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Arex 01-10-2006 12:26 AM

0.6.4 DR1 bugs
* facial features go crazy when u zone.

* shaman pet cant to be summoned (it is because the last update on PEQ velious RC 1 compatibility with emu ahead, u said that we must delete pets table).

* disease and poison spells of high lvl shaman cant to be stacked..

* mana only get to 88% using command #mana, and generally meditating it neither get to 100%.

thx for u time =)

fathernitwit 01-10-2006 03:05 AM

more details needed.

what pet spells exactly, IDs?

What disease/poisons spells, exactly what they are doing, and how do you think they should work.

Compare your stats with what the server thinks you have with #showstats and #showbuffs... this generally explains the problem... the fix is another story. Post the differences.

Arex 01-10-2006 11:12 PM


what pet spells exactly, IDs?
i think that all pets are not working, because i also tried wizard pets and they neither are working...


What disease/poisons spells, exactly what they are doing, and how do you think they should work.
spells high lvl disease/poison of shaman, bloof of thule and breath of ulthar are not stacking. You should can use both spells on same mobs on same time, but they cant stack, u get a messagge saying that the one has been removed when u cast the other.

The problem with facial features is happening with a barbarian shaman, I get my hair out when i zone...all other facial features look to be ok, but my hair is not there when u zone. And i have tried to change it 1000 times, but when u zone, u get bald hair other time =/

Belfedia 01-11-2006 01:47 AM

On live all "Dot" spells can be stacked :)
On eqemu that not work. I think it was this error :)
Paladin's buff (With icon pink heart) don't stack with cleric's HP buff also :(

sesmar 01-11-2006 02:49 AM

For the pet problem make sure you have applied the new changes to your Database as the ChangeLog states


FatherNitwit: Removed some worthless fields.
FatherNitwit: Rewrote all the pet creation code to be based on npc_types
FatherNitwit: Completely changed the pets table.
You prolly want to run:
You must load up the SQL in Sql-Files/pets.sql
the new pets sql assumes NPC IDs 500-700 are free, so edit them as needed.
ALTER TABLE npc_types DROP fixedz;

If you have already applied these changes and are still experiencing issues then please give a more detailed description of the problem and copy any error messages output in the zone server.

HurtinuDaily 01-13-2006 04:49 AM

Hello All Excelent job on 6.4, it seems really stable, I played on it for 10 hours so far, The only bugs I have noticed so far is:

Still buffs do not have en effect once you have zoned. ie) hp buff works untl you zone and then it doesnt increase your hp's anymore. Is there code that checks for buffs and applies them to your characher when you zone? - just noticed as I was looking for a link that this should be fixxed in the Jan 13 release.

Also the spell Spirit Salve (ID=6874) has a range of 0 it should be 100. Not sure if this is a live spell.... but its in my spellbook with #scribespells.

I also still have the problem that no matter what 2 IP address's I log in from it sees it as the same account, when I have 2 toons from the same account in the same zone and 1 zones the other LD's. the only thing I figured out as a work around is to camp one, zone the other then log #1 back in and zone.
Pet update worked gr8

If anyone is wondering you can find pets.sql here: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.p...CVS/SQL-Files/

Edit: oh yea I forgot pets.sql has an error in it second line from the bottom

INSERT INTO pets (type,npcID,temp) VALUES('Burnout', 637, 1);
INSERT INTO npc_types (id,name,level,race,class,bodytype,hp,gender,textu re,size,hp_regen_rate,npc_spells_id,mindmg,maxdmg, npcspecialattks,walkspeed,runspeed) VALUES(637, 'Burnout', 50, , 1, 24, 1000, 2, 0, 6, 6, 164, 60, 87, 'Q', 6.66, 1.25);

It is missing a value for race(the spot with 2 , , together), this causes the script to crash. I just put a random number in thier for now so it would run through.

fathernitwit 01-13-2006 10:39 AM

I think I fixed the buff zoning problem last night. Check it. and FYI, the buffs are still applied server side, you just dont see the effects client side.

