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-   -   Why is the boat icy? (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42571)

strugglegenerator 08-18-2019 03:46 PM

Why is the boat icy?
I've summoned an NPC and made it #race 72 with #gender 0. This creates a Kunark era boat that actually has collisions, which is nice. However, if you stand on the boat, it will very slowly move your character, as if it's on ice. It does this to NPC's too. The character and the NPC's never fall off the boat, but this is definitely causing Players and NPC's to slip around as if they are on ice, but they are on a boat.

I'm guessing this was implemented to prevent players from falling through a moving boat. Does anyone know where I can disable this? The boats on my server are static and will never move (by design) so I don't need this icy surface on my boats.

Huppy 08-18-2019 04:14 PM

I'm not sure if this will have any effect on your issue or not, (as per changelog) I did notice that value is set to -1 by default in the database. I haven't tested anything to see if 4 = floating does anything special for boats.

== 7/10/2019 ==

Akkadius: Add #npcedit flymode [0 = ground, 1 = flying, 2 = levitate, 3 = water, 4 = floating]
Akkadius: Added "flymode" to npc_types database table

strugglegenerator 08-18-2019 05:07 PM

Thank you Huppy. I don't see any flymode column in my npc_types database table, so I must have an earlier revision of peq.

Something I find interesting is that if I zone out and come back in, the NPC that appeared to be sliding across the ship slowly on ice, is back in it's original location.

Players however, still maintain their icy movement position, even if I zone out on another character and zone back in.

The issue also appears to be framerate dependent. When I am in the actual Everquest game, NPC's slide around like on ice. If I use my other monitor and navigate to a website on my browser, the framerate drops by about half on my Everquest screen, and the NPC's no longer slide down the ship. If I re-focus my mouse back on Everquest, the NPC's begin to slide again. Extremely strange!

Here is a video I recorded of the issue:

Uleat 08-18-2019 07:39 PM

Definitely a client-side issue.

They never fixed boats after directx was updated to 9.0 and you're probably seeing artifacts between a dx8 boat and dx9 drivers.

strugglegenerator 08-19-2019 02:04 PM

Thanks for the info. I'll just ignore it for now and move my NPC's to the dock instead.

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