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dclarkpf 01-20-2018 07:58 PM

Can't Zone In
Hello, I'm setting up a new linux server runing centos 7. I've got everything running. I can see my server on the server selection screen, and I can create a character. When I try to log that character in, nothing happens. And then I get dumped back to the sever selection screen. Normally I would just look at the logs, and then go fix whatever was causing this to happen. But in my opinion the logs look fairly clean. Here's what zone prints out.

[Status] Booting cabeast (106:0)
[Status] Successfully loaded Zone Config.
[Status] Attempting to load Map File :: 'Maps/cabeast.map'
[Status] Loaded V2 Map File :: 'Maps/cabeast.map'
[Status] Path File Header: Version 2, PathNodes 314
[Status] Path File Maps/cabeast.path loaded.
[Status] Loading spawn conditions...
[Status] Loading static zone points...
[Status] Loading spawn groups...
[Status] Loading spawn2 points...
[Status] Loading player corpses...
[Status] Loading traps...
[Status] Loading adventure flavor text...
[Status] Loading ground spawns...
[Status] Loading Ground Spawns from DB...
[Status] Loading World Objects from DB...
[Status] Loading Objects from DB...
[Status] Flushing old respawn timers...
[Status] Loading doors for cabeast ...
[Status] Loading Doors from database...
[Status] Loading Alternate Advancement Data...
[Status] Loading Alternate Advancement Abilities...
[Status] Loaded 1567 Alternate Advancement Abilities
[Status] Loading Alternate Advancement Ability Ranks...
[Status] Loaded 6652 Alternate Advancement Ability Ranks
[Status] Loading Alternate Advancement Ability Rank Effects...
[Status] Loaded Alternate Advancement Ability Rank Effects
[Status] Loading Alternate Advancement Ability Rank Prereqs...
[Status] Loaded Alternate Advancement Ability Rank Prereqs
[Status] Processing Alternate Advancement Data...
[Status] Loaded Alternate Advancement Data
[Status] Loading Merchant Lists...
[Status] Loading Temporary Merchant Lists...
[Status] Loading timezone data...
[Status] Init Finished: ZoneID = 106, Time Offset = 0
[Normal] ---- Zone server cabeast, listening on port:7000 ----
[Status] Zone Bootup: cabeast (106: 0)
[Status] Starting File Log 'logs/cabeast_version_0_inst_id_0_port_7000_2256.log'
[Zone Server] Zone::StartShutdownTimer set to 60000
[Zone Server] Time Broadcast Packet: EQTime [10:51 pm]
[Status] Zone Shutdown: cabeast (106)
[Normal] Zone shutdown: going to sleep
[Quests] Destroying EQEmuIO=HASH(0x32d2ae8)
[Quests] Destroying EQEmuIO=HASH(0x32d31c0)
[Quests] Tying perl output to eqemu logs
[Quests] Creating EQEmuIO=HASH(0x48499d8)
[Quests] Creating EQEmuIO=HASH(0x484a0b0)
[Quests] Loading perlemb plugins.
[Quests] Subroutine CalcDestFromHeading redefined at ./plugins//path_tools.pl line 221.
[Quests] Subroutine RandomRange redefined at ./plugins//random_utils.pl line 3.
[Quests] Found = in conditional, should be == at ./plugins//rathunt.pl line 45.
[Quests] Found = in conditional, should be == at ./plugins//rathunt.pl line 53.
[Quests] Found = in conditional, should be == at ./plugins//rathunt.pl line 88.
[Quests] Found = in conditional, should be == at ./plugins//rathunt.pl line 96.
[Quests] Subroutine moelib_spawn_block redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 2.
[Quests] Subroutine moelib_spawn_block_center redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 23.
[Quests] Subroutine moelib_spawn_circle redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 45.
[Quests] Subroutine GetMaxLoSDistFromHeading redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 71.
[Quests] Subroutine FaceBestHeading redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 134.
[Quests] Subroutine HeadingToShortestLoS redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 204.
[Quests] Subroutine MoveAwayFromWall redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 268.
[Quests] Subroutine MoveToFirstBestZ redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 340.
[Quests] Subroutine SpawnZone redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 373.
[Quests] Subroutine MakeTempPet redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
[Quests] Subroutine MakeTempPet redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
[Quests] Subroutine GetSkill redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
[Quests] Subroutine SignalClient redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
[Quests] Subroutine MakeTempPet redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
[Quests] Subroutine MakeTempPet redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
CalcDestFromHeading redefined

Here's a copy of the zone log.

