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-   -   AA level requirements? (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=22217)

Aerewen 12-29-2006 01:39 PM

AA level requirements?
Ok i'm doing some major aa database work because a lot of the prerequisite values are wrong. and thus people cannot train their aa's properly...

Where on earth does it get the level requirements from? :shock:

I've gone through every table in the database that deals with aa's and i cant find any entries that tell the game what level is required for each skill... im really hoping im just missing something and it's not hard coded :p

John Adams 12-29-2006 06:41 PM

Fancy that, I was just looking at some AA stuff today :)

Check out table: altadv_vars, there are 2 columns in this table - prereq_skill, prereq_minpoints. I believe those are the 2 values that check what previous AA's are required (and how many points per) before you can spend any on the current AA.

I think you're asking about character level - like some AAs were not available if you weren't level 63+, etc, right? That, I do not see in a table. It would lead me to believe the Emu does not have that requirement, but I could be wrong.

(I just did a quick pass over AA.cpp, and I do not see anywhere that character level is being compared, but that does not mean it is not cleverly disguised as something glaringly obvious - have yourself a look see).

Aerewen 12-29-2006 08:23 PM

yeah i took a peek and didnt see anything, but if you open your aa's and look at the ones on the general and pop tabs you will see there are some with lvl 51 and 55 required... i checked those specific id's in the database and cant find anything that seems like it would specify the level

John Adams 12-30-2006 05:42 PM

I think the text comes from somewhere other than the database. Do this, make a new level 51 toon, try and gain a level 55 AA. See what happens. I am almost sure you'll be able to train the AA, as long as you qualify for it by AA prereqs (not level).

Edit: Check out your eq client dir, files: eqstr_en.txt, and dbstr_us.txt. I'm looking now for where those level values come from. Note the ID column in eqstr_en.txt matches the title_sid and desc_sid in the altadv_vars table. I'm almost ready to start a Wiki on AA schema anyway. ;)

Edit2: Here's a log of a test purchasing Spell Casting Mastery (a level 55 AA) at level 54:

[Sat Dec 30 23:31:57 2006] You say, '#level 54'
[Sat Dec 30 23:31:57 2006] Welcome to level 54!
[Sat Dec 30 23:31:57 2006] You LOST 4 levels! You are now level 54!
[Sat Dec 30 23:32:10 2006] [AA__IN] TestPlayer: Received OP_AAAction
[Sat Dec 30 23:32:10 2006] [AA__IN] [AA__IN] TestPlayer: [OpCode OP_AAAction (0x0681) Size=16]
[Sat Dec 30 23:32:10 2006] [AA__IN] 0000: 03 00 00 00 53 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ....S...........
[Sat Dec 30 23:32:10 2006] [AA__MESSAGE] TestPlayer: Starting to buy AA 83
[Sat Dec 30 23:32:10 2006] [AA__MESSAGE] TestPlayer: Set AA 83 to level 1
[Sat Dec 30 23:32:10 2006] You have gained the ability "Spell Casting Mastery" at a cost of 2 ability points.

I can purchase the AA, which is pretty much what I expected. And I cannot find the level requirement anywhere yet... odd.

KLS 12-30-2006 08:38 PM

I was actually writing something out for AAs as I stumbled across this
This assumes the AA has no actual prereq skill:

If you want a generic AA (level 51):

set prereq_skill: 0 and set class_type: 51

if you want an archtype skill (level 55):

set prereq_skill: 4294967295 and set class_type: 55

if you want a class skill or beyond:

set prereq_skill: 4294967294 and set class_type 59/61/whatever level req

John Adams 12-31-2006 05:32 AM

Gotcha. In our current db, class_type = 0 always, so there doesn't appear to be any level restrictions (likely because the system is still in development).

Also, do you happen to know what the "4294967295" is, besides 16-bits, all on? :D I mean, what does it map to? I understand using the bits for classes, we're seeing this # all over AA tables. Thanks.

And Happy New Year to all. :)

KLS 12-31-2006 08:43 AM

It doesn't really map to anything, it's just an arbitrary value that means different things in different places in the AA values.

Aerewen 01-03-2007 05:21 AM

that number requires 12 points in the archtype tab before allowing the aa to be bought.

to set it, enter that number as the pre_req_skill and set prereq_minpoints to 0 (zero)

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