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-   -   Fresh creation 0.6.0-DR1 // PEQ db -- Problem (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=16451)

cyberstormx 10-17-2004 07:03 PM

Fresh creation 0.6.0-DR1 // PEQ db -- Problem
I recently did a fresh db creation using the latest compatible db for the .6.0-DR1 .. (PEQ classic 058, aa_levels, altadv_vars,wr_update)

Everything sourced fine, and permissions were added to the db as well.
(I am attempting to run the server on the local network, using minilog)

Edit: using winxp SP1

-- The problem starts at char creation... i can create a char, but every starting city gives the message: the zone is unavailable.

Here are my files:


worldname=my test eqemu




@echo off

if NOT exist spells_us.txt goto NOSPELL

start zone . 66.253.xxx.xxx 8780
start zone . 66.253.xxx.xxx 8781
start zone . 66.253.xxx.xxx 8782
start zone . 66.253.xxx.xxx 8783
start zone . 66.253.xxx.xxx 8784

Output windows -- output after creating a char
LoginServer.ini read.
Server mode: Standalone
Login server listening on port:5999
4297 New Server connection: 66.253.xxx.xxx port: 44808
40703 New client from ip: port: 2229
354656 New client from ip: port: 2243

[Status] Loading variables..
[Status] Loading zones..
[Status] Clearing groups..
[Status] Loading items..
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
[Status] Loading items from database: count=34229, max id=77505
[Error] DBLoadItems query 'SELECT charges,unknown002,unknown003,merchantprice,un
known005,unknown006,unknown007,SpellCharges,itemcl ass,name,lore,idfile,id,weight
,norent,nodrop,attuneable,size,slots,cost,icon,unk nown018,unknown019,unknown020,
tradeskills,cr,dr,pr,mr,fr,astr,asta,aagi,adex,ach a,aint,awis,hp,mana,ac,deity,s
killmodvalue,skillmodtype,banedmgrace,banedmgamt,b anedmgbody,magic,casttime2,has
teproclvl,reqlevel,bardtype,bardvalue,light,delay, reclevel,recskill,elemdmgtype,
elemdmgamt,effecttype,range,damage,color,classes,r aces,unknown061,spellid,maxcha
rges,itemtype,material,sellrate,unknown067,casttim e,unknown069,proc_rate_mod,foc
usid,combateffects,shielding,stunresist,strikethro ugh,combatskill,combatskilldmg
,spellshield,avoidance,accuracy,unknown081,faction mod1,factionmod2,factionmod3,f
actionmod4,factionamt1,factionamt2,factionamt3,fac tionamt4,charmfile,augtype,aug
slot1type,augslot2type,augslot3type,augslot4type,a ugslot5type,ldonpointtheme,ldo
npointcost,ldonsold,bagtype,bagslots,bagsize,bagwr ,unknown105,booktype,filename,
banedmgamt2,augmentrestriction,loreflag,pendinglor eflag,artifactflag,summonedfla
g,tribute,gmflag,endur,dotshielding,attackbonus,hp regen,manaregen,hastepercent,d
amageshield,minstatus FROM items ORDER BY id', #1054: Unknown column 'SpellCharg
es' in 'field list'
[Error] If you got an error related to the 'SpellCharges' field, run the followi
ng SQL Query: ALTER TABLE `items` CHANGE `unknown008` `SpellCharges` INT(11) DE
Error: EMuShareMem: DLLLoadItems: !cbDBLoadItems <<--- NOTE
[Error] Error: Could not load item data. But ignoring
[Status] ./LoginServer.ini read.
[Status] Loading guild ranks..
[Status] Loading ./addon.ini..
[Status] Loading EQ time of day..
[Status] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[Status] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
TCP listening on: 66.253.xxx.xxx:9000
World server listening on: 66.253.xxx.xxx:9000
Connected to LoginServer: 66.253.xxx.xxx:5999
62843 New client from ip: 66.253.xxx.xxx port: 2230
Account Attempting to be created:Twƒ0î??(??c??`¡??úä,µw 20
Logged in: FirstLogin Account #2: Twƒ0î??(??c??`¡??úä,µw
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
Name approval request for:Death race:6 class:11
Character creation request from Twƒ0î??(??c??`¡??úä,µw LS#0 (66.253.xxx.xxx:2230
) :
Name: Death
Race: 6 Class: 11 Gender: 0 Deity: 206 Start zone: 5
60 75 90 85 83 129 60 582
Face: 6 Eye colors: 7 7
Hairstyle: 0 Haircolor: 255
Beard: 255 Beardcolor: 17
Validating char creation info...
Found 0 errors in character creation request
[Status] Start zone query: SELECT x,y,z,zone_id,bind_id FROM start_zones WHERE p
layer_choice=5 AND player_class=11 AND player_deity=206 AND player_race=6

