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Shin Noir 02-15-2018 08:01 AM

Xegony Editor
I think it's time I share updates about this tool I've been working on.


Xegony is an ambitious project, and one that won't be ready at full capacity any time soon. It combines preexisting projects I've worked on (shinshop, eqcleanup, discordeq, many others) and combines them into an all-in-one tool that can be utilized for many different purposes.

As the feature list notes on the github, it is planned to do a lot.

Note that while there are many features to the tool, you don't have to use them all. It will be possible to disable features to meet your needs. There's just perks to each and every one.

Why did I start a new tool when there's already great existing tools around? It was a self challenge primarily. I wanted to learn more about the inner workings of EQ, and adjust how certain areas work to better suit my server's needs and visions. I figured, why not release my efforts open source for others to check out at their leisure?

Why combine so many tools? There's perks to combining tools. Namely, I hit limitations on features of previous projects, where unless I had some other component or feature set beyond it's scope, it won't ever come to fruition. So, I started putting those ideas in Xegony.

When will it be launched? I don't really know. I figured it will be fun to share my updates as I do progression with it however, for others to give feedback if they so desire.


Shin Noir 02-15-2018 08:16 AM

My tool's http services is split between an API endpoint and Web endpoint. The API is auto-documented using swagger and postman to navigate the extensive API endpoints.

You can access them via:
postman and swagger

The challenge I've hit with the above is.. there's too many endpoints for swagger interactive!
To give context:
I'm up to 218 endpoints
Each endpoint consists of standard SCRUD with some times some bonus ones:

Later, I'll have to split up the generated endpoints to static serving, navigated documents for each scope group.. but now I use postman and curl until I put time into that.

Anyways, I just wanted to share this challenge I've hit, in case others may have feedback about it. And, to give insight about the effort i'm doing.

rhyotte 02-15-2018 11:23 AM

Nice! I will keep an eye on this!

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