDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQGhostDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpDetectorDistance to value 4900.00000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpLagThreshold to value 140.0000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpThresholdTimer to value 90000.000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:EnableFearPathing to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:FleeHPRatio to value 22
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:FleeIfNotAlone to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:EnableNPCQuestJournal to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:SkillUpModifier to value 400
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:CorpseUnlockTimer to value 150000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:EmptyNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ClearTempMerchantlist to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:AddMaxClientsPerIP to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:AddMaxClientsStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:EnableTaskSystem to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:PeriodicCheckTimer to value 5
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:RecordCompletedTasks to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:RecordCompletedOptionalActivities to
 value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:KeepOneRecordPerCompletedTask to val
ue true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:EnableTaskProximity to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:EnableTutorialButton to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:EnableReturnHomeButton to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MaxLevelForTutorial to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MinOfflineTimeToReturnHome to value 21600

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:AutoShutdownDelay to value 5000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:MaxExpLevel to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AvgProcsPerMinute to value 18.0000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ProcPerMinDexContrib to value 0.07500000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BaseProcChance to value 0.0350000001490
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ProcDexDivideBy to value 11000.000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:ServerWideOOC to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:ServerWideAuction to value true
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loaded default rule set 'default'
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing temporary merchant lists..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading EQ time of day..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading launcher list..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Reboot zone modes ON
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Zone (TCP) listener started.
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Client (UDP) listener started.
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch 6.2
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Titanium
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Anniversary
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Live
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Connecting to login server...
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Setting World to MiniLogin Server type
[Deb205ug] [W00 NewORLD__ ServeLS] r connConnecectionted to: 127. Login0.0.1 ser
verport: : loca29196
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New launcher from
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Adding pending launcher 1
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Launcher Identified itself as 'zones'. Loading zone list
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Removing pending launcher 1. Adding zones to active list
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_01 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_02 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_03 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_04 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_05 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #1 from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [1] Zone started with name dynamic_01 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [1] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use por
t 7000
  0: 44 6F 6F 72 01 00 00 00                            | Door....
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #2 from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [2] Zone started with name dynamic_02 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [2] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use por
t 7001
  0: 00 50 5F 44 02 00 00 00                            | .P_D....
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #3 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #4 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #5 from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Zone started with name dynamic_04 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use por
t 7002
[Debu  0: 0g] [WORLD__ZONE] [0 00 23 03 05 00 04] Zone started 0 00
  with name dynamic_              | ..05 by launcher zon#.....
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [4] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use por
t 7003
[Debug  0:] [WORLD__ZONE] [3 B0 01 37 00 04 00] Zone started w 00 00
 ith name dynamic_0                | 3. by launcher zone.7.....
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [3] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use por
t 7004
  0: 00 00 37 00 03 00 00 00                            | ..7.....
  0: 00 00 00 00 46 72 69 20 - 4F 63 74 20 32 34 20 30  | ....Fri Oct 24 0
  16: 36 3A 31 36 3A 31 30 20 - 32 30 30 38 00 01 00 00  | 6:16:10 2008....
  32: 00                                                | .
  0: 00 00 00 00 46 72 69 20 - 4F 63 74 20 32 34 20 30  | ....Fri Oct 24 0
  16: 36 3A 31 36 3A 31 30 20 - 32 30 30 38 00 02 00 00  | 6:16:10 2008....
  32: 00                                                | .
  0: 00 00 00 00 46 72 69 20 - 4F 63 74 20 32 34 20 30  | ....Fri Oct 24 0
  16: 36 3A 31 36 3A 31 30 20 - 32 30 30 38 00 05 00 00  | 6:16:10 2008....
  32: 00                                                | .
  0: 00 00 00 00 46 72 69 20 - 4F 63 74 20 32 34 20 30  | ....Fri Oct 24 0
  16: 36 3A 31 36 3A 31 30 20 - 32 30 30 38 00 04 00 00  | 6:16:10 2008....
  32: 00                                                | .
  0: 00 00 00 00 46 72 69 20 - 4F 63 74 20 32 34 20 30  | ....Fri Oct 24 0
  16: 36 3A 31 36 3A 31 30 20 - 32 30 30 38 00 03 00 00  | 6:16:10 2008....
  32: 00                                                | .