[Status] Found starting location in start_zones
Current location: neriakc 1255.00, -1253.00, -80.00
Bind location: neriakc 1255.00, -1253.00, -80.00
Starting Items Query: SELECT itemid, item_charges FROM starting_items WHERE (rac
e = 6 or race = 0) AND (class = 11 or class = 0) AND (deityid = 206 or deityid=0
) AND (zoneid = 42 or zoneid = 0) AND gm <= 20 ORDER BY id
Character creation successful: Death
Read group ID for 'Death': 0
0: 2C 30 2C 2E 44 65 61 74 - 68 2C 30 36 37 61 37 39 | ,0,.Death,067a79
16: 64 34 00 | d4.
Attempting autobootup of neriakc (42) for Death
Error: No zoneserver to bootup neriakc (42) for Death
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
0: 2C 30 2C 2E 44 65 61 74 - 68 2C 30 36 37 61 37 39 | ,0,.Death,067a79
16: 64 34 00 | d4.
Attempting autobootup of neriakc (42) for Death
Error: No zoneserver to bootup neriakc (42) for Death
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
0: 2C 30 2C 2E 44 65 61 74 - 68 2C 30 36 37 61 37 39 | ,0,.Death,067a79
16: 64 34 00 | d4.
Attempting autobootup of neriakc (42) for Death
Error: No zoneserver to bootup neriakc (42) for Death
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
0: 2C 30 2C 2E 44 65 61 74 - 68 2C 30 36 37 61 37 39 | ,0,.Death,067a79
16: 64 34 00 | d4.
Attempting autobootup of neriakc (42) for Death
Error: No zoneserver to bootup neriakc (42) for Death
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
0: 2C 30 2C 2E 44 65 61 74 - 68 2C 30 36 37 61 37 39 | ,0,.Death,067a79
16: 64 34 00 | d4.
Attempting autobootup of neriakc (42) for Death
Error: No zoneserver to bootup neriakc (42) for Death
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
0: 2C 30 2C 2E 44 65 61 74 - 68 2C 30 36 37 61 37 39 | ,0,.Death,067a79
16: 64 34 00 | d4.
Attempting autobootup of neriakc (42) for Death
Error: No zoneserver to bootup neriakc (42) for Death
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
0: 2C 30 2C 2E 44 65 61 74 - 68 2C 30 36 37 61 37 39 | ,0,.Death,067a79
16: 64 34 00 | d4.
Attempting autobootup of neriakc (42) for Death
Error: No zoneserver to bootup neriakc (42) for Death
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
Received unknown opcode: 0x00ee size:0 bytes
Client disconnected
Removing client from ip:66.253.xxx.xxx port:2230
350562 New TCP connection:
350562 New TCP connection:
350562 New TCP connection:
350562 New TCP connection:
350562 New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #1
New zoneserver: #2
New zoneserver: #3
New zoneserver: #4
New zoneserver: #5
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8783
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8784
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8780
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8781
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8782

