Server Rank Changes
Most of our updates have been in Discord in recent time but we will be making a better effort to at least reciprocate to the forums for the time being
+ Preferred General unofficial criteria for being preferred is having 20-30+ players on daily, good standing in the community, up for 3-6+ months stable
- Preferred We are considering removing dead preferred servers from the list. This is a harder one because these servers got to preferred for a reason and don't deserve to be unfounded on the standard server list, but would be better to have on some sort of standard list. If the community has input on what we should do on these servers please voice your opinions in thread *constructively* |
Low pop preferred, or hall of fame would be my suggestions. Storm Haven is an obvious example of high quality content with a low pop, and shouldn't fall into the generic list.
Also please consider the boxing variable. A server can have just a few players and hit over a hundreds "players" and then you can have another server with 20 and those are 20 physical players. This really is a hard topic to pin down and there is much to consider. Overall I think a server with a long history and is being actively maintained should hold a lot more weight on the list than one that has only been around a few months and could just go poof overnight.
'Dedicated" would be my choice for a group label, for those who have been around a long time, and maybe even dedicated themselves to the whole emu project, in a contributing way.
IMO there is no reason to feel nostalgic about long dead servers. (I'm not trying to be harsh)
I say this they earned GREEN let them keep to they go offline be way do it as people come and go to servers as seasons change.
It's not about nostalgia, so much as letting new players (or players who haven't played on a server) know which servers have good content/stability.
"Legacy Server" would probably be the best title for a category of servers that paved the way for many but no longer have a significant following.
As someone who has been around since pretty much the beginning, I would be disappointed if I could not log into some of the Grandfather Servers we have today in EMU. Its like having Grandpa's old Model-T in the garage, you are not going to drive it every day, nor use it to get groceries ... but hoping in the seat and motoring around town every few months brings back fond memories and allows other to see what a grand old classic was. |
Preferred Legacy Others Anything that is in Legends or Preferred that doesn't meet the requirements for those categories, including Red and Admin owned servers, should be demoted as necessary or moved to Legacy. Then when legacy is a mile long we can come up with another category called REALLY Legacy and move stuff there. |
You can call them 'Uleat' - no royalties :wink:
That brings up another problem actually clearing out the preferred list and setting criteria that are ACTUALLY representative of how well the server is doing. Quote:
Before I continue I apologize to Profusion for using you as an example it is just kind of glaring and needs to be addressed: There is a server up there at the moment that seems to have figured this out. Crazy how you can filter it by zone and see that there are a TON of level 1's in Nexus and PoK with generic names who have not and will not move. There either needs to be a different metric for gauging server success other than players online or it needs to be adjusted to account for IP Limit. 20 - 30 Players online is a great standard if the IP Limit is set to 1. But does that mean if servers have an IP Limit of 2 the players online should change to 40 - 60 Players online? And what would happen if there is no IP Limit; would those servers just be disqualified from green status? I think the only real answer here is to change the metric, lets create a poll once every quarter with the choice of the 4 most populated "white" list servers (by Avg.) for the past 3 months and allow the community to vote on who gets the green tag that quarter. This paired with doing a clean sweep of inactive/dead green servers I think will move this issue in the right direction. These are just my thoughts though... What do you guys think? |
That is what I was getting at chrsschb. There needs to be a better way to gauge the quality of the server other than how many people are afk in the hub zone.
Those servers you see up on the Legends list, (P99, PEQ, EZ, etc) they have the manpower and resources to keep it alive for many years. It's the kind of team dedication that most of us little people will never be capable of. That's reality. Sure, it's possible someday, there could be a handful of people that will get together and be able to keep something alive for a few years or more, but for now, what you see on the green and white list is some of those little people holding on to everything they put into it. Keeping up with player interest is more than doable. Getting on the green list is more than doable. But you will always be living on borrowed time. Don't stress yourself out over it. ;) |
Legendary servers is where we should find the servers that started it all.
Legend Preferred Servers this in my opinion should be long time registered preferred servers. 2 year up time on the preferred list. If you drop to 0 players you should drop down to the next list. Preferred Servers 3-6 months at 30+ players for solo servers to 2 box , boxing servers 60 for 3 box , 90 for 4 etc. Standard Servers, break these into registered and unregistered servers that way the list is not a mile long and those putting a test up can narrow their search. That is just my 2cp. |
If you start your own login server you can put yourself in Legends :D and still have your server show in the public login server too lol
I'd also like to point out how little activity almost all servers have on the server forum. I'm in no way tooting my own horn, but when I started on UltimateEQ I busted my butt and constantly kept my thread apprised. Back when I hit peak popularity it was almost solely due to that and word of mouth. To date I keep that thread updated. Look at Imperium-same case although I think Sturm made a new thread. My point is, server operators very much own the onus as to whether they deserve promotion. While I do understand the whole idea of wanting to discover new stuff, call it up and coming, who out there is putting in the effort and making something novel? The bar has become incredibly high over the years. |
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