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dreadbones 07-01-2020 11:20 AM


Have set up a windows server with client ROF2.

Everything is working, however i'm now trying to enable mercs.

I enabled them in the rules values table by setting it to true.

I've also changed all the mercenary liason merchants to class to 71.

I can now hail the merc liason NPC's which I couldn't before the steps above, but the merc box just flashes up and it tells me I don't meet the requirements to purchase mercenaries.

Not sure if this matters but the Mercs:AllowMercs entry is against rule set 1 only.

When loading the server is loads default ruleset.

Any help/idea's very welcome.


PS also tried a new install on a different pc only chnages are the ones noted above and it does exactly the same thing.

Taleason 07-01-2020 02:01 PM

Does your database contain the various merc tables?

Taleason 07-01-2020 02:09 PM

You'll need to source mercs.sql into your database then.

dreadbones 07-01-2020 02:11 PM


I just logged in using Heidi and looked down the main tables list and nothing mentioning mercs.

I'm assuming thats where they would be ?

This is a fresh install as of today, so maybe they have been removed from the current standard PEQ database.

Any anyone confirm if the mercs.sql has been removed?

Taleason 07-01-2020 07:35 PM


Load this (after backing up your database of course).

Taleason 07-01-2020 08:53 PM

load this (after backing up your database of course).

dreadbones 07-02-2020 05:00 AM

Thanks, just wondering though if theres a reason they aren't part of the standard peq download.

Taleason 07-02-2020 05:53 AM

From reading posts in another thread, I gathered that Akkadius left it out of his install because it wasn't stable.

dreadbones 07-02-2020 07:07 AM

ok thanks.

Shiny151 07-07-2020 12:33 PM

Mercs are quirky; I enjoy them but they will do things or NOT do things that make no sense from time to time. Some of my observations/tips listed here:
  1. Grouping bugs; once you zone, you may or may not have your group intact if you are boxing. Easy fix, reinvite/regroup.
  2. Cleric merc will not always rez you. I've discovered this has something to do with the client that you are using. SOD/UF seemed to work; the latest ROF2 client gave me issues. Your mileage may vary.
  3. Also for cleric mercs, once you get higher level they will spaz out and spam you with a duration heal. I fixed this on my server by removing said spell from their spell lineup. Also, along this same vane; post 65 level mercs may loop weird animations and stop functioning altogether at times; check their spell lineup table to ensure that they are casting what they are supposed to be casting. I found mistakes in the code where 'zerker abilities were assigned to a cleric which would cause the issues. Bottom line, any time the merc is not acting right with casting, check their spell lineup; nine out of ten times, that is the culprit.
  4. Never exceed ten minutes for the merc upkeep/charge. This will crash your client after the first ten minutes of loading.
  5. By default, apprentice tier five mercs will have more hitpoints than journeyman tier two; I notice NO difference in their confidence. However, I believe their AC is lower. Hire or adjust accordingly.

There's probably other things I've fixed along the way but these are the main highlights that stick out from using the base merc SQL code from 2013. If someone has updated it since then, I'm not aware of it. All of these observations are NOT from combining the base merc code to the latest server code; but, I suspect it may have not changed much. My base server code is a couple of years old. But at least you'll have an idea of what's going on if you see any of the above happening.

Happy Merc'ing

xarisd 12-22-2020 12:01 AM

OMG Thank you so much! Wow, so many lines of code, too... whoever did this is a serious boss a deserves a toast in his or her honor. Good god, I started the query five minutes ago and it's still going. Going to be so worth it, though! :D

Azerin 01-15-2021 01:24 PM

So did this work? I imported the merc table into my fresh install of EQEMU, and turned Mercs on, but when I click on a merc guardian, I get no response. Do I need to do something to activate them?

Haloreef 05-16-2023 03:08 AM

would really like an update on this? i have the merc tables sql. i loaded my server and then loaded heidisql... how do i add merc tables to my database?
you admins and devs are so nice to make all of this but you have a hard time relating info to us regulars. you say "load this into the databse" we say "how?" and years go by without info....

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