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rickjames1234 10-10-2005 02:46 AM

Daedet_Losaren.pl -- Holy Armor Buff
#Quest Name:Holy Armor Buff
#NPCs Involved:Daedit_Losaren
#Items Involved:10 gp
if ($text=~/hail/i){
quest::say("I will cast a holy buff on you for a donation to the mother of 10gp."); }

if ($gold == 10){
quest::say("Thanks You for Your Donation!");
quest::faction(43,25); }

#END of FILE Zone:qeynos ID:1586 -- Daedit_Losaren

* i don't have live atm and i could not find the right text, but the rest sould be fine, i think...if anyone knows what the correct text is let me know


noudess 08-26-2014 04:02 PM

This is closer.

I changed the spell reward in this one, but the old one posted here doesnt cast the spell and is missing his other quests.


    if ($text=~/Hail/i)
        quest::say("Welcome, Karacleri. I am Deadet Losaren, faithful priest of Karana. You appear to be in search of [guidance] or perhaps you are merely a [visitor to the temple of thunder] wishing the blessing of [holy armor]?");
        elsif ($text=~/visitor/)
        quest::say("Then feel free to look around and speak with the priests and paladins of Thunder.  May you find ways to serve the [Rainkeeper].");
        elsif ($text=~/Rainkeeper/)
        quest::say("Karana, the Rainkeeper, is the provider of the storms. If it were not for the storms of Karana, life would not flourish. All should pay tribute to the Rainkeeper.");
        elsif ($text=~/holy armor/)
        quest::say("Holy Armor? I offer the blessing of Holy Armor to members in good standing of the Knights of Thunder. I must charge ten gold for the service. These [components] are expensive these days! If you were willing to get me some, I could perhaps gift you with something much [better]!");
    elsif ($faction > 5)
        quest::say("While I admite your interest, you need to do more work for the Knights before we can entrust this to you.");
        elsif ($text=~/better/)
        quest::say("I have been playing around a bit with priestly magic.  I can share the secrets I have learned if you bring me those [components].");
        elsif ($text=~/guidance/)
        quest::say("So it is guidance you seek. You will begin on the bottom rung. There is much more to our temple than the bashing of foes. We will need you to [collect donations].");
        elsif ($text=~/donations/)
        quest::say("Then you are a new acolyte. Take this Chest of Faith into Qeynos and Qeynos Hills. Find me six residents willing to donate to the Temple of Thunder.  Combine these donations within the Chest of Faith and return it to me. Do so and I shall reward you with the spell 'Ward Undead.' Now go and spread the Word of Karana.");
        elsif ($text=~/components/)
        quest::say("Components are required for my daily tribute to the Rainkeeper. It is he whose power flows from my body. I require a faithful acolyte to [gather the required items].");
        elsif ($text=~/gather the required items/)
        quest::say("Very noble of you. Take this chest. I will require it to be filled with flame beetle eyes. Four normal beetles and four [Kerra Isle beetles].  Combine these items within the chest and return it to me. I shall reward you with the protection of Holy Armor.");
        elsif ($text=~/Kerra Isle beetles/)
        quest::say("Kerra Isle beetles are normally found in the vicinity of the Kerra catpeople. They can be found in Kerra Ridge, but a closer and perhaps safer location would be on the island between Antonica and Odus. The outcast catpeople of that island are far less dangerous.");

        if ($gold == 10)
                quest::say("This should help you remain safe.");

        if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 13395 => 1))
                # text made up
                quest::say("You did it!  Thank you, the Knights of Thunder can use these.  Take this and study it.  It should help you server the order.");
                quest::faction(183, 10);
                quest::faction(21, -10);
                quest::faction(257, 7);
                quest::faction(135, 7);

