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leyen 02-15-2006 06:26 AM

This is my first attempt at a quest please be gental. i wanted to contribute something to the emu after playing for over a year. i do not have perl installed on this computer currently but will once i reinstall if someone could see what mistakes there are would be a great help. This quest is like the orgional but with the following changes to make it easier on players and gm's as well. it utilizes more money and takes away tradeskill from the players and alows the npc to craft the items for the players.
#Quest Name: Ornate Armor Quest
#Author: Leyan
#NPCs Involved: Bor Wharhammer
#Items Involved: Berserker Emblem, Ranger Emblem, Rogue Emblem, Shaman Emblem, Beastlord Emblem, Druid Emblem, Monk Emblem, Bard #Emblem, Warrior Emblem, Paladin Emblem, Shadowknight Emblem, Cleric Emblem, Wizard Emblem, Enchanter Emblem, Magician Emblem, #Necromancer Emblem, Ornate Chain Boot Pattern, Ornate Chain Bracelet Pattern, Ornate Chain Coif Pattern, Ornate Chain Glove Pattern, #Ornate Chain Pant Pattern, Ornate Chain Sleeve Pattern, Ornate Chain Tunic Pattern, Ornate Leather Boot Pattern, Ornate Leather Glove #Pattern, Ornate Leather Helm Pattern, Ornate Leather Pant Pattern, Ornate Leather Sleeve Pattern, Ornate Leather Tunic Pattern, Ornate #Leather Wristband Pattern, Ornate Boot Mold, Ornate Bracer Mold, Ornate Breastplate Mold, Ornate Gauntlet Mold, Ornate Greaves Mold, #Ornate Helm Mold, Ornate Vambrace Mold, Ornate Silk Boot Pattern, Ornate Silk Bracelet Pattern, Ornate Silk Glove Pattern, Ornate Silk #Pant Pattern, Ornate Silk Robe #Pattern, Ornate Silk Sleeve Pattern, Ornate Silk Turban Pattern
# This is a fairly easy quest to do it utilizes the use of money as well as items you will need 1k per item.
#Bor Wharhammer
if ($text=~/Hail/i){quest::say("Greetin's t'ye $name! Isn't the area 'round 'ere so nice an' quiet? Such a departure from me old days; slaving o'er the forge t'create masterpieces! T'be 'onest, at times I do miss the old forge, but after I created me finest breastplate, it seemed as if nothing else I made could ever live up t'it. So I left me home to'wander the land an' see what I could learn o'the world. I 'ave learned quite a bit from the elders 'ere an' the skilled craftspeople in New Tanaan. I 'ave even devised a type o'[emblem] that will impart the magic o'tranquility into the user t'create planar armors from pieces o'energy found in the planes.")
if ($text=~/What emblem/i){quest::say("Well, the emblems dinnae be easy t'craft but I will gladly give ye one fer the price of 500 platinum pieces. They allow a planes traveler with no craftin' skills t'create many fine pieces o'planar armor in a special, magical kit I also 'ave'. The kit acts as a focal point fer the wild magic energy o'the Planes. Just hand me the emblem and the armor mold and 500 platinum and I will craft the armor for you. Just venture back when ye need another an' dinnae ferget the coin!");
#turn in 500p
if ($platinum == 500){
quest::text ("Here is The Emblem, don't be losin it. Return to me when you have a Mold for me to craft for ye.");
if ($class == shaman);
if ($class == Rogue);
if ($class == Ranger);
if ($class == Berserker);
if ($class == Beastlord);
if ($class == Druid);
if ($class == Monk);
if ($class == Warrior);
if ($class == Shadowknight);
if ($class == Paladin);
if ($class == Cleric);
if ($class == Bard);
if ($class == Wizard);
if ($class == Necromancer);
if ($class == Magician);
if ($class == Enchanter);