leslamarch 11-08-2008 04:01 PM

download the axclassic again , but unistal the old one first and post back with the results

Angelox 11-09-2008 09:01 AM

Les, I just have to say - you really did good with this one! This is an excellent install kit. You have thought about everything; the back up features, account ip updates, etc. All very well done.
By providing stuff like this to the users, everyone gets a chance to play, regardless how much they know about the mechanics of it all.
Thanks for prepping me an 'AX_CLASSIC' version, it's posted at my web site for who ever wants to try a different flavor DB.

ryder911 11-10-2008 06:25 PM

I got it working on my laptop, not on my PC yet, but Im sure Ill figure it out. I was wondering if it is possible to edit regen rates and things like that?

leslamarch 11-10-2008 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by ryder911 (Post 159787)
I got it working on my laptop, not on my PC yet, but Im sure Ill figure it out. I was wondering if it is possible to edit regen rates and things like that?

you can do this with navicat or SQLyog, and many more MySQL GUI Clients.
Just make a new connection and use the host address as localhost and the user name and password, root / manogs

The table you would be looking for will be the rule_values

Rakkoraz 11-12-2008 01:37 PM

Lol well i'm glad you saw my comment.. been waiting forever for this DL. TYVM:)

ryder911 11-12-2008 05:23 PM

Quick question: I have tried using bots and it seems that they do not work. I can spawn the mand equip them with items, but they would not listen to all of my commands and would not engage in combat. Is this a bug ? or do i have to make a change to something on the DB to make them work?

leslamarch 11-12-2008 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by ryder911 (Post 159898)
Quick question: I have tried using bots and it seems that they do not work. I can spawn the mand equip them with items, but they would not listen to all of my commands and would not engage in combat. Is this a bug ? or do i have to make a change to something on the DB to make them work?

did you add maps to the map directory? Without maps added they will not attack a target. The very top of the post it says where to get them.

ryder911 11-12-2008 08:39 PM

I have them did not add them because on my comp where I added them I couldn't get it to work, but on laptop were I didn't it connected... I'll give it another try and see if I can get it to work with the maps. Thanks for your help btw, and awesome tool.

leslamarch 11-17-2008 01:44 PM

updated 11-17-08

More info and help on this can be found here
I have a new release that is current as of today. "11-17-08"
I added many new features to this one, with some great Ideas and help from Angelox. This repack will offer a choice of 2 databases, axclassic and peq. You will be able to switch between the 2 anytime you wish, plus in the dbtools you can also transfer back and forth with your bots and characters. Lets say you have several characters on AXClassic and want to test out the PEQ database, you would just go into your dbtools and select option 2 or 3 depending on what way you want to transfer the characters/bots.

The dbtools will still function just as they did in the last release just added some extra option for the double db support.
We also are working a few more options that should make things even easier, I just wanted to get this out so people can test it and leave me feedback one way or the other http://forums.nahunta.org/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif any questions or problems dont hesitate to post them here and i'll answer then as soon as i get to them.

Here is the download link

Angelox 11-18-2008 02:10 PM

I updated some of your posts here and placed new links to your latest GUI download.

Angelox 11-25-2008 02:59 PM

Leslamarchs Server Re-Pack Updated
This is a full, standalone auto-install of the whole Emulator and all its components , you should need nothing else. It includes both AX_CLASSIC and PEQ versions (you can alter from one to another, migrate characters) of the database, has back up/restore, and even more features.
It is the easiest way to go, if you just want to play (and not become an OS Guru). It even helps you with the desktop short cut needed for the client.

