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WingNutt 10-23-2020 09:36 PM

Heroic Characters and you...
LoL Well, catchy title huh? We have all seen the Heroic Characters that you can make on the official servers... but has anyone here figured out how to add that function to their servers? I am not seeing the option on my login screen, and I play a standalone offline server just fyi. But I wonder if it can be done... I know a script can be made to “make” a character a Heroic with all the armor spells etc etc probably just like they do for making a GM account... but I haven’t seen one.

Anyone else seen one around?

Uleat 10-24-2020 01:25 AM

That's a coded feature on newer clients than we support.

The only way to implement anything like that would be to script it, as you said.

(Unless you're really good at hacking the client's binary code ;) )

WingNutt 11-03-2020 11:47 PM

lol my hacking skills is limited to Bards Tale character hacks. thats it.

Uleat 11-04-2020 03:28 PM

Fast Hack'em or Ice?

WingNutt 11-05-2020 02:33 PM

Bards Tale, all 3 copies... hexadecimal ecitor hahaha Did it by hand... creaed a toon, saved, went and changed his $$.... searched for the difference in the code and then hit "FFFFFFFFFFFFF" till i figured out how long the field was hahaha Use to have the lines and spaces memorized for money and xp. :-) Those were the fun days rofl

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