1 of 5 Boot5zone windows:
[Status] Loading Variables
[Status] Loading zone names
[Status] Loading items
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
Error: EMuShareMem: DLLLoadItems: !ItemsMMF.IsLoaded() (timeout)
[Error] Loading items FAILED! <<-- EmuShareMem error again
Failed. But ignoring error and going on...
[Status] Loading npcs
[Status] Loading npc faction lists
[Status] Loading loot tables
[Status] Loading doors
[Status] FileLoadSPDat() Loading spells from ./spells_us.txt
[Status] FileLoadSPDat() spells loaded: 6290
[Status] Loading guilds
[Status] Loading factions
[Status] Loading AA effects
[Status] Loading swarm spells
[Status] Loading corpse timers
[Status] Loading what ever is left
[Status] Loading commands
[Status] command_init(): Warning: Command 'help' defaulting to access level 0!
[Status] command_init(): Warning: Command 'version' defaulting to access level 0
[Status] command_init(): Warning: Command 'serversidename' defaulting to access
level 0!
[Status] command_init(): Warning: Command 'loc' defaulting to access level 0!
[Status] command_init(): Warning: Command 'flag' defaulting to access level 0!
[Status] command_init(): Warning: Command 'si' defaulting to access level 0!
[Status] command_init(): Warning: Command 'hp' defaulting to access level 0!
[Status] command_init(): Warning: Command 'pf' defaulting to access level 0!
[Status] command_init(): Warning: Command 'bestz' defaulting to access level 0!
[Status] command_init(): Warning: Command 'ginfo' defaulting to access level 0!
[Status] 170 commands loaded
[Status] Entering sleep mode
Connected to worldserver:


My client was patched to live as of 1:45am 10/18

If anyone has any idea how this can be fixed, it would be greatly appreciated. :D

kedobin 10-17-2004 07:52 PM

I went no further than opening world.exe, but I have the same output there, also using same version of eqemu and I seem to be using the same database.

[Error] If you got an error related to the 'SpellCharges' field, run the followi
ng SQL Query: ALTER TABLE `items` CHANGE `unknown008` `SpellCharges` INT(11) DE
I noticed this when I got the error, and tried doing this. Unfortunately, I get a syntax error.

maveren 10-17-2004 08:32 PM

database error, im assuming
i had the same problems, moved from peq to barebones and it runs fine.

kedobin 10-18-2004 01:28 AM

It seems I had a wrong version of the world.exe file. I downloaded the source first, and unsuccessfully compiled it all (I couldn't get zone to compile for whatever reason). I then managed to find a link to some already-compiled binaries, so I downloaded those. I decided to give the world file I compiled a try, and it worked, minus missing eqtime.cfg. I copied it from another directory from an older version of eqemu, and ran the files with no known errors.

I then managed to run eq successfully.

Cans 10-18-2004 02:17 AM

All of the DB errors within your world.exe seem to be a table problem within your DB. 6.0 reconfigured the tables, and I got that error when I started with my PEQ DB.

To fix it, run this query in your MySQL:


ALTER TABLE items ADD attuneable tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';
As for the command warnings, to get them to stop, simply add those commands into the addon.ini file.

Ex, at the bottom of it put:



Those are just some example access levels. Change them as you see fit.

Ignore the eqtime.cfg error. It'll stop once you get on your server and create a char, etc.


Error: EMuShareMem: DLLLoadItems: !ItemsMMF.IsLoaded() (timeout)
[Error] Loading items FAILED! <<-- EmuShareMem error again
Failed. But ignoring error and going on...
This is because of the item table changes. Fix that, that will disappear. It really has nothing to do with the actual compiled EMuShareMem in this case.

For boot5zones.bat, the only thing I can think of there is make sure you forward your ports if you are behind a router. Also, make sure that all three world.exe, zone.exe, and emusharemem.dll are of the SAME version (this case 6.0 DR1). If it isn't, you may encounter more errors along the way.

I hope this helps some.

cyberstormx 10-18-2004 04:35 AM


ALTER TABLE items ADD attuneable tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';
-- the above gives me error 1060, duplicate column name attuneable

cyberstormx 10-18-2004 11:28 AM

Ok, i renamed the unknown008 column to SpellCharges ... which fixes the errors my word.exe was giving me.

Now for more errors/bugs:
Once i've create a character and log off.... the next time i log on, it will not be available at char selection.

However, the char is added to the character column...

Whenever i create a new character ... an entry is added to my account column -->

in this case under name:TwŸ0ŒÌ±(÷ cóÙ`*÷£„,æw .. and then the char name.

I cannot log on my server without deleting this new entry.

When my roommate connects to my server (via local network), he can create a character ... and the info about his char is stored like it is supposed to be , and the character is available at char selection after logging off.

