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-   -   Fedora 31 to Debian 10 Installation Issue (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42975)

whiteknight33 06-19-2020 12:29 PM

Fedora 31 to Debian 10 Installation Issue
Hey all. I ran the Linux installation script on Debian 10, and it's giving me some weird errors.

Note: This was a fully working EQEmu server on Fedora 31 that I am attempting to port over to Debian 10.

Namely, during the installation it says that it can't locate MySQL or MariaDB, but shows that Perl and everything else was found just fine. (I'm pretty sure that both MySQL and MariaDB are installed just fine, because I was able to connect to them with DBeaver and restore my database.)

When I go to run the actual server in the terminal, it keeps saying that the loginserver is down. Which, I'm getting confused by this, because I copied all of my .json files directly over from the old server.

I'm at work right now, and wanted to preemptively see if anyone has any idea what might be going on. I can paste the messages I'm getting after I get home.

whiteknight33 06-19-2020 08:05 PM

This is the code I'm getting:

-- Could NOT find MySQL (missing: MySQL_LIBRARY MySQL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find MariaDB (missing: MariaDB_LIBRARY MariaDB_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- **************************************************
-- * Library Detection *
-- **************************************************
-- * MariaDB: MISSING *
-- * Lua: FOUND *
-- * Perl: FOUND *
-- * libsodium: FOUND *
-- * OpenSSL: FOUND *
-- * mbedTLS: MISSING *
-- **************************************************
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/eqemu/server_source/Server/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
Building EQEmu Server code. This will take a while.make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.

whiteknight33 06-20-2020 04:45 AM

Okay, so I reinstalled Debian 10 and started over from scratch, going right for EQEmu as the first thing I installed.

This time, the server installed properly and found most of the things it needed. I can even get the server to launch with login, like before. Problem is, the .json files have been updated, and I can't get my server to appear in the server selection window now.

Below are my .json files as they appeared on Fedora 31, when they were working on an older release of EQEmu:


"server" : {
"chatserver" : {
"host" : "(public IP)",
"port" : "7778"
"database" : {
"db" : "peq",
"host" : "",
"password" : "(hidden password)",
"port" : "3306",
"username" : "eqemu"
"mailserver" : {
"host" : "(public IP)",
"port" : "7778"
"qsdatabase" : {
"db" : "peq",
"host" : "",
"password" : "(hidden password)",
"port" : "3306",
"username" : "eqemu"
"webinterface" : {
"port" : "9081"
"world" : {
"address" : "(public IP)",
"localaddress" : "",
"http" : {
"enabled" : "true",
"mimefile" : "mime.types",
"port" : "9080"
"key" : "3sdTns1nd1LuThaF3StX2tzb3ITS5Hx",
"loginserver1" : {
"account" : "",
"host" : "(public IP)",
"legacy" : "1",
"password" : "",
"port" : "5998"
"loginserver2" : {
"account" : "",
"host" : "",
"legacy" : "0",
"password" : "",
"port" : "5998"
"longname" : "Cloud Gray",
"shortname" : "cloud",
"tcp" : {
"ip" : "",
"port" : "9001"
"telnet" : {
"enabled" : "true",
"ip" : "",
"port" : "9000"
"zones" : {
"defaultstatus" : "0",
"ports" : {
"high" : "7400",
"low" : "7000"

"database": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306",
"db": "peq",
"user": "eqemu",
"password": "(hidden password)"
"general": {
"reject_duplicate_servers": false,
"auto_create_accounts": true,
"trace": true,
"world_trace": false,
"dump_packets_in": false,
"dump_packets_out": false,
"listen_port": 5998,
"web_api_port": 6000
"web_api": {
"enabled": false,
"port": 6000
"security": {
"mode": 14,
"unregistered_allowed": true,
"allow_password_login": true,
"allow_token_login": false
"Titanium": {
"port": 5998,
"opcodes": "login_opcodes.conf"
"SoD": {
"port": 5999,
"opcodes": "login_opcodes_sod.conf"
Now it might seem pretty self-explanatory to just add the categories that are new/missing in the newer default .json files (like pointing the opcodes to their new directories) and... I've tried that. I even tried editing the new .json files with all of my old information.

For some reason, I can't get my server to appear in the server selection screen now. So either Debian 10 has some kind of weird incompatibility (which it seems to run fine) or I'm botching something on my end with these .json files, I assume.