[01-20-2018 :: 18:43:09] [Zone Server] Time Broadcast Packet: EQTime [06:01 am]
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Status] Zone Shutdown: cabeast (106)
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Normal] Zone shutdown: going to sleep
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Destroying EQEmuIO=HASH(0x48499d8)
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Destroying EQEmuIO=HASH(0x484a0b0)
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Tying perl output to eqemu logs
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Creating EQEmuIO=HASH(0x36e4848)
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Creating EQEmuIO=HASH(0x36e4f20)
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Loading perlemb plugins.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine CalcDestFromHeading redefined at ./plugins//path_tools.pl line 221.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine RandomRange redefined at ./plugins//random_utils.pl line 3.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Found = in conditional, should be == at ./plugins//rathunt.pl line 45.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Found = in conditional, should be == at ./plugins//rathunt.pl line 53.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Found = in conditional, should be == at ./plugins//rathunt.pl line 88.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Found = in conditional, should be == at ./plugins//rathunt.pl line 96.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine moelib_spawn_block redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 2.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine moelib_spawn_block_center redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 23.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine moelib_spawn_circle redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 45.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine GetMaxLoSDistFromHeading redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 71.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine FaceBestHeading redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 134.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine HeadingToShortestLoS redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 204.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine MoveAwayFromWall redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 268.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine MoveToFirstBestZ redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 340.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine SpawnZone redefined at ./plugins//spawn_utils.pl line 373.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine MakeTempPet redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine MakeTempPet redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine GetSkill redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine SignalClient redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine MakeTempPet redefined at (eval 102) line 1.
[01-20-2018 :: 18:44:09] [Quests] Subroutine MakeTempPet redefined at (eval 102) line 1.

I see some quest errors there, but I don't think that is what is dumping me back to the server selection screen. Can anyone point me in in a direction to look, before I start hashing through zone.cpp? Thanks!


Kingly_Krab 01-20-2018 10:04 PM

Looks like your zone server isn't connecting properly. Try checking your port forwarding settings and if they seem correct, try restarting your server. Sometimes this happens to me and I can't log in to my own server because the ports are locked up for whatever reason.

dclarkpf 01-21-2018 02:18 AM

Thanks! Yeah, that what I would think as well. But, I've got my server on a lan with the pc I'm trying to log in with. Selinux is disabled as is firewalld. Normally I would just configure them, but as I said, this is on a private lan. I'm building it just for my family to play on.

You know, just as a double check I'll try telneting to the ports to make sure I can get to them. Thanks for the help.

I bet it's some kind of configuration issue between the client and the zone. It's like the client just never gets there.

dclarkpf 01-21-2018 03:50 AM

I'm wondering if someone can spot check me.

"server" : {
"database" : {
"db" : "eqemu",
"host" : "",
"password" : "********",
"port" : "3306",
"username" : "eqemu"
"qsdatabase" : {
"db" : "eqemu",
"host" : "",
"password" : "********",
"port" : "3306",
"username" : "eqemu"
"world" : {
"http" : {
"enabled" : "false",
"mimefile" : "mime.types",
"port" : "9080"
"key" : "somebigassrandomkey",
"loginserver" : {
"account" : "",
"host" : "",
"password" : "",
"port" : "5998"
"longname" : "Rage of Fate",
"shortname" : "RoF",
"tcp" : {
"ip" : "",
"port" : "9000",
"telnet" : "disable"
"zones" : {
"defaultstatus" : "10",
"ports" : {
"high" : "7100",
"low" : "7001"

Hmm.. I'm launching stuff via..


./shared_memory >davelogs/shared_memory.out 2>davelogs/shared_memory.err
nohup ./loginserver >davelogs/login.out 2>davelogs/login.err &
nohup ./world >davelogs/world.out 2>davelogs/world.err &
nohup ./zone >davelogs/zone.out 2>davelogs/zone.err &

I think that order is correct, but I might be missing something. I know that there is a eqlaunch as well, but I think it's for launching static zones.

Here's a lsof of what's running and on what port. Relevant only to eqmu stuff.

loginserv 3234 root 11u IPv4 17300 0t0 TCP *:5998 (LISTEN)
loginserv 3234 root 12u IPv4 17301 0t0 UDP *:5998
loginserv 3234 root 13u IPv4 17302 0t0 UDP *:5999
loginserv 3234 root 14u IPv4 17961 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
world 3235 root 9u IPv4 34184 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
world 3235 root 14u IPv4 30012 0t0 TCP *:9000 (LISTEN)
world 3235 root 15u IPv4 30013 0t0 UDP *:9000
world 3235 root 16u IPv4 30014 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
world 3235 root 18u IPv4 30016 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
zone 3236 root 3u IPv4 24573 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
zone 3236 root 20u IPv4 17960 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
zone 3236 root 22u IPv4 22155 0t0 UDP *:7001

Hmm.. Well thanks for the help!

The_Beast 01-21-2018 04:03 AM

In your login.ini file:

unregistered_allowed = TRUE
reject_duplicate_servers = FALSE
trace = TRUE
world_trace = FALSE
dump_packets_in = FALSE
dump_packets_out = FALSE
listen_port = 5998
local_network = 192.168.1. LEAVE LAST DIGIT OUT (but keep the period)
auto_create_accounts = TRUE

Just to note: I had the same issue long time ago on my lan server and that is what fixed it after I read the
solution on these forums. (I run a 3-box lan setup). I just tested it and, same issue. But I guess it's not
guaranteed to be everyone's problem.

dclarkpf 01-21-2018 06:40 PM

Hey The_Beast. That was exactly the problem. I spent a couple days surfing around here trying to figure out exactly what it was, but you nailed it. Thanks a ton. I'm up and running!


The_Beast 01-21-2018 07:03 PM

Awesome. I've seen several in the past have the same issue, but there is the odd one with a different cause. Usually, if the server
boots up and runs smoothly and the client is a supported one, the issue is either in config files or port forwarding. I can't speak
for others routers, but I have no need to forward ports within my own LAN setup. I only have to do that when allowing outside,
(public) connections.

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