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Sarepean 10-24-2004 11:09 PM

Quest Problem
Hey! I'm having some trouble with a Perl command in a quest file. This is for the Oracle of K'arnon. I've made an NPC called "The Fabled Ancient Cyclops" and I'm trying to make the Oracle spawn him in the sub_EVENT: Here's the code.

if($text=~/Hail/i){quest::say("Hail! You are brave coming out onto this island. Is there something I can [help with]?");}
if($text=~/help with/i){
quest::me("The guard nearby reaches for his sword, ready to kill you should you try for the Oracle Robe.");
quest::say("Who sent you, $name?");}
if($text=~/Hasten Bootstrutter/i){quest::say("Oh, well that is a different story, then. You must be here about the [Fabled Ring]. I saw it in my vision.");}
if($text=~/Fabled Ring/i){quest::say("You are here for the Fabled Ring of the Ancients... hmm... I'm going to need a [Ring of the Ancients] and 200 Platinum.");}
if($text=~/Ring of the Ancients/i){quest::say("There is one that walks the sands that carries this band on his hands. You should know where to find him by now.");}
if($itemcount{12268} == 1 && $platinum == 200)
quest::say("I have called to another plane and the creature you seek is just across the ocean.");

Pretty simple and definitely cheesy. Heres my error:


Unknown Perl Function used:
Unknown Perl Function used:
Unknown Perl Function used:

If I put quest::spawn at the bottom, everything works except spawn. Did I forget to put something into the database or what???


Cisyouc 10-25-2004 07:09 AM

Ugh!! Suggestion, space out your code its alot easier to read and debug!!


  quest::say("Hail! You are brave coming out onto this island. Is there something I can [help with]?");

  if($text=~/help with/i)
  quest::me("The guard nearby reaches for his sword, ready to kill you should you try for the Oracle Robe.");
  quest::say("Who sent you, $name?");

  if($text=~/Hasten Bootstrutter/i)
  quest::say("Oh, well that is a different story, then. You must be here about the [Fabled Ring]. I saw it in my vision.");

  if($text=~/Fabled Ring/i)
  quest::say("You are here for the Fabled Ring of the Ancients... hmm... I'm going to need a [Ring of the Ancients] and 200 Platinum.");

  if($text=~/Ring of the Ancients/i)
  quest::say("There is one that walks the sands that carries this band on his hands. You should know where to find him by now.");

  if($itemcount{12268} == 1 && $platinum == 200)
  quest::say("I have called to another plane and the creature you seek is just across the ocean.");

Sarepean 10-25-2004 11:54 AM

Sorry about that. I'll try to remember next time. I was tired after about 12 hours of frustration trying to get that to work and just didn't even think about spacing it out.

So is that the "fixed" code?


ajb20 10-25-2004 01:03 PM



if($itemcount{12268} == 1 && $platinum == 200)
quest::say("I have called to another plane and the creature you seek is just across the ocean.");

  if($itemcount{12268} == 1 && $platinum == 200)
  quest::say("I have called to another plane and the creature you seek is just across the ocean.");

Unless it was fixed there is a bug with quest::spawn(); that stops every command in the same block that is inserted AFTER the spawn command, so try to put the spawn command last.

Sarepean 10-26-2004 10:08 AM

Well, originally, it was spawn(x,x,x,x,x,x) last, but when the spawn command did nothing at all, I moved it to the top thinking that it would allow me to see where the stuff was bugging out at (also why there's a summonitem in there). See, everytime I do a turn in, I lose a ring of the ancients and 200pp. I have tons of platinum, but the summonitem(12268) *ring of the ancients* saved me some time--- unfortunately, the code stopped at spawn each time, but doesn't spawn anything!!!

Yes, I've tried other NPC ID's. =( I just can't get this code to work.


m0oni9 10-27-2004 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by ajb20
Unless it was fixed there is a bug with quest::spawn(); that stops every command in the same block that is inserted AFTER the spawn command, so try to put the spawn command last.

Last I heard, fathernitwit merged in a fix.

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