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veramon 01-21-2022 06:39 AM

Changing spawn rates of rare mobs
Hi there, and I am sorry if this has been answered already, but I could not find a reply that could help me when searching.

So, I have a fresh install of Akkadius server running on linux. Everything works very fine, but I am interested in changing the spawn rate of all named/rare mobs. Lets use Amb. Dvinn in crushbone as an example.

I would like him to spawn much more often than he already does. This is easy to fix in mysql, but the issue comes when I want to do this for -all- rare/named npc. There are just so many of them, and going at it searching one by one will take ages.

Is there a way to find all named/rare mobs in the database? I haven't found any table in the database that identifies the npcs as rare/named.

jsr 01-22-2022 02:37 PM

I don't believe there's a reliable flag in the base peq database that will help you.

There are various ways to identify named mobs, for example you can scrape data from information websites using python or js.

I can also give you a list of Npc Ids, but it will include some false positives, and might not include all, but it should be 90%+ accurate up to kunark. PM me if you want.

Huppy 01-22-2022 04:14 PM

Depends on how picky one wants to be with all npc respawn timers. Running a simple query can take all npc's down to the standard "640" respawn time. (or less) (3600 = One hour)

UPDATE spawn2 SET respawntime = 640 WHERE respawntime > 640;
You can also set their chance of spawning to 100 %

UPDATE spawnentry SET chance = 100 WHERE chance < 100;
This would apply to ALL NPC's on the server. But there is also PH's to consider as well, they would be affected. Also, some unique spawns may be controlled by a quest script.

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