Download it here

Angelox 11-29-2008 07:23 AM

Leslamarch's newest server re-pack will now also include and fully install the revised PHP editors .
The complexity of installing the PEQ PHP Editor is vanished too :)

Angelox 12-01-2008 07:59 AM

A lot of people who are using Leslamarch's install package, then for whatever reason, trying to change settings by following other posted instructions/ guides, which in turn creates problems.
You can't do that with this install kit, you'll just screw up the install if you do.
It's best to have everything EqEmu related completely removed/uninstalled (MySql too). If you already have a \Maps directory, keep it as that is a big download, and you'll need it later on.
If you are having problems with 'spells not landing' , it's because your \Maps directory is still empty and you need to add those. (You can find them posted at my web page). Since \Maps is over a Gigabyte in size, I linked PEQ and AX_Classic Maps with Junction.exe so I could save some space.
Since Leslamarch used the common 'localhost' ip (, this means you probably can only play one account at a time on the Lan, He had to do this so it would be compatible for all users (you all have a localhost ip).
The idea is to make it as easy as possible, so anyone can have a shot at the Eqemu emulator, and play.
Again, if you have any questions or problems on this install, don't go looking for guides and posts; you have to ask Leslamarch. You really should not have any problems with his install package.
You can also request things you think might be helpful for this kit.

cavedude 12-01-2008 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Angelox (Post 160625)
Leslamarch's newest server re-pack will now also include and fully install the revised PHP editors .
The complexity of installing the PEQ PHP Editor is vanished too :)

Is there anyway we could get this functionality separated so the program will only install the editor and its dependencies? This would go a long way in helping people get the editor up and running, as for many people new to web servers and PHP it can be quite the daunting task.

John Adams 12-01-2008 09:27 PM

Les, you are a shining example of goodness and well intent. :) As opposed to me, who could have released my repack 2 years ago except for all the shit that was thrown at me for even suggesting the idea. But today is a different day for Emulators, and even the stoggiest EQEmu old schooler may be able to appreciate Repacks.

Thanks for taking this public (and the honorable mention), regardless of how much work you now have to do supporting it ~snicker~ One suggestion, though I think you intentionally left Maps out to keep the size down... the original "Raahvin PEQEmu Repack" was turn-key, no config, complete with PEQEditor php. If you can manage that, you might save yourself some pain.

yagslammer6 12-11-2008 08:49 AM

So I downloaded the Repack from the link in the first post of this thread.I installed it,grabbed the maps and put them where they go,and fired up the server.Everything seemed to work fine,so then I started up my client and was able to log into my own server which was listed on the public login server list.I am able to creat characters just fine,but everytime I go to enter the world, I see "Entering mines of gloomingdeep" and then my zone.exe pops up an error window saying it needs to shut down,and my client gets DC'd.If I leave it go,the zone.exe keeps restarting itself and giving the error window over and over.

I also tried to log into the server from a different computer too,but that also crashed the zone.exe on the server's computer.I don't have much computer knowledge,which is why I didn't post logs(I tried to copy/paste them but the log window wouldn't let me copy from in it for some reason),and I know that you guys don't want to answer 8 million support questions about the repack,but if I could get any kind of suggestions or input it would be greatly appreciated :) .

I thought I read somewhere on the forums that tutorialb wasn't made to be the starting zone on the repack,could that have anything to do with my problem?

Also,if anyone can explain to me how to post logs,I could post them too.
Thx in advance for any help :D

unknownhost 01-15-2009 02:22 PM

great stuff here folks =)

have a question, Im using the most recent (i assume?) version of the porta-emu from Angelox's link on 11-29-2008.( tried using a couple other older links as well to ether no avail or same result btw) it works great and im extremely impressed with all the extras worked in, however is this supposed to be offline/minilogin only now? not sure if its somthing obvious im missing or what but i cant make it install a public server. I read a post stating that the common steps used to alter a server setup will likely not work as this package isnt designed to be altered in some ways. being as how ive had no luck switching things over (as that post implied hehe) to public i figured it cant hurt to bad to ask, what are the exact steps required to create a public login from this installer or do you wonderful folks have any plans to rerelease the public creator version? ( i saw above where Leslamarch linked the public version but its now a dead link for me at least.)

this is an awesome tool though. saves so much hassle of tracking down the exact right version of perl & mysql everytime which is where ive made mistakes i donno how many times hehe.