leyen 02-15-2006 06:28 AM

part 2
# quest second part after obtaining a mold
#Bor Wharhammer
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16290} == 1 && $itemcount{16274} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shaman){quest::summonitem(9829)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16291} == 1 && $itemcount{16274} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shaman){quest::summonitem(15773)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16292} == 1 && $itemcount{16274} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shaman){quest::summonitem(11518)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16293} == 1 && $itemcount{16274} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shaman){quest::summonitem(11273)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16294} == 1 && $itemcount{16274} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shaman){quest::summonitem(13569)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16295} == 1 && $itemcount{16274} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shaman){quest::summonitem(16801)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16296} == 1 && $itemcount{16274} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shaman){quest::summonitem(20077)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16290} == 1 && $itemcount{16273} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Rogue){quest::summonitem(9805)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16291} == 1 && $itemcount{16273} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Rogue){quest::summonitem(15474)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16292} == 1 && $itemcount{16273} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Rogue){quest::summonitem(11431)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16293} == 1 && $itemcount{16273} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Rogue){quest::summonitem(11140)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16294} == 1 && $itemcount{16273} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Rogue){quest::summonitem(12597)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16295} == 1 && $itemcount{16273} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Rogue){quest::summonitem(16711)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16296} == 1 && $itemcount{16273} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Rogue){quest::summonitem(19442)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16290} == 1 && $itemcount{16272} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Ranger){quest::summonitem(9820)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16291} == 1 && $itemcount{16272} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Ranger){quest::summonitem(15764)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16292} == 1 && $itemcount{16272} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Ranger){quest::summonitem(11446)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16293} == 1 && $itemcount{16272} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Ranger){quest::summonitem(11180)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16294} == 1 && $itemcount{16272} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Ranger){quest::summonitem(12666)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16295} == 1 && $itemcount{16272} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Ranger){quest::summonitem(16775)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16296} == 1 && $itemcount{16272} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Ranger){quest::summonitem(19837)

leyen 02-15-2006 06:29 AM

part 3
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16290} == 1 && $itemcount{32000} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Berserker){quest::summonitem(55505)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16291} == 1 && $itemcount{32000} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Berserker){quest::summonitem(55504)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16292} == 1 && $itemcount{32000} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Berserker){quest::summonitem(55507)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16293} == 1 && $itemcount{32000} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Berserker){quest::summonitem(55506)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16294} == 1 && $itemcount{32000} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Berserker){quest::summonitem(55502)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16295} == 1 && $itemcount{32000} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Berserker){quest::summonitem(55503)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16296} == 1 && $itemcount{32000} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Berserker){quest::summonitem(55501)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16347} == 1 && $itemcount{16277} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Beastlord){quest::summonitem(9823)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16348} == 1 && $itemcount{16277} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Beastlord){quest::summonitem(15767)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16349} == 1 && $itemcount{16277} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Beastlord){quest::summonitem(11449)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16350} == 1 && $itemcount{16277} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Beastlord){quest::summonitem(11195)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16351} == 1 && $itemcount{16277} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Beastlord){quest::summonitem(13545)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16352} == 1 && $itemcount{16277} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Beastlord){quest::summonitem(16783)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16353} == 1 && $itemcount{16277} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Beastlord){quest::summonitem(20000)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16347} == 1 && $itemcount{16276} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Druid){quest::summonitem(9832)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16348} == 1 && $itemcount{16276} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Druid){quest::summonitem(15776)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16349} == 1 && $itemcount{16276} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Druid){quest::summonitem(11549)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16350} == 1 && $itemcount{16276} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Druid){quest::summonitem(11280)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16351} == 1 && $itemcount{16276} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Druid){quest::summonitem(13589)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16352} == 1 && $itemcount{16276} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Druid){quest::summonitem(16809)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16353} == 1 && $itemcount{16276} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Druid){quest::summonitem(20152)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16347} == 1 && $itemcount{16275} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Monk){quest::summonitem(9808)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16348} == 1 && $itemcount{16275} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Monk){quest::summonitem(15637)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16349} == 1 && $itemcount{16275} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Monk){quest::summonitem(11434)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16350} == 1 && $itemcount{16275} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Monk){quest::summonitem(11144)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16351} == 1 && $itemcount{16275} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Monk){quest::summonitem(12623)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16352} == 1 && $itemcount{16275} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Monk){quest::summonitem(16725)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16353} == 1 && $itemcount{16275} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Monk){quest::summonitem(19445)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16299} == 1 && $itemcount{16267} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Warrior){quest::summonitem(9628)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16346} == 1 && $itemcount{16267} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Warrior){quest::summonitem(15119)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16343} == 1 && $itemcount{16267} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Warrior){quest::summonitem(11428)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16297} == 1 && $itemcount{16267} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Warrior){quest::summonitem(11136)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16345} == 1 && $itemcount{16267} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Warrior){quest::summonitem(12594)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16344} == 1 && $itemcount{16267} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Warrior){quest::summonitem(16691)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16298} == 1 && $itemcount{16267} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Warrior){quest::summonitem(19439)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16299} == 1 && $itemcount{16270} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shadowknight){quest::summonitem(9814)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16346} == 1 && $itemcount{16270} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shadowknight){quest::summonitem(15758)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16343} == 1 && $itemcount{16270} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shadowknight){quest::summonitem(11440)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16297} == 1 && $itemcount{16270} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shadowknight){quest::summonitem(11172)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16345} == 1 && $itemcount{16270} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shadowknight){quest::summonitem(12629)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16344} == 1 && $itemcount{16270} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shadowknight){quest::summonitem(16761)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16298} == 1 && $itemcount{16270} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Shadowknight){quest::summonitem(19545)

