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Old 07-18-2006, 01:43 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049
Default Nadox instant respawn solution

Here's an effective solution to my "instant respawn" dilemma in the LoY zone, Nadox;

# Captain_Krakskull's instant respawn on a sanctum sentinel death - list favors another sanctum sentinel
# 88% of the time
# note: the only random number that means anything, is the last one; 227097
# Angelox

 my $a = quest::ChooseRandom(227031,227031,227031,227031,227035,227035,227035,227097);
 my $x = $npc->GetX();
 my $y = $npc->GetY();
 my $z = $npc->GetZ(); 
 my $h = $npc->GetHeading();
 if ($a =~ /227097/)
  quest::say("Surprise! Time to die, fool!");
  quest::say("Lord Nadox will avenge me!");

# EOF zone: nadox
The quest::say text added in there does not follow live ( I can't remember what the original was) - they are there to verify the script is working.
This script can be renamed and fixed for all the "spawn on death" mobs in Nadox which are many.
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