Kingly_Krab 08-26-2014 04:44 PM

With your script you aren't using /i on your string comparisons, meaning you must say "Rainkeeper" and can't say "RaINKeeper", "rainkeeper", or any other variation. Here's my version of this quest:

    if ($faction <= 5) {
        if ($text=~/Hail/i) {
            plugin::Whisper("Welcome, Karacleri. I am Deadet Losaren, faithful priest of Karana. You appear to be in search of " . quest::saylink("guidance", 1) . " or perhaps you are merely a " . quest::saylink("visitor to the temple of thunder", 1) . " wishing the blessing of " . quest::saylink("holy armor", 1) . "?");
        elsif ($text=~/Visitor To The Temple Of Thunder/i) {
            plugin::Whisper("Then feel free to look around and speak with the priests and paladins of Thunder. May you find ways to serve the " . quest::saylink("Rainkeeper", 1) . ".");
        elsif ($text=~/Rainkeeper/i) {
            plugin::Whisper("Karana, the Rainkeeper, is the provider of the storms. If it were not for the storms of Karana, life would not flourish. All should pay tribute to the Rainkeeper.");
        elsif ($text=~/Holy Armor/i) {
            plugin::Whisper("Holy Armor? I offer the blessing of Holy Armor to members in good standing of the Knights of Thunder. I must charge ten gold for the service. These " . quest::saylink("components", 1) . " are expensive these days! If you were willing to get me some, I could perhaps gift you with something much " . quest::saylink("better", 1) . "!");
        elsif ($text=~/Better/i) {
            plugin::Whisper("I have been playing around a bit with priestly magic. I can share the secrets I have learned if you bring me those " . quest::saylink("components", 1) . ".");
        elsif ($text=~/Guidance/i) {
            plugin::Whisper("So it is guidance you seek. You will begin on the bottom rung. There is much more to our temple than the bashing of foes. We will need you to " . quest::saylink("collect donations", 1) . ".");
        elsif ($text=~/Donations/i) {
            plugin::Whisper("Then you are a new acolyte. Take this Chest of Faith into Qeynos and Qeynos Hills. Find me six residents willing to donate to the Temple of Thunder.  Combine these donations within the Chest of Faith and return it to me. Do so and I shall reward you with the spell 'Ward Undead.' Now go and spread the Word of Karana.");
        elsif ($text=~/Components/i) {
            plugin::Whisper("Components are required for my daily tribute to the Rainkeeper. It is he whose power flows from my body. I require a faithful acolyte to " . quest::saylink("gather the required items", 1) . ".");
        elsif ($text=~/Gather The Required Items/i) {
            plugin::Whisper("Very noble of you. Take this chest. I will require it to be filled with flame beetle eyes. Four normal beetles and four " . quest::saylink("Kerra Isle beetles", 1) . ".  Combine these items within the chest and return it to me. I shall reward you with the protection of Holy Armor.");
        elsif ($text=~/Kerra Isle Beetles/i) {
            plugin::Whisper("Kerra Isle beetles are normally found in the vicinity of the Kerra catpeople. They can be found in Kerra Ridge, but a closer and perhaps safer location would be on the island between Antonica and Odus. The outcast catpeople of that island are far less dangerous.");
    elsif ($faction > 5) {
        plugin::Whisper("While I admire your interest, you need to do more work for the Knights before we can entrust this to you.");

    my %factions = (183 => 10,
    21 => -10,
    257 => 7,
    135 => 7);
    if ($gold == 10) {
        plugin::Whisper("This should help you remain safe.");
        $npc->SpellFinished(11, $client);

    if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 13395 => 1)) {
        plugin::Whisper("You did it! Thank you, the Knights of Thunder can use these. Take this and study it. It should help you serve the order.");
        foreach $key (keys %factions) {
            quest::faction($key, $factions{$key});

joligario 08-26-2014 05:51 PM

You've got an error in your hash Krab. Besides, no point in using 7 lines when you can use 4.

Kingly_Krab 08-27-2014 03:52 AM

Sorry, fixed the issue with the ; on the end.

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