leyen 02-15-2006 06:30 AM

part 4
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16299} == 1 && $itemcount{16269} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Paladin){quest::summonitem(9811)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16346} == 1 && $itemcount{16269} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Paladin){quest::summonitem(15751)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16343} == 1 && $itemcount{16269} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Paladin){quest::summonitem(11437)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16297} == 1 && $itemcount{16269} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Paladin){quest::summonitem(11159)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16345} == 1 && $itemcount{16269} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Paladin){quest::summonitem(12626)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16344} == 1 && $itemcount{16269} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Paladin){quest::summonitem(16755)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16298} == 1 && $itemcount{16269} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Paladin){quest::summonitem(19448)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16299} == 1 && $itemcount{16271} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Cleric){quest::summonitem(9826)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16346} == 1 && $itemcount{16271} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Cleric){quest::summonitem(15770)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16343} == 1 && $itemcount{16271} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Cleric){quest::summonitem(11499)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16297} == 1 && $itemcount{16271} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Cleric){quest::summonitem(11198)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16345} == 1 && $itemcount{16271} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Cleric){quest::summonitem(13557)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16344} == 1 && $itemcount{16271} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Cleric){quest::summonitem(16795)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16298} == 1 && $itemcount{16271} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Cleric){quest::summonitem(20073)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16299} == 1 && $itemcount{16268} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Bard){quest::summonitem(9817)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16346} == 1 && $itemcount{16268} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Bard){quest::summonitem(15761)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16343} == 1 && $itemcount{16268} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Bard){quest::summonitem(11443)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16297} == 1 && $itemcount{16268} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Bard){quest::summonitem(11177)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16345} == 1 && $itemcount{16268} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Bard){quest::summonitem(12663)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16344} == 1 && $itemcount{16268} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Bard){quest::summonitem(16769)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16298} == 1 && $itemcount{16268} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Bard){quest::summonitem(19548)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16354} == 1 && $itemcount{16279} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Wizard){quest::summonitem(9949)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16355} == 1 && $itemcount{16279} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Wizard){quest::summonitem(15788)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16356} == 1 && $itemcount{16279} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Wizard){quest::summonitem(11620)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16357} == 1 && $itemcount{16279} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Wizard){quest::summonitem(11308)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16358} == 1 && $itemcount{16279} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Wizard){quest::summonitem(13626)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16359} == 1 && $itemcount{16279} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Wizard){quest::summonitem(19026)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16360} == 1 && $itemcount{16279} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Wizard){quest::summonitem(20433)

