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1010101 11-17-2004 05:34 PM

A few feature ideas
A few things occured to me today that I thought I might as well throw out here:

1. In-Game Message Boards

Remember back in the good ole' days when you could put messages on the various message boards located throughout Norrath? I'm talking about the ones like that found in Sunset Home and the one in Fish's Bar in South Qeynos. It'd be great to see those back in (assuming the client can still support them, which I'm wondering about).

2. A way to force an NPC to behave as a pet

Maybe it should just be a Perl element, but a way to make a given, pre-existing NPC into a pet could prove useful (and fun). Imagine, for example, a quest where an NPC gives you his pet to command.

3. A way to possess an NPC

I recall that the old GM client had a "/" command that allowed the GM to take control of his target (it worked on NPCs and players both). The usefulness of something like that for running events could be immeasurable.

Cisyouc 11-18-2004 09:08 AM


2. A way to force an NPC to behave as a pet

Maybe it should just be a Perl element, but a way to make a given, pre-existing NPC into a pet could prove useful (and fun). Imagine, for example, a quest where an NPC gives you his pet to command.
#level 46, #cast direcharm #level originallevel

3. A way to possess an NPC

I recall that the old GM client had a "/" command that allowed the GM to take control of his target (it worked on NPCs and players both). The usefulness of something like that for running events could be immeasurable.
#depop, /becomenpc blah blah

Raddiux 11-18-2004 10:27 AM

I don't think those messageboards are supported by the client anymore. I don't notice any packets being sent when clicking on them, so I assume the client completely ignores them.

Dvinn 11-19-2004 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Cisyouc

2. A way to force an NPC to behave as a pet

Maybe it should just be a Perl element, but a way to make a given, pre-existing NPC into a pet could prove useful (and fun). Imagine, for example, a quest where an NPC gives you his pet to command.
#level 46, #cast direcharm #level originallevel

That's not exactly the same thing though, is it? Uncharmable monsters come immediately to mind, and beyond that it's messy... A quest like the one in the example that used #level (I'm assuming it can even be done like that; I've no practice with the quest engine, .qst or perl) would produce some ugly output for the player engaged in it (Welcome to level 46! You begin to cast charm. You lost 42 levels! Welcome to level 4!). Ugly in practice even though it may be functional.

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