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-   -   Tool: Migrate NPC's (ID, Spawn, Loot, etc). from Lucin DB to Current EQ (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=21262)

zephyr325 08-13-2006 07:17 AM

Tool: Migrate NPC's (ID, Spawn, Loot, etc). from Lucin DB to Current EQ
This is a tool I wrote that will allow you take just about everything about an NPC from the current PEQ (Lucin RC1) database and move it into the current EQ database. Basically, you give it an NPC number and it parse through the Lucin DB to get that NPC's:

- Core character information;
- Spells
- Spawning
- Loot
- Movement

The program will then create a file of insert statements that you can source into your existing eq database.

- This is a perl program; you need perl installed.
- You will need to source the current PEQ Lucin RC1 database into a separate database on your server; that is what this program will read.

Installing it:
- Make sure you

zephyr325 08-13-2006 09:37 AM

Hold off on this - I've had a couple of people point some things out; I'll patch and re-release.

Zengez 08-13-2006 11:01 AM

possibly a silly question but... does it work in reverse? (i.e. take mob info from eq DB and insert it into PEQ db?)

Angelox 08-13-2006 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Zengez
possibly a silly question but... does it work in reverse? (i.e. take mob info from eq DB and insert it into PEQ db?)

I don't see why not , just so long as the Databases you use , have all the updates to what ever version EQEMU he's using.

zephyr325 08-13-2006 02:45 PM

Found out my key problem is that the records you pull from the PEQ Lucin database sometimes steps on key fields in the exising Cavedude's database, so you can't just take one and move it over. I'm trying to work through how to do that key field adjustment in a systematic fashion.

mattmeck 08-13-2006 03:15 PM

moved to correct forum

Zengez 08-13-2006 03:40 PM

I just recently successfully added all the spawns from cavedude's database into PEQ's.... i took all teh differing id's multiplied all the unique id's by 1000 (except spawngroupid which i did 100 for lack of character space) and pulled them over, no overlaps, no problems sourced in perfect first try.

zephyr325 08-13-2006 03:47 PM

Sent you a couple of PM's about that - shoot me a note in email or I'm zephyr325@hotmail.com on msn chat.

zephyr325 08-14-2006 04:18 AM

I've put the tool back up at the link above. It is working fine.

The issue this script doesn't handle is sourcing records from PEQ to EQ (Cavedude) where there is a key field already in use. It assumes those records will work correctly based off of the id's that are in PEQ. It looks like a lot of the later zone's NPC's will work fine as there isn't a crosseover between those two. It can also be useful if you just want to pull specific items from one to the other format as there are a few slight differences in the npc_types table between the two databases.

I'm still going to work on a programmatic way to adjust the key field's ids, hopefully in a way that will allow future PEQ updates past lucin to come in cleanly. Its also going to handle some of the other differences (i.e., spell tables are different, etc.).

zephyr325 08-14-2006 05:38 AM

Updated to version 0.2.2 - insert statements now have the field id names in them, so you can pull from peq and insert into cavedude, or vice versa.

Still working on the changing key field id's.

sdabbs65 08-15-2006 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by zephyr325
Updated to version 0.2.2 - insert statements now have the field id names in them, so you can pull from peq and insert into cavedude, or vice versa.

Still working on the changing key field id's.

Don't know if you know or not but your passwords are in there.
it works great good job.

zephyr325 08-15-2006 12:39 AM

Hmmm...doesn't now, might have been out there for a second. I'll change then post in the future. =)

sdabbs65 08-16-2006 01:14 AM

char move
If it was possable to add a wildcard feature such as npc's 1 thu 10000 it would make it a lot easier,theres about 3k in npc's in my old database.

zephyr325 08-16-2006 02:00 AM

I'm working on that...

But in the interim, I wrote another script that will compare the differences between two databases (it looks at one field in one table in both of them) and prints out the differences. Pipe that to a file, then run a shell/batch script that will call this script for each of those numbers.

That comparison script is posted here:


GeorgeS 08-17-2006 01:41 PM

Thanks for writing this, as it's a tool we've been wanting!


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