Thread: Newb Question
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Old 11-19-2004, 04:11 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 38

To my understanding, if you REALLY want the spawns and such, you need to just hang out in the high end zones IE:GoD/OoW and use a packet sniffer. For example, log into EQlive, go to um... Kod'Taz for instance, run a packet sniffer program, and leave your guy idle there for like.. days and stuff. The packetsniffer will look at tthe packets incoming/outgoing and log them to a file. Then you take the cumulative files and give them to the devs for them to sort out.

The more information collected = more for devs to work with = faster new DR (Dev Releases) and databases come out. Teamwork people =)

Problem with the velious+ expansions is something to do with the way SOE made the program send packets I think.

Also dont quote me on this, but you could also probably populate your own database by hand, of course it would be a long, arduous pain in the ass, but you could get EQAdmin, hook it up to your database, and start editing away. Say for instance, visit, look at a certain mob (lets just say Queen Pyrilonis) for example, print out the info, then go to the database and create a NEW mob and fill it out with queen pyrilonis' info. Would really only be useful for server owners tho.
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