leslamarch 01-15-2009 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by unknownhost (Post 162976)
great stuff here folks =)

have a question, Im using the most recent (i assume?) version of the porta-emu from Angelox's link on 11-29-2008.( tried using a couple other older links as well to ether no avail or same result btw) it works great and im extremely impressed with all the extras worked in, however is this supposed to be offline/minilogin only now? not sure if its somthing obvious im missing or what but i cant make it install a public server. I read a post stating that the common steps used to alter a server setup will likely not work as this package isnt designed to be altered in some ways. being as how ive had no luck switching things over (as that post implied hehe) to public i figured it cant hurt to bad to ask, what are the exact steps required to create a public login from this installer or do you wonderful folks have any plans to rerelease the public creator version? ( i saw above where Leslamarch linked the public version but its now a dead link for me at least.)

this is an awesome tool though. saves so much hassle of tracking down the exact right version of perl & mysql everytime which is where ive made mistakes i donno how many times hehe.

Yeah in the first releases I did do a public login version and since i merged the 2 dbs to one GUI I have left the public login version out to dry. I think Cavedudes repack is much better suited to handle that task. I have implemented many tools to make it easier for server to run mini login for friends via the internet.

The link Angelox post is always up-to date with current releases, I have been trying to get versions out once every week or so. This depends on the activity of the SVN though.

unknownhost 01-15-2009 03:05 PM

wow fast reply time! :)

thanks for the info Lesla, this really is a sweet tool! glad to know it wasnt me doing somthing silly for the reason i couldnt get public to work. (usually its my fault, if i ever start coding i dread my horrible simple mistake habit!)

will keep watch in case you ever go public again, but definately putting this to use next minilogin install. too too awesome.

Stifle 01-16-2009 12:34 AM

Would it be possible to insert a different database, say Irreverent's Solo server database into this stand-alone set up? assuming that the DB in question was compatible with the Emu version ofcourse

leslamarch 01-16-2009 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Stifle (Post 162990)
Would it be possible to insert a different database, say Irreverent's Solo server database into this stand-alone set up? assuming that the DB in question was compatible with the Emu version ofcourse

Yeah should be no problem at all, Just a few things to look for.
  1. make sure in the launcher table that it says zones in your new DB!!
  2. Run all the SQLs to make it current
  3. I know I'm missing something, just cant remember lol :D

Stifle 01-16-2009 10:33 PM

would it be possible to insert a database switch selector in the GUI for this additional database? possibly taking the place of AxClassic?, just renaming the database and sliding into place instead of the Axe database?

leslamarch 01-16-2009 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Stifle (Post 163020)
would it be possible to insert a database switch selector in the GUI for this additional database? possibly taking the place of AxClassic?, just renaming the database and sliding into place instead of the Axe database?

that should work just fine !! as long as all the names stay the same it will work perfect.

If you have problems let me know and i'll make one for your DB.

Stifle 01-17-2009 11:04 AM

If i run into any problems ill let you know. Thanks so much Leslamarch, you are so helpful.

leslamarch 01-18-2009 03:51 PM

Server Repack updated 1-18-09 - Download it here

TonyAtma 01-26-2009 01:30 AM

I was wondering if it was posible to use editing tools from http://wizardportal.dyndns.org/eqemu/eq.html? with portable emu install? Just curious as it would allow me to use more tools that aren't in the phpadmin(mostly seeing icons and item Graphics.

leslamarch 01-26-2009 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by TonyAtma (Post 163429)
I was wondering if it was posible to use editing tools from http://wizardportal.dyndns.org/eqemu/eq.html? with portable emu install? Just curious as it would allow me to use more tools that aren't in the phpadmin(mostly seeing icons and item Graphics.

Yeah georges tools work just fine for this !! :D

TonyAtma 01-26-2009 12:14 PM

Sweet :D now that I know they work figuring out how to make them work doesn't seem so hopeless.

~thanks leslamarch

Angelox 01-26-2009 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by TonyAtma (Post 163442)
Sweet :D now that I know they work figuring out how to make them work doesn't seem so hopeless.
~thanks leslamarch

Be sure you have the GUI up and running with the MySql active before you try the tools

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