I'd really appreciate it if someone could get me going in the right direction here. I've tried changing between my public IP, internal IP, and localhost/ and no combination of IP addresses seems to make it appear. Thank you.

whiteknight33 06-21-2020 02:21 PM

Updated my eqemu_config.json:


"server": {
"zones": {
"defaultstatus": "0",
"ports": {
"low": "7000",
"high": "7400"
"qsdatabase": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306",
"username": "eqemu",
"password": "~password~hidden~",
"db": "peq"
"chatserver": {
"port": "7778",
"host": ""
"directories" : {
"opcodes" : "assets/opcodes/",
"patches" : "assets/patches/"
"files" : {
"mail_opcodes" : "assets/opcodes/mail_opcodes.conf",
"opcodes" : "assets/opcodes/opcodes.conf"
"mailserver": {
"host": "",
"port": "7778"
"webinterface": {
"port": "9081"
"world": {
"loginserver1": {
"account": "",
"password": "",
"legacy": "1",
"host": "~publicIP~hidden~",
"port": "5998"
"loginserver2": {
"port": "5998",
"account": "",
"password": "",
"host": ""
"tcp": {
"ip": "~publicIP~hidden~",
"port": "9001"
"telnet": {
"ip": "",
"port": "9000",
"enabled": "true"
"key": "3sdTns1nd1LuThaF3StX2tzb3ITS5Hx",
"http": {
"port": "9080",
"enabled": "true",
"mimefile": "mime.types"
"shortname": "cloud",
"longname": "Cloud Gray"
"database": {
"db": "peq",
"host": "",
"port": "3306",
"username": "eqemu",
"password": "~password~hidden~"
Updated my login.json:


"database": {
"host": "",
"port": "3306",
"db": "peq",
"user": "eqemu",
"password": "~password~hidden~"
"account": {
"auto_create_accounts": true
"worldservers": {
"unregistered_allowed": true,
"reject_duplicate_servers": false
"web_api": {
"enabled": false,
"port": 6000
"security": {
"mode": 14,
"allow_password_login": true,
"allow_token_login": true
"logging": {
"trace": false,
"world_trace": false,
"dump_packets_in": false,
"dump_packets_out": false
"client_configuration": {
"titanium_port": 5998,
"titanium_opcodes": "assets/opcodes/login_opcodes.conf",
"sod_port": 5999,
"sod_opcodes": "assets/opcodes/login_opcodes_sod.conf"
Still can't see any servers on the login screen. I'm at a total loss. All of my ports are being forwarded properly. (As I said, this server was running great on Fedora 31.) I rebooted the router even. I was also asked to show the results of ./world and ./loginserver, so here they are below:



root@debian:/home/eqemu/server# ./world
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading server configuration
[WorldServer] [Info] CURRENT_VERSION: [2.0]
[WorldServer] [Info] Added loginserver []:[5998]
[WorldServer] [Info] Added loginserver [~public~IP~hidden]:[5998]
[WorldServer] [Info] Connecting to MySQL [eqemu]@[]:[3306]
[WorldServer] [Info] Using database [peq] at []:[3306]
[WorldServer] [Info] Starting File Log [logs/world_5770.log]
[WorldServer] [Info] Checking Database Conversions
[Update] No script update necessary...
[Info] For EQEmu Server management utilities - run eqemu_server.pl
[Update] Database up to date...
[Update] Continuing bootup
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading variables
[WorldServer] [Info] Purging expired data buckets
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading zones
[WorldServer] [Info] Clearing groups
[WorldServer] [Info] Clearing raids
[WorldServer] [Info] Clearing inventory snapshots
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading items
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading skill caps
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading guilds
[WorldServer] [Info] Loaded default rule set [default]
[WorldServer] [Info] Initialized dynamic dictionary entries
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading EQ time of day
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading launcher list
[WorldServer] [Info] Deleted [0] stale player corpses from database
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading adventures
[WorldServer] [Info] Purging expired instances
[WorldServer] [Info] Loading char create info
[WorldServer] [Info] Console (TCP) listener started
[WorldServer] [Info] Server (TCP) listener started


root@debian:/home/eqemu/server# ./loginserver
[LoginServer] [Info] Config System Init
[LoginServer] [Info] MySQL Database Init
[LoginServer] [Info] Starting File Log [logs/login_5847.log]
[LoginServer] [Info] Server Manager Init
[LoginServer] [Info] Loginserver now listening on port [5998]
[LoginServer] [Info] Client Manager Init
[LoginServer] [Info] Server Started
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [Logging] IsTraceOn [false]
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [Logging] IsWorldTraceOn [false]
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [Logging] IsDumpInPacketsOn [false]
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [Logging] IsDumpOutPacketsOn [false]
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [Account] CanAutoCreateAccounts [true]
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [WorldServer] IsRejectingDuplicateServers [false]
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [WorldServer] IsUnregisteredAllowed [true]
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [Security] GetEncryptionMode [14]
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [Security] IsTokenLoginAllowed [true]
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [Security] IsPasswordLoginAllowed [true]
[LoginServer] [Info] [Config] [Security] IsUpdatingInsecurePasswords [true]
Does anyone have any idea of what is wrong with this server?

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