However, when my roommate logs in, it just freeze upon zone entrance.

world, minilogin, boot5zones output
[Status] Loading variables..
[Status] Loading zones..
[Status] Clearing groups..
[Status] Loading items..
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
[Status] Loading items from database: count=34229, max id=77505
[Status] ./LoginServer.ini read.
[Status] Loading guild ranks..
[Status] Loading ./addon.ini..
[Status] Loading EQ time of day..
[Status] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[Status] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
Breaking linux compiles....
TCP listening on: 66.253.xxx.xxx:9000
World server listening on: 66.253.xxx.xxx:9000
Connected to LoginServer: 66.253.xxx.xxx:5999
22312 New TCP connection:
22312 New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #1
New zoneserver: #2
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8784
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8780
22390 New TCP connection:
22390 New TCP connection:
22390 New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #3
New zoneserver: #4
New zoneserver: #5
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8781
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8783
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8782
49156 New client from ip: 66.253.xxx.xxx port: 2724
Account Attempting to be created:Twƒ0î??(??c??`¡??úä,µw 20
Logged in: FirstLogin Account #5: Twƒ0î??(??c??`¡??úä,µw
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
Name approval request for:Cleric race:8 class:2
Character creation request from Twƒ0î??(??c??`¡??úä,µw LS#0 (66.253.xxx.xxx:2724
) :
Name: Cleric
Race: 8 Class: 2 Gender: 0 Deity: 202 Start zone: 8
120 100 70 90 93 60 45 578
Face: 7 Eye colors: 5 5
Hairstyle: 1 Haircolor: 14
Beard: 1 Beardcolor: 14
Validating char creation info...
Found 0 errors in character creation request
[Status] Start zone query: SELECT x,y,z,zone_id,bind_id FROM start_zones WHERE p
layer_choice=8 AND player_class=2 AND player_deity=202 AND player_race=8

[Status] Found starting location in start_zones
Current location: kaladima 771.00, 132.00, 2.00
Bind location: kaladima 771.00, 132.00, 2.00
Starting Items Query: SELECT itemid, item_charges FROM starting_items WHERE (rac
e = 8 or race = 0) AND (class = 2 or class = 0) AND (deityid = 202 or deityid=0)
AND (zoneid = 60 or zoneid = 0) AND gm <= 20 ORDER BY id
Character creation successful: Cleric
Read group ID for 'Cleric': 0
0: 2C 30 2C 2E 52 65 74 61 - 72 64 2C 30 36 37 61 37 | ,0,.Cleric,067a7
16: 39 64 34 00 | 9d4.
Attempting autobootup of kaladima (60) for Cleric
Zoneserver SetZone: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8781 kaladima (60)
Enter world: Cleric: kaladima (60)
Broadcasting a world time update
Zoneserver SetZone: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8781 kaladima (60)
Client disconnected
Removing client from ip:66.253.xxx.xxx port:2724
244875 New client from ip: 66.253.xxx.xxx port: 1089
Logged in: FirstLogin Account #3: gabelord
301578 New client from ip: 66.253.xxx.xxx port: 2729
Logged in: FirstLogin Account #1: cyberstormx
Could not get CharInfo for Cleric
Client disconnected
Removing client from ip:66.253.xxx.xxx port:2729
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
Read group ID for 'Gabriel': 0
0: 2C 30 2C 2E 47 61 62 72 - 69 65 6C 2C 30 36 37 61 | ,0,.Gabriel,067a
16: 37 39 64 34 00 | 79d4.
Attempting autobootup of qeynos (1) for Gabriel
Zoneserver SetZone: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8783 qeynos (1)
Enter world: Gabriel: qeynos (1)
Broadcasting a world time update
Zoneserver SetZone: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8783 qeynos (1)
Received unknown opcode: 0x0376 size:0 bytes
Client disconnected
Removing client from ip:66.253.xxx.xxx port:1089
Zoneserver SetZone: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8781 (0)
Zoneserver SetZone: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8781 (0)
Zoneserver SetZone: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8783 (0)
Zoneserver SetZone: 66.253.xxx.xxx:8783 (0)

LoginServer.ini read.
Server mode: Standalone
Login server listening on port:5999
5671 New Server connection: 66.253.xxx.xxx port: 40202
49921 New client from ip: port: 2723
240187 New client from ip: 66.253.xxx.xxx port: 1088
313859 New client from ip: port: 2731

