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-   -   using peqdb_rev1549.sql with EQEmuLoginServer (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31546)

eski2 06-27-2010 12:04 PM

using peqdb_rev1549.sql with EQEmuLoginServer
Is the EQEmuLoginServer and EQEmu-Rev1535.zip you download from http://code.google.com/p/projecteqemu/downloads/list compatible with peqdb_rev1549.sql (which from memory i got by following the wiki) or should i dump that database and use another one (but i can't see another to use?)

I am starting again with a clean system, when i sourced the db it didn't give me any errors and i'm getting up to the point of creating a new character with my Sof client. I'm just worried about the log below; it looks like the items are wrong for some reason.

[Debug] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_world_2204.log
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Log settings loaded from log.ini
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Added loginserver
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Connecting to MySQL...
[Status] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_world_2204.log
[Status] Using database 'peq' at
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] HTTP world service disabled.
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading variables..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading zones..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing groups..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing raids..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading items..
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
[Status] Loading items from database: count=83375
[Error] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_error_world_2204.log
[Error] DBLoadItems query 'select source,`itemclass`,`name`,`lore`,`idfile`,`id`
,`weight`,`norent`,`nodrop`,`size`,`slots`,`price` ,`icon`,`UNK012`,`UNK013`,`ben
efitflag`,`tradeskills`,`cr`,`dr`,`pr`,`mr`,`fr`,` astr`,`asta`,`aagi`,`adex`,`ac
ha`,`aint`,`awis`,`hp`,`mana`,`ac`,`deity`,`skillm odvalue`,`UNK033`,`skillmodtyp
e`,`banedmgrace`,`banedmgamt`,`banedmgbody`,`magic `,`casttime_`,`reqlevel`,`bard
type`,`bardvalue`,`light`,`delay`,`reclevel`,`recs kill`,`elemdmgtype`,`elemdmgam
t`,`range`,`damage`,`color`,`classes`,`races`,`UNK 054`,`maxcharges`,`itemtype`,`
material`,`sellrate`,`UNK059`,`casttime`,`UNK061`, `procrate`,`combateffects`,`sh
ielding`,`stunresist`,`strikethrough`,`extradmgski ll`,`extradmgamt`,`spellshield
`,`avoidance`,`accuracy`,`charmfileid`,`factionmod 1`,`factionmod2`,`factionmod3`
,`factionmod4`,`factionamt1`,`factionamt2`,`factio namt3`,`factionamt4`,`charmfil
e`,`augtype`,`augslot1type`,`augslot1visible`,`aug slot2type`,`augslot2visible`,`
augslot3type`,`augslot3visible`,`augslot4type`,`au gslot4visible`,`augslot5type`,
`augslot5visible`,`ldontheme`,`ldonprice`,`ldonsol d`,`bagtype`,`bagslots`,`bagsi
ze`,`bagwr`,`book`,`booktype`,`filename`,`banedmgr aceamt`,`augrestrict`,`loregro
up`,`pendingloreflag`,`artifactflag`,`summonedflag `,`favor`,`fvnodrop`,`endur`,`
dotshielding`,`attack`,`regen`,`manaregen`,`endura nceregen`,`haste`,`damageshiel
d`,`recastdelay`,`recasttype`,`guildfavor`,`augdis tiller`,`UNK123`,`UNK124`,`att
uneable`,`nopet`,`UNK127`,`pointtype`,`potionbelt` ,`potionbeltslots`,`stacksize`
,`notransfer`,`stackable`,`UNK134`,`clickeffect`,` clicktype`,`clicklevel`,`click
level2`,`proceffect`,`proctype`,`proclevel`,`procl evel2`,`worneffect`,`worntype`
,`wornlevel`,`wornlevel2`,`focuseffect`,`focustype `,`focuslevel`,`focuslevel2`,`
scrolleffect`,`scrolltype`,`scrolllevel`,`scrollle vel2`,`svcorruption`,`purity`,
`backstabdmg`,`dsmitigation`,`heroic_str`,`heroic_ int`,`heroic_wis`,`heroic_agi`
,`heroic_dex`,`heroic_sta`,`heroic_cha`,`heroic_mr `,`heroic_fr`,`heroic_cr`,`her
oic_dr`,`heroic_pr`,`heroic_svcorrup`,`healamt`,`s pelldmg`,updated from items or
der by id', #1054: Unknown column 'UNK061' in 'field list'
[Error] If you got boat loads of errors, make sure you sourced all sql updates!

Error: EMuShareMem: DLLLoadItems: !cbDBLoadItems
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT_ERR] Error: Could not load item data. But ignoring
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading guilds..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loaded default rule set 'default'
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing temporary merchant lists..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading EQ time of day..
[Error] Could not load EQTime file eqtime.cfg
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT_ERR] Unable to load eqtime.cfg
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading launcher list..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Reboot zone modes ON
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading adventures...
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Purging expired instances
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Zone (TCP) listener started.
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Client (UDP) listener started.
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch 6.2
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Titanium
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch SoF
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch SoD
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Live
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Connecting to login server:
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Connected to Loginserver:
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New launcher from
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Adding pending launcher 1
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Launcher Identified itself as 'zone'. Loading zone list.

[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Removing pending launcher 1. Adding zone to active list.