I disagree with the statement that all buffs stack on live. I know at least beneficial buffs are subject to the "the better spell overwrites the crappier one if they offer the same effect". I need some very accurate information (preferably with 3rd party proof) about how buff stacking should work, for beneficial and detrimental spells.

mikenune 01-13-2006 05:03 PM

What HurtinuDaily means by "On live all \"Dot\" spells can be stacked" is that DoT spells stack on EQLive. That means that, if you (as a Shammy) cast "Breath of Wunshi" (lvl 67 DoT) on a MOB and then cast "Breath of Ultor" (lvl 64 DoT), while the first one is still in effect, then both spells stay in effect, doing a combined damage of 383 damage/tick (at lvl 67).

This is the case for all DoT spells. In old versions of EQ, the most powerful DoT would replace the less powerful one. As of sometime before April 2004, all DoT type spell effect stack with each other instead of playing "There can be only one!"

Sarepean 01-13-2006 05:11 PM

Wait, no, that doesn't seem right. It seems that when I last played Live, all DoTs did stack, but they had to be cast in the correct order. For example, Clinging Darkness would stick with Dooming Darkness, but only when cast in order from highest to lowest--- so Dooming Darkness followed by Clinging Darkness. I'm fairly positive that's right... but, then again, I've had problems distinguishing features of Emu from Live before, so.. *chuckles*

Beneficial spells, however, do not all stack-- the most powerful one is the only one in a specific line or with a specific effect (most of the time) that will stick.

Belfedia 01-13-2006 10:29 PM

Now on EQ for DOT spell:

All DOT spells stack in any order (you can make engulfing darness + dooming darkness)

On old EQ, the best DOT take up by spell line.
If you cast level 60 dot poison on a mob, and you cast after a level 65 dot poison, only 65 spell work (the 60 is cancel and disappear).

For buff, It was more hard, and all spells can't stack
But we have one error on Eqemu, Paladin Hp/ac spell line don't stack with cleric Hp/ac buff.

fathernitwit 01-14-2006 03:20 AM

I have changed the buff stacking code to allow one DoT of each RESIST TYPE to stack (meaning one of: MR, FR, CR, PR, DR, and unresistable). This still seems strange to me since two DoTs which share some other non-damage component will not stack. But at the same time, it also seems strange to let all DoTs stack. I will think about this more.

as for the pally/cleric thing... are these the spell lines your talking about? (if not, link them):
because those spells have very specific rules to prevent them from stacking with eachother in the spell itself.

Belfedia 01-14-2006 09:33 AM

For the pally buff :
This line : http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/s...tml?spell=2584
With this cleric line :


fathernitwit 01-14-2006 12:03 PM

these buffs stack fine for me now.
Please try out the newest code and post any continuing issues in a new thread.

mikenune 01-14-2006 04:07 PM

Yeah, stacking DoTs of similar types (having three or four poison DoTs) onto a single MOB seems kinda weird.

The developers simply did it so that classes like Shammies and Necros would have an easier time finding groups.

johane 01-23-2006 09:46 AM

Unless it was changed (which is possible) the way dots stack on eqlive is that all dots that do NOT have a non-dot component stack OK. Dots with a non-dot component do not stack, but the highest level one overwrites the lower one, regardless of efficacy, so a higher level spell with the same stat being lowered and a lower dps may replace a nastier (necro) spell just because it's a higher level. (This is another reason for necros to hate druids).

However, if the same spell (with a non-dot componet) is cast on a mob by two (or more) players, then the dot components do stack. So 2 necros can "stack" dooming darkness, and the mob is snared as per 1 cast, but has a double dot. If however clinging darkness and dooming darkness are cast on a mob by the same player, dooming darkness will overwrite clinging darkness completely. If the two spells are cast by seperate players, only the higher one works, just as if it was only one player casting.

Since most poison dots are just dots with a nuke, there was an exception made so theyd stack like pure dots, as everyone was pissed off that poisons wouldnt stack!

Or I could be FOS these days, but it used to work like that.


Originally Posted by Belfedia
Now on EQ for DOT spell:

All DOT spells stack in any order (you can make engulfing darness + dooming darkness)

On old EQ, the best DOT take up by spell line.
If you cast level 60 dot poison on a mob, and you cast after a level 65 dot poison, only 65 spell work (the 60 is cancel and disappear).

For buff, It was more hard, and all spells can't stack
But we have one error on Eqemu, Paladin Hp/ac spell line don't stack with cleric Hp/ac buff.

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