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cothbot2 06-10-2010 04:20 PM

Last World
I wanted to raise awareness of the Last World server. I am not affiliated with the staff in any way. Just a player, but I am enjoying the server so much I felt the need to share. I think the staff and players spend so much time in game that they forget to advertise. :)

Anyway a bit about the server...

  • Starting Weapons, Bags, Heals, Buffs, and 200 Skills available in the Guild Lobby
  • #zone
  • Random Loot <--- Awesome
  • Boxer Friendly
  • Bots
  • Custom Quests
  • Solo-Friendly with groupable content in the end game.
  • Scripted Boss Encounters
  • Epic Items

Most importantly they have an intelligent/dedicated staff with a friendly/helpful playerbase. Stop by and check out this best kept secret.

If you need any help or have questions you can contact me, Bonkabonka in game.

supahsen 06-10-2010 05:33 PM

Gotta agree. I've played here since.. a while ago. It's alot of fun. Just needs some more population. Defiantly a whole lot to do.

Hit me up in game if your startin out or whatever.
-- Kaos

rathma01 06-12-2010 12:46 PM

Does this server still exist? I can't find it in the list.

Edit: Nevermind, I found it.

jabedoben 07-10-2010 12:42 AM

This server is a TON of fun. I recommend everyone looking for an excellent solo experience check it out. The community is great too. Everyone is nice and very helpful. The GMs are friendly and listen to what you have to say.

Check it out.

Shirodan 07-11-2010 07:01 PM

I have to agree. Played this server the other night. The random loot keeps me coming back for more. I'd like to see this server gets some more population.

jabedoben 07-13-2010 12:02 PM

What makes this server different is that it rewards you for exploring everywhere. You might find a super piece of high end gear from killing a Kobold in a low level zone. The rewards get much better as you get into more endgame stuff. But you can progress quite nicely by gearing you and your bots out from all of the different zones and gear that drop there.

CarlNimbus 07-13-2010 04:14 PM

I've been playing here for a little over a week and have to say I like it a lot. Rewards exploration, great custom mobs and quests and a friendly community.

Bellos 07-22-2010 09:28 PM

I disagree, the staff seem to be rude. I remember a GM saying Oh well thats life, when a mob ate 10 peoples 3.0 epic items the same day. When its more than one something is obviously wrong. The server is a bot fest, and just randomly looking for gear in each zone until you can get strong enough to solo the hard ass bosses.

There is barely any player base and the ones there arent very willing to help. Save a few people.

tbrownmn 08-16-2010 05:09 AM

Hmm, I found bellos' comments nearly impossible to believe. i've been playing on this server for a while now and i absolutely love it. the players are helpful.

GM eternal is almost always on. and he fixes any issues very quickly and with a positive attitude.

the world chat is lighthearted and fun.

people are more than willing to share their secrets with you to help you progress through the game.

you get to play the WHOLE game...like they said. loot tables are all mixed up so you have to go all over and see all the old school zones. which is one of the main reasons i started playing on EQemu in the first place. to check out all the stuff i missed in live and to relive some of the old moments....(Killing Kizdean Gix for revenge 10 years later =P)

as for the bots, they are constantly tweaking them to balance it out and make it more fun. why? because thats what the players asked for =)

im excited to be a part of where this server goes.

Bellos 08-22-2010 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by tbrownmn (Post 190752)
Hmm, I found bellos' comments nearly impossible to believe. i've been playing on this server for a while now and i absolutely love it. the players are helpful.

GM eternal is almost always on. and he fixes any issues very quickly and with a positive attitude.

the world chat is lighthearted and fun.

people are more than willing to share their secrets with you to help you progress through the game.

you get to play the WHOLE game...like they said. loot tables are all mixed up so you have to go all over and see all the old school zones. which is one of the main reasons i started playing on EQemu in the first place. to check out all the stuff i missed in live and to relive some of the old moments....(Killing Kizdean Gix for revenge 10 years later =P)

as for the bots, they are constantly tweaking them to balance it out and make it more fun. why? because thats what the players asked for =)

im excited to be a part of where this server goes.

I guess i just had bad luck then and people hated me cause i didnt box? I dunno lol, wasnt tryin to be rude, just honest

Djlandry 08-22-2010 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by tbrownmn (Post 190752)
Hmm, I found bellos' comments nearly impossible to believe. i've been playing on this server for a while now and i absolutely love it. the players are helpful.

GM eternal is almost always on. and he fixes any issues very quickly and with a positive attitude.

the world chat is lighthearted and fun.

people are more than willing to share their secrets with you to help you progress through the game.

you get to play the WHOLE game...like they said. loot tables are all mixed up so you have to go all over and see all the old school zones. which is one of the main reasons i started playing on EQemu in the first place. to check out all the stuff i missed in live and to relive some of the old moments....(Killing Kizdean Gix for revenge 10 years later =P)

as for the bots, they are constantly tweaking them to balance it out and make it more fun. why? because thats what the players asked for =)

im excited to be a part of where this server goes.

Yeah Well we have to remember that GM's are humans and they have their good days and bad days, I have certainly met some nice GM's, but even they have their days where they aren't in the mood to deal with problems ATM and can tend to be a little bit mean

Gallic 09-03-2010 09:38 AM

I gotta say after not playing this game for 5 years that this server was a blast. Helpful people (I have no idea what i'm doing, still), and the random loot is pretty fun. I still have no clue what the bots are about but I'm sure I'll learn more trolling the forums.

PS: If anyone has a good guide as to what in the world i should be doing ie: GM commands, bots, etc, please let me know!

jabedoben 06-17-2021 01:43 PM

I would give up a body part to have this server back.

lupisnoctum 06-17-2021 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by jabedoben (Post 266783)
I would give up a body part to have this server back.

Yeah, the posts had me all excited until I realized the thread was over a decade old. I've been jonseing to play but most all the servers seem to be chubfests lately. Sure, that's usually the standard but there were still a few playable servers.

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