Zone.exe (roommate's that freezes immediately)
[Status] Loading Variables
[Status] Loading zone names
[Status] Loading items
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
[Status] Loading npcs
[Status] Loading npc faction lists
[Status] Loading loot tables
[Status] Loading doors
[Status] Loading guilds
[Status] Loading factions
[Status] Loading AA effects
[Status] Loading swarm spells
[Status] Loading corpse timers
[Status] Loading what ever is left
[Status] Loading commands
[Status] 170 commands loaded
[Status] Entering sleep mode
Connected to worldserver:
Map ./Maps/qeynos.map not found.
[Status] Weather should change in 3856 seconds
Init: Loading zone lists, zone state or spawn list, player corpses, traps
, timezone data - Done. ZoneID = 1; Time Offset = 0
Successfully loaded Zone Config.
[Status] Loading Objects from DB...
[Status] Loading Ground Spawns from DB...
[Status] Loading doors for qeynos ...
[Status] Done loading doors for qeynos ...
[Status] Zone Bootup: qeynos (1)
Received Message SyncWorldTime
Time Broadcast Packet: EQTime [01:04 am]
[Status] 323125 New client from ip:66.253.xxx.xxx port:1091
Read group ID for 'Gabriel': 0
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 1
No pet type modifications defined for race: 1
Summoning BeastLord Pet: 43
[Error] HandlePacket() Opcode error: Unexpected packet during CLIENT_CONNECTING:
opcode: 0x037f, size: 0
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 1
No pet type modifications defined for race: 1
Summoning BeastLord Pet: 43
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 1
No pet type modifications defined for race: 1
Summoning BeastLord Pet: 43
[Error] HandlePacket() Opcode error: Unexpected packet during CLIENT_CONNECTING:
opcode: 0x0355, size: 4
Unknown opcode: 0x01e5 size:8 Client:Gabriel
0: 0A 00 00 00 D2 3E 73 7D | .....>s}
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 1
No pet type modifications defined for race: 1
Summoning BeastLord Pet: 43
Client linkdead: Gabriel
Dropping client: Process=false, ip=66.253.xxx.xxx, port=1091
[Status] Zone Shutdown: qeynos (1)

Zone.exe (My char zoning in ... Get booted to server select when i get killed.)

[Status] Loading Variables
[Status] Loading zone names
[Status] Loading items
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
[Status] Loading npcs
[Status] Loading npc faction lists
[Status] Loading loot tables
[Status] Loading doors
[Status] Loading guilds
[Status] Loading factions
[Status] Loading AA effects
[Status] Loading swarm spells
[Status] Loading corpse timers
[Status] Loading what ever is left
[Status] Loading commands
[Status] 170 commands loaded
[Status] Entering sleep mode
Connected to worldserver:
Map ./Maps/kaladima.map not found.
[Status] Weather should change in 2400 seconds
Init: Loading zone lists, zone state or spawn list, player corpses, traps
, timezone data - Done. ZoneID = 60; Time Offset = 0
Successfully loaded Zone Config.
[Status] Loading Objects from DB...
[Status] Loading Ground Spawns from DB...
[Status] Loading doors for kaladima ...
[Status] Done loading doors for kaladima ...
[Status] Zone Bootup: kaladima (60)
Received Message SyncWorldTime
Time Broadcast Packet: EQTime [11:49 pm]
[Status] 99640 New client from ip:66.253.xxx.xxx port:2726
Read group ID for 'Cleric': 0
[Error] HandlePacket() Opcode error: Unexpected packet during CLIENT_CONNECTING:
opcode: 0x037f, size: 0
[Error] HandlePacket() Opcode error: Unexpected packet during CLIENT_CONNECTING:
opcode: 0x0355, size: 4
Unknown opcode: 0x01e5 size:8 Client:Cleric
0: 0A 00 00 00 D2 3E 73 7D | .....>s}
[Status] Zoning 'Cleric' to: kaladima (60) x=-179.000000, y=3131.000000, z=3.130
Dropping client: Process=false, ip=66.253.xxx.xxx, port=2726
[Status] Zone Shutdown: kaladima (60)

************************************************** ***
Whenever i try to zone i seem to get black screen or get booted to server select.

Roommate's freezes upon zone entrance, post character select.

Any ideas ? :?

*Edit: Seems my roommate only had trouble with qeynos, he started a new character in halas, and it works like a charm .. zoning and everything.