leyen 02-15-2006 06:30 AM

part 5
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16354} == 1 && $itemcount{16291} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Necromancer){quest::summonitem(9946)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16355} == 1 && $itemcount{16278} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Necromancer){quest::summonitem(15785)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16356} == 1 && $itemcount{16278} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Necromancer){quest::summonitem(11600)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16357} == 1 && $itemcount{16278} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Necromancer){quest::summonitem(11305)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16358} == 1 && $itemcount{16278} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Necromancer){quest::summonitem(13622)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16359} == 1 && $itemcount{16278} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Necromancer){quest::summonitem(19023)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16360} == 1 && $itemcount{16278} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Necromancer){quest::summonitem(20430)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16354} == 1 && $itemcount{16280} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Magician){quest::summonitem(9908)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16355} == 1 && $itemcount{16280} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Magician){quest::summonitem(15782)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16356} == 1 && $itemcount{16280} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Magician){quest::summonitem(11597)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16357} == 1 && $itemcount{16280} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Magician){quest::summonitem(11302)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16358} == 1 && $itemcount{16280} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Magician){quest::summonitem(13618)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16359} == 1 && $itemcount{16280} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Magician){quest::summonitem(19000)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16360} == 1 && $itemcount{16280} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Magician){quest::summonitem(20427)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16354} == 1 && $itemcount{16281} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Enchanter){quest::summonitem(9835)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16355} == 1 && $itemcount{16281} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Enchanter){quest::summonitem(15779)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16356} == 1 && $itemcount{16281} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Enchanter){quest::summonitem(11577)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16357} == 1 && $itemcount{16281} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Enchanter){quest::summonitem(11283)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16358} == 1 && $itemcount{16281} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Enchanter){quest::summonitem(13613)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16359} == 1 && $itemcount{16281} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Enchanter){quest::summonitem(16815)
if ($platinum == 500 && $itemcount{16360} == 1 && $itemcount{16281} == 1){quest::say("A Fine Mold $name, I will get right on ta making it for ye.");
if ($class == Enchanter){quest::summonitem(20424)

leyen 02-15-2006 06:34 AM

submission thread
this thread http://www.eqemulator.net/forums/showthread.php?t=17400, the links are not working for diffrent threads anylonger just to know i appoligize if i posted this in error to the format required, i will search more and repost if necessary.


ylosh 02-15-2006 10:43 AM

your overall format makes it difficult to read

quest::text should be quest::say

your section with all of the
quest::summonitem(Shaman Emblem 16274) will not work

you have two sub EVENT_ITEM statements

if ($string == XX) is for numerical vaules, if ($string eq "value") is for text

don't know why you're making up the entire portion where bor creates the armor for you...that doesen't happen. bor takes your 500p and gives you a class emblem and a mystical forge of ro or druzzil's mystical sewing kit and the player creates their own armor with other tradeskill items. all of that information is available on allakhazams if you take the time and look for it.

example: Basic recipe is: appropriate ornate pattern, tanaan embroidery needle, appropriate class emblem, 1-3 swatches of cured ethereal energy, combine in Druzzil's Sewing Kit. The final combine is no-fail.

leyen 02-15-2006 10:52 AM

Thanks for your input, im still working with it and hope to have it in a format that will be usable to the emu. i did this quest in this fasion to make things easier on the players utilize money, and to make thing easier on the diffrent emu servers.

I figured it would be easier all the way around this way just as long as i get the code correct for what i want the quest to be. i have seen it on allakhazams and have done the quests on live.

ylosh 02-15-2006 12:21 PM

note the changes that you're making to the quest in the header info up top so people know that it won't be the exact same version as what is on live servers.

some people might like an easier quest, some people might want the tougher version that requires tradeskills

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