[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_01 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_02 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_03 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_04 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_05 reported state STARTED (1 starts)

joligario 06-27-2010 12:09 PM


eski2 06-27-2010 12:23 PM

Not Found
The requested URL /p/projecteqdb/downloads/detail?name=peqdatabase-Rev1535.zip was not found on this server.

eski2 06-27-2010 12:27 PM

maybe it was removed accidentally or someone thought the EQEmu-Rev you download is more recent than it is?

joligario 06-27-2010 12:28 PM

Ah, you're right. He deletes the zip files. Looks like you're better off compiling your own then.

eski2 06-27-2010 12:43 PM

ah no!! I couldn't get it working even this far when i did that :(

joligario 06-27-2010 01:05 PM

Well, its either that or modify your database to revert 1542 and 1548

eski2 06-27-2010 01:10 PM

(*sobs quietly*) but when i built my own, they wouldn't even talk to each other! (*parp*). I'm using the same xml and ini files as before (ok, i changed the world name) but back then i was getting this http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31529

I don't suppose you can post a working build that you know works with that db?

eski2 06-27-2010 01:11 PM

he said redundantly, ah well, better get sleep, 3.13 am

Tharkun 06-28-2010 03:11 AM

there are some pre-packed binaries and DB's floating around. AX Classic come to mind. You may want to see if that has what your looking for.

eski2 06-28-2010 04:50 AM

My understanding of the axclassic is that it doesn't support that db, and that the db for axclassic is focused on classic zones only, but if i can't get this sorted out soon i'll have to use that anyway. I'd love to use the current peq db, the changes sound very exciting. I'll have another go with the files i compiled before.

trevius 06-28-2010 04:50 AM

Compiling your binaries isn't too bad and we have a decent guide for it here:


eski2 06-28-2010 05:15 AM

I followed that guide before and found the executables weren't connecting to the database. At the time i thought it must be my ini or xml files, but they were working with the downloaded binaries fine.

Using the compiled binaries, i get[Debug] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] Logging System Init.
[Debug] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] Config System Init.
[Debug] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] MySQL Database Init.
[Debug] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] Encryption Initialize.
[Debug] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] Encryption Loaded Successfully.
[Debug] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] Server Manager Initialize.
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] ServerManager listening on port 5998
[Debug] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] Client Manager Initialize.
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] ClientManager listening on Titanium stream.
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] ClientManager listening on SoD stream.
[Debug] [06.28.10 - 19:10:48] Server Started.
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:10:55] New world server connection from
[Database] [06.28.10 - 19:10:55] Mysql query failed: SELECT WSR.ServerID, WSR.Se
rverTagDescription, WSR.ServerTrusted, SLT.ServerListTypeID, SLT.ServerListTypeD
escription, WSR.ServerAdminID FROM tblWorldServerRegistration AS WSR JOIN tblSer
verListType AS SLT ON WSR.ServerListTypeID = SLT.ServerListTypeID WHERE WSR.Serv
erLongName = 'soloman' AND WSR.ServerShortName = 'soloman'
[World] [06.28.10 - 19:10:55] Server soloman(soloman) attempted to log in but da
tabase couldn't find an entry but unregistered servers are allowed.
[Database] [06.28.10 - 19:10:55] Mysql query failed: SELECT max(ServerID) FROM t
[Database] [06.28.10 - 19:10:55] Mysql query failed: UPDATE tblWorldServerRegist
ration SET ServerLastLoginDate = now(), ServerLastIPAddr = '' where Ser
verID = 0
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:11:58] New Titanium client connection from
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:11:58] Application packet recieved from client (size 14
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:11:58] Session ready recieved from client.
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:11:59] Application packet recieved from client (size 28
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:11:59] Login recieved from client.
[Client] [06.28.10 - 19:11:59] User: Eski
[Client] [06.28.10 - 19:11:59] Hash: bdf454a5f43b1ef5751a6a56f615f59a2868d110
[Database] [06.28.10 - 19:11:59] Mysql query failed: SELECT LoginServerID, Accou
ntPassword FROM tblLoginServerAccounts WHERE AccountName = 'Eski'
[Client Error] [06.28.10 - 19:11:59] Error logging in, user Eski does not exist
in the database.
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:12:06] Client disconnected from the server, removing cl
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:12:06] New Titanium client connection from
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:12:06] Application packet recieved from client (size 14
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:12:06] Session ready recieved from client.
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:12:07] Application packet recieved from client (size 28
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:12:07] Login recieved from client.
[Client] [06.28.10 - 19:12:07] User: Eski
[Client] [06.28.10 - 19:12:07] Hash: bdf454a5f43b1ef5751a6a56f615f59a2868d110
[Database] [06.28.10 - 19:12:07] Mysql query failed: SELECT LoginServerID, Accou
ntPassword FROM tblLoginServerAccounts WHERE AccountName = 'Eski'
[Client Error] [06.28.10 - 19:12:07] Error logging in, user Eski does not exist
in the database.
[Network] [06.28.10 - 19:12:08] Client disconnected from the server, removing cl

I don't know why it seems blind to the server name and to the account names.

eski2 06-28-2010 06:00 AM

Oh well, been working on this for a while and i'm going in circles, time to give up and move on. One suggestion might be to make a bundled package with everything in it, including a generator for the ini files, so that there's no fiddling with the passwords or world names or port numbers or what have you, i can kind of see how to do it in vb.net except for the encryption bit that is used to insert a password into tblloginserveraccounts.

Thanks for your help guys and good luck with this project!

trevius 06-28-2010 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by eski2 (Post 189256)
Oh well, been working on this for a while and i'm going in circles, time to give up and move on. One suggestion might be to make a bundled package with everything in it, including a generator for the ini files, so that there's no fiddling with the passwords or world names or port numbers or what have you, i can kind of see how to do it in vb.net except for the encryption bit that is used to insert a password into tblloginserveraccounts.

Thanks for your help guys and good luck with this project!

You mean like this?:


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