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kris1 07-29-2018 09:53 AM

server not loading up
I don't know enough to really properly explain what is happening. But I'll try. This is happening out of nowhere. last night I was on and logged off as I always do, without any issues.

Today when I tried to start the server, in the window labeled...
...on the line that normally says...
"World: UP Zones: (30/30) UCS: UP Queryserv: UP Loginserver: UP UP N"
...is ticking up from "(1/30)" to "(30/30)" repeatedly, on a cadence of restarting about every 2 seconds.

I'm at a loss...because the only things I was playing with in the DB were loot tables...can't imagine what I did. before I try to restore a back up, and lose everything I've done in the past few days, I thought i would see if someone with more expertise than I, might know what the hell I did.

HuginnNavarita 07-29-2018 01:17 PM

I had this happen to me in the beginning when I was trying to run the service as a user, not as a ADMIN....it showed 1/30

only thing I can think of.

Uleat 07-29-2018 06:42 PM

Did you add an item with an id greater or equal to the max count?

Your logs can tell you a lot about what is happening.

HuginnNavarita 07-30-2018 01:03 AM

On a side note...

Every week I dump the whole DB to a .SQL file

Everytime I want to work with something I back up the table I work with, let's say I wanna mess with settings in the table variable....then I start with dumping only that table to...


I rename the file to have the date in it, that way when I have 20 or 30 SQL files in my backup location, it will be easy for me to backtrack tables with dates and timestamp if I need to go back.

Cause restoring the whole 330 MB is a bish!

Cusser 07-30-2018 02:40 AM

I still use the old school method to start and stop the server with two simple batch files. Just put them in the main server
folder and away you go. It runs the shared_memory before loading world. Been using this method for a coon's age.



@echo off
start loginserver.exe
ping -n 4 > nul
start world.exe
ping -n 10 > nul
start eqlaunch.exe zone
start queryserv.exe
start ucs.exe



taskkill /IM queryserv.exe /F
taskkill /IM ucs.exe /F
taskkill /IM eqlaunch.exe /F
taskkill /IM Zone.exe /F
taskkill /IM world.exe /F
taskkill /IM loginserver.exe /F

Uleat 07-30-2018 06:06 PM

Did you add item ids past the max value found here: https://github.com/EQEmu/Server/blob...shareddb.h#L22

That will guarantee a zone crash on start-up every time.

kris1 07-31-2018 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Uleat (Post 259554)
Did you add item ids past the max value found here: https://github.com/EQEmu/Server/blob...shareddb.h#L22

That will guarantee a zone crash on start-up every time.

interesting...There are items in the DB already that have a higher id than that to start with....and yes, I have been making all my custom items in an id number higher than that. That is weird...

EDIT: I was mistaken...the highest item id in the DB is in 147,000s

I had been making all my custom shit in the 1 millions. But I had it that way for at least 2 weeks without incident. And when it stopped loading the other day, I deleted the server, reinstalled it, and restored a backup sql, and it worked...and it's worked for the last few days, with items in the 1 millions. I just changed my custom gear to <200,000 Thank you for the heads up. Though I'm still convinced it was not that. Earlier in that day i was trying to learn about perl, and I followed a thread i shouldn't have, that had me playing with the t_start_server_with_login_server.bat. I made a copy of it, and restored that copy after...but I'm sure (in all my amateur ignorant bliss) that I broke something with that. Only because I have been stopping and restarting the server after making changes , all along. Seems weird for it to all the sudden have an objection to my items. But you certainly know more about this than I do.

kris1 07-31-2018 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by HuginnNavarita (Post 259552)
On a side note...

Every week I dump the whole DB to a .SQL file

Everytime I want to work with something I back up the table I work with, let's say I wanna mess with settings in the table variable....then I start with dumping only that table to...


I rename the file to have the date in it, that way when I have 20 or 30 SQL files in my backup location, it will be easy for me to backtrack tables with dates and timestamp if I need to go back.

Cause restoring the whole 330 MB is a bish!

I'm still learning Heidi, and I'm probably learning the PEQ database faster than the nuances of Heidi. I have not learned how to back up only portions of the DB. I have been just running the t_database_backup.bat every so often.

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