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Old 08-19-2006, 01:38 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 356

Originally Posted by TheDanishElf
I tried using these quests, but my Everquest client crashed when I turned in an Ethereal Parchment.

Any ideas as of why that happened...?

It would be really great to get this to work....then I don't have to manually randomize the quest when players want to turn in parchments....*hehe*
I'm curious, when you crashed, were you accessing it from your local lan?

When I did my testing, I did it from a remote location and never had a crash. Today, I did it from my local lan and I am able to duplicate your problem. It crashes as soon as the emote comes back when they give the spell. So, I shortened that text as well and it appears to be ok. (I wish we could EDIT our Posts so I could put this on the 1st post)

There must be a limit to the amount of text you can say at one time. When I had the problem with it doing it on hail, I even seperated the text with multiple quest::say 's but it still wiped out the client, so I just removed a lot of it and made them all generic.

Anyway, get the files that were uploaded as of today, the 19th of August 06 and let me know if they work for you now.
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