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Old 04-22-2006, 05:25 AM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 78

It's not going to look like Access, you can probably use Access to edit your database and tables if you like. I'm just used to doing more db design type stuff, where having the database view is more easy for me to do stuff with.

It's possible that one of the problems that you're having is one of the problems that I was having... my password for the eq user (inside MySQL) was not set the same as what the 3.5 installer set it for by default (user: eq - password: eq). I changed that in the database and it worked fine.

That being said, the connection error could be that you're entering the wrong password for root. Or it's possible that you need the odbc driver (I always forget that I have it installed).

If you want to use Access, it's not that different and you should be able to view the data in the tables easier than with MySQLCC
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