I , the host, can still not zone correctly ... or see my chars at char selection.

cyberstormx 10-18-2004 11:39 AM

And does the PEQ classic 058 only have original eq zones ?

If so, would it be possible to source in one that contains a more up to date zone list / w/ mobs etc.

sotonin 10-18-2004 11:44 AM


And does the PEQ classic 058 only have original eq zones ?
correct. that's why its called "classic". kunark is coming out soon. until then you'll have to wait for us =)

Bladees1739 10-26-2004 10:31 AM

I am having the same problem even after all that.
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes
Name approval request for:Ffffdwe race:6 class:11
Character creation request from u?}?í??¬OµZ!2?vé!?ô??o LS#0 ( :
Name: Ffffdwe
Race: 6 Class: 11 Gender: 0 Deity: 206 Start zone: 5
65 65 90 85 83 134 60 582
Face: 3 Eye colors: 5 5
Hairstyle: 0 Haircolor: 17
Beard: 255 Beardcolor: 17
Validating char creation info...
Found 0 errors in character creation request
[Status] Start zone query: SELECT x,y,z,zone_id,bind_id FROM start_zones WHERE p
layer_choice=5 AND player_class=11 AND player_deity=206 AND player_race=6

[Status] Found starting location in start_zones
Current location: neriakc 1255.00, -1253.00, -80.00
Bind location: neriakc 1255.00, -1253.00, -80.00
Starting Items Query: SELECT itemid, item_charges FROM starting_items WHERE (rac
e = 6 or race = 0) AND (class = 11 or class = 0) AND (deityid = 206 or deityid=0
) AND (zoneid = 42 or zoneid = 0) AND gm <= 250 ORDER BY id
Character creation successful: Ffffdwe
Received unknown opcode: 0x0282 size:188 bytes
0: 01 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 - 02 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 | ................
16: 83 9D 27 00 01 01 01 00 - 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 | ..'......
Read group ID for 'Ffffdwe': 0
0: 31 32 37 2E 30 2E 30 2E - 31 2C 39 38 37 36 2C 74 |,9876,t
16: 65 73 74 2E 46 66 66 66 - 64 77 65 2C 30 36 37 61 | est.Ffffdwe,067a
32: 37 39 64 34 00 | 79d4.
Attempting autobootup of neriakc (42) for Ffffdwe
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:8780 (0)
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:8780 (0)
Received unknown opcode: 0x02eb size:0 bytes TCPConnection::RecvData(): Connection timeout127.0.0.1
:2256: TCPConnection::RecvData(): Connection timeout TCPConnection::RecvData(): Connection timeout
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:22590: (TCPConnection::RecvD
ata(): Error: 10053localhost
2261Hold Zones mode is ON - rebooting lost zone:
TCPConnection::RecvData(): Error: 10053Removing zoneserver from ip: port:0 (localhost:8783)
Hold Zones mode is ON - rebooting lost zone
Client disconnected
Removing client from ip: port:2264
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:0 (localhost:8780)
Hold Zones mode is ON - rebooting lost zone
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:2261 (localhost:8784)
Hold Zones mode is ON - rebooting lost zone TCPConnection::SendData(): send(): Errorcode: 10053
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:2258 (localhost:3234)
Hold Zones mode is ON - rebooting lost zone TCPConnection::SendData(): send(): Errorcode: 10053 TCPConnection::RecvData(): Error: 10053
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:0 (localhost:8782)
Hold Zones mode is ON - rebooting lost zone
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:0 (localhost:7774)
Hold Zones mode is ON - rebooting lost zone
Setting World to MiniLogin Server type
Connected to LoginServer:
1764750 New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #8
1764782 New TCP connection:
1764782 New TCP connection:
1764782 New TCP connection:
1764782 New TCP connection:
1764782 New TCP connection:
1764782 New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #9
New zoneserver: #10
New zoneserver: #11
New zoneserver: #12
New zoneserver: #13
New zoneserver: #14
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:8780
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:8783
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:8782
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:3234
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:7774
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:8781
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:8784

Marratook 10-26-2004 06:47 PM

Check out this thread


resnovich 10-27-2004 01:16 AM

Check to see if you have the maps downloaded and in your /eqemu